Words of Wisdom

What Is a Funk All About?

What's Funk About

After years, maybe decades, of using one of the most insidious and addictive drugs on the planet, your brain has re-wired to work with regular infusions of the drug to make you happy, sad, perk you up and slow you down. So because your body could get all of that by just putting you into a second or two of withdrawal, it stops producing it’s own natural hormones that would normally help regulate those functions and then you lose the physical ability to really deal with normal problems without the drug. Your brain and body are in that condition right now.

What The Funk?

Once you stop using the drug, your brain goes through periods when it re-wires again to work without the drug. These are what we call “Funks“.  Your body’s ability to produce those hormones and use them effectively, has been suppressed and now must ramp up production and provide pathways to distribute them through the body and brain. That is what you are now experiencing. There several very very well documented funks that you will go through and the 30 Day mark is one of the worst. The good news is that once you get through them, the next one is easier and while they are all horrible, just know that you are one huge step closer to beating this bitch to the ground and keeping her there. She never goes away and that’s why we post every day but she does get a lot weaker and eventually allows you to go days and sometimes weeks without thinking about it. As long as you DON’T CAVE, you will NEVER have to go through this again in your life.

The fact is that nicotine is an honest to God poison. It’s the plant’s natural insecticide (nerve agent) to keep insects away and tobacco is the only plant on earth that produces it. It’s the only natural source of the drug and the plant has nearly no natural predators. Nothing with a real brain and nervous system eats it or uses it except for humans. When taken in relatively small doses compared to what an insect would get, the drug works as an anti-depressant, a stimulant and a depressant all in one. It is the only drug on earth that works in all of those ways and why so many people use it. They are self medicating for a variety of reasons and when they stop, the reasons for self medicating are still there and can seem to be amplified for a while.

You are doing what you need to do to get through this funk. Post up here and do a lot of reading around the site. You will find that everyone goes through this and that’s why we are here.

We got your back.

NOTE: This piece written by KillTheCan.org forum member Tabasco

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