What Is The Best Alternative To Copenhagen?
I get this question a lot! There are a TON of great smokeless alternatives (fake dip) out there that contain NO TOBACCO and NO NICOTINE. Copenhagen, sadly, is a tough one for me to provide a great recommendation for. I think this is probably because Copenhagen has a really unique flavor to it and it’s so engrained into everyone’s brain that finding an alternative that’s spot on is difficult. But believe me… that’s not for lack of trying on the alternative manufacturers’ part.
Below is my standard answer for when folks ask for a sub for Copenhagen. I was a Kodiak Wintergreen guy so take my recommendations with a grain of salt. Check these out as a starting point:
Fully Loaded Classic (Pouches or Long Cut)
Hooch (Classic or Spitfire)
Triumph Classic (Nicotine Free Version)
There are also a couple of coffee based products that I’ve heard some Cope users enjoy. Personally I didn’t see the similarity to Cope but again I was a Kodiak guy:
Go Coffee Energy
Cowboy Coffee Chew
And finally, if you’re looking for a pouch product:
Grinds Coffee Pouches
Would love to hear from some other former Cope users out there. What is YOUR favorite Copenhagen alternative? Comment below!
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I once as a young guy was told that Copenhagen was flavored with cow blood. I have tried almost all the crappy imitation fake chews and I often wonder if the people who developed the natural ( Copenhagen flavored) even chew or more precisely ever once tasted Cope. I think I may be headed out later to blood a dang steer. Then into the laboratory.
Quit over 3 years and was a cope guy for over 30 years. I don’t get it why anyone would want to find an alternative. Forget the spit and enjoy freedom!
Because like u I chewed cope for over 30 yrs and enjoyed the overall experience.. especially drivin down the highway. So far nothing has been worth the effort.
This is country redneck boy from Tik-Tok
Welcome! Let us know how we can help!
As strange as it may sound, I kicked a 30+ year Cope habit with the help of Altoids (cinnamon) and Fisherman’s Friends Cough Drops. I quit, first time, cold turkey and it wasn’t easy – but these two items really helped me get through those first couple of weeks. I know it may not help for everyone, but if you’re looking for solutions, it might not hurt to try. Most importantly, DON’T GIVE UP. Keep at it…and use this site as a crutch to lean on.
Not strange at all! I’ve heard of a SLEW of people that have used Altoids – gives them that ‘burn’!
Bacc-off Energized Straight has a Cope taste, in my opinion.
Good call! Went back to look at my review of BaccOff Energized Straight… here’s what I had to say:
“BaccOff Energized Straight – Good to end on a high note! This one isn’t as sweet as the pouches which is a very good thing. It’s moister than the straight which is good, and seeing as the Wintergreen Energized was the moistest of the bunch, I suppose it makes sense. This is by far the best of the bunch when it comes to the straights. Kept this one in for a nice long time with little flavor degradation. A good chew. Can contained 1.2 oz of product.”