Words of Wisdom

Why Roll and WUPP Is So Important

Why Roll and WUPP Is So Important

You never know when you’re going to find a piece of quit BRILLIANCE as you scroll through our Discord server. Nick-Otine Free (April 2021) dropped this little nugget.

Roll and WUPP – Why?

We all struggle that’s why roll and WUPP is so important, the best advice you can gather here is ,

1) Every day for the rest of your life get on roll early and often 2 seconds every morning is a easy buffer compared the depths of cancer

2) worry only about today as it is really all we have to push through. Second by second if that’s what it takes.

3) 1 problem + Nicotine= 2 very bad problems

4) know matter how long you are quit we are all 1 bad day away from a day 1 post

5) there is no silver bullet or cure. We are addicts and will always be addicts

6) walls can be built but they fall without mortar, phone numbers are your quit walls mortar. A phone call or text keeps the nic bitch in Chex the more numbers the stronger the quitter.

7) Drink all the KTC kool-aid don’t come in here and argue about what clearly works for thousands, read-listen-and learn how to be a quitter.

8) The best way through the suck is drinking LOTZzz of water, exercises that elevates the heart rate, magnesium and Aswaghanda vitamins before bed, kefer probiotics for GI issues, patience, fake dipSmokey mountain, Black Buffalo and Teaza pouch’s are most common/ or something for fixation gum/jolly ranchers / tic tacs/ wintergreen lifesavers / sunflower seeds / flavored toothpicks etc . (Funniest one I heard of was a sour pickle he jammed in his lip lol)

9) Distraction early on and when feeling stagnant are important for your quit. The ⁠wildcard-general section is a great way to do that while making your quit stronger or ⁠getting-my-act-together if your looking to improve your life in other areas of quit.

10) Alcohol is the number 1 reason people come up with as a EXCUSE as to why they caved ! Lay off the sauce the first 6 months until you can clearly handle such a trigger loaded. Join ⁠Alcohol Slow Down but remember your nicotine quit is first and foremost.

11) Start your own ⁠quitter-introductions and blog your experience to look back on. Very helpful

NOTE: This piece written by Kill The Can community member nick-Otine Free

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