Frequently Asked Questions

Why Is The Hall of Fame 100 Days?

Why Is The Hall of Fame 100 Days?Have you ever wondered by we strive for 100 days as our “Hall of Fame”? Why did we choose 100? Is there something special about it?

Why Is The Hall of Fame 100 Days?

Hondo341 asks:

General question here. I am not sure why 100 days was chosen for making the Hall of Fame. I am sure there is probably a good reason for it. Does anyone know for sure? Just a curious newbie.

Chewie’s response:

It’s a nice round number. That’s really all there is to it.

Are you “cured” at 100 days? Not by a long shot. But by that point you’ve got all of the tools and resources available to you that you can make it for the long haul.

365 would probably be a more “appropriate” HOF number, but when you are just starting out after years (decades) of being a dipper, an entire year is just too daunting. 100 days is roughly 3 months. That’s manageable.

That being said, QuitinCA said it best: “The end of each day without nicotine is my daily hall of fame.” That’s the way you have to tackle this addiction. Day by day. Those +1s will add more and before you know, 100, 365 and even a comma will be in your past and you’ll be on your way to freedom.


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5 years ago

I’m on day 34. It feels worse then day 1. My head is foggy. And cant concentrate on things. Waiting for this to pass and getting discouraged. Been reading different things on these blogs. How do I get to a group

5 years ago

29 days ?

5 years ago

I remember when I started out on the site….there were guys with these “huge” numbers posting in my group. I sat there thinking as I posted my measly 1 digit promise, that I sure wish I could get to double digits. Then how cool it would be to hit 20’s, then man, I can get to 50….holy cow…I might actually make it to 100. It was hope, and when you are desperate to accomplish something you’ve tried 1000 times and failed, hope is about one of the most important ingredients in your initial quit. It’s where you set your eyes. It’s a goal….tangible goal. It’s not forever…it’s just around the corner. It can be done. Aside from the accountability, I’d say, hope is what is conveyed by every member; from those that will post in your group, to those words of wisdom pages, even the “get to know me” pages. Everyone has a story, and every story is full of hope. You hit a hundred days, and your hope tank is full…but unfortunately, sometimes that hope tank and the lessons it took to get it full get lost and turn into arrogance. That’s when some drop off and try to do it on their own. “I got this.” Maybe. The things that got you there, are the same things that will keep you on there. “Dance with the one that brung you” is an old idiom I just love. If it worked for day 1 and day 76, it will also work for day 1889, which is where I am today. I’ll never forget day 100. It was as important a day as when I graduated college. A day I felt I was a man of integrity. I gave my word and kept it. Every damn day.

Bryan Griffin
7 years ago

I believe 100 days is a good number. However I have come to believe that HOF has became way to emphasized. I am only at 439 but I have saw numerous people hit 100, think they were cured and then cave. It happens every month. I feel lucky because I had already given up an addiction to alcohol 22 years ago but know I am still an alcoholic for life. Therefore, I already knew that after 31 years of dipping that it would be foolish to consider myself cured after 100 days.

Leighton Krahn
Leighton Krahn
9 years ago

I did see a statistic years ago that those who make 100 days are __% more likely to stay quit long term or for a lifetime. Do you remember seeing that stat?

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