Quitter MeetsYour Quit

Why We Meet – The KillTheCan.org Brotherhood

I wanted to share something with you that I recently ran across on the quit forums.  We talk all the time about how our site is built on accountability.  I’m often asked how we’re different than other groups out there and what makes us “better”.  I’ve talked about that in this post and here as well.  The bottom line is that it all comes back to accountability.

Quitter get togethers or quit meets are yet another tool in the toolbelt of the successful quitter.  It’s one more way for you to gain accountability with your fellow quitters.  I’ve said it time and time again… I don’t care how different we are, once we start talking about our quit we’ve got a TON in common.

Forum member Radman put this into words perfectly the other day.  It was so profound that I wanted to take the opportunity to share it.  Thanks Rad!

QUOTE (Radman @ Jan 21, 2013, 12:45 pm)
Total sidetrack to the meet-up conversation:

I enjoy meeting new people, so I dig quitter meets. With that said, I have some friends that thought I was nuts for going to Savannah last year when I told them why we were going. To hang out, eat, and fellowship with a bunch of folks we’d never met seemed insane to them. But, there is another reason we do it. That reason has just hit me again this morning. Haven’t had a real “crave” in a long time. Really, can’t even remember when. This morning broke that chain. Sitting here at my desk, kinda zoned out for a couple minutes and for some reason had strong, fond recollections of Golden Blend. I mean damn….. I could almost taste it. REALLY…. WTH??

Anyway…. wanna know the first thought to pop into my head? “Shit…. Savannah meet is 2 weeks!! How could I face that bunch? I couldn’t. No way, I’d have to cancel the whole trip! No, I can’t…. ” That was closely followed by my HOF group and the promise I made this morning. Then I snapped back to reality. The whole thought process took less than a minute, but it did what it’s supposed to. Just kinda struck a chord with me that you folks hit my brain even before my HOF group. Meets are yet another valuable tool in our arsenal, and a valuable one.

Accountability works, and I thank you all for adding another layer. See y’all at Scowick’s place.

EDIT: Yes, I know 2 of you are in my HOF group. Thanks x 2 to Luke and Bait.

In case you were wondering, here’s some pics of the Savannah Meet he was referring to in his post.

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