Words of Wisdom

Word of Advice….REMEMBER – Remember What It Feels Like

Lucy Advice - Word of Advice.... Remember What It Feels Like

Some of you are out of the funk. Some are entering. Some are in the low-down, dirty fuckin middle of the battle.

Remember What It Feels Like

Word of advice….REMEMBER. Remember what it feels like. Remember how low and desperate you feel, how it takes every fiber of your core to stay clean for a single day. Remember, how on those days posting roll is the most liberating yet confining thing you do in a day.

This is the first of many funks you’ll go through. Each funk will be separated by the passing of more time. Each generally less intense than those before. In time, it will subside completely.

The first 100 days are critical in the quitting process. By 100 you should have developed some healthy habits to replace the negative. Hopefully, you’ve tackled the oral fixation and are well on your way to conquering it. This was a very difficult thing for LOOT to grasp. If you have not addressed your oral fixation, you need to think about a strategy to handle it. It may go away on it’s own, it may need a nudge….but you WILL address it.

Anyway, back to the funk. These are the times when your quit is the most vulnerable. Protect it at all costs. Most funks happen around Days 80, 125, 250, 400, 700. That’s pretty close to LOOT’s schedule. It has been over 1200 days since LOOTs last event. Mule told LOOT he had a funk close to 1000.

1200 days of simply posting roll and commiserating with newbs is a great place to be. Think about it.

This post is not meant to discourage. You’ve been told to worry about TODAY only. That is beautiful advice. However, forgetting yesterday is a recipe for death. LOOT just wants to put a few things on your radar. You should know there are bumps in the road without being told. Forewarned is foreskined. Be steady. Stay the course. There are so many beautiful days ahead of you. Keep your nose down and trudge through the hard times. They will galvanize your quit.

Remember these times. Remember where you’ve been.

Never again, for any reason.

NOTE: This piece written byĀ KillTheCan.org forumĀ memberĀ loot

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