Your Quit

Your Quit At KillTheCanQuitting chewing tobacco can be a scary thing. You never know how your body is going to handle losing the nicotine that it’s become so used to receiving on a regular basis. Once you quit, you WILL begin see changes — some people have terrible withdrawal symptoms and others don’t have so many problems. This section of the site is here to inform you on what you MAY encounter early in your quit.

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Bradley Watson
Bradley Watson
2 years ago

In my 9th week after 30 years of Skoal Wintergreen longcut, then pouches and pouches and nicotine gum for the last 12 years! So thankful for the site and thankful to read everyone’s posts and the HOF stuff. It has meant everything to keeping me in the quit. Still dealing with cravings and the anxiety in the 6th and 7th week was damn near crippling mentally and other stuff the same as what people have posted about, but feeling better every day! Thank you again to everyone for posting at this site! Stay strong and Kill the Can!

James Jordan
James Jordan
4 years ago

Dipped for 7 years, 4 of those was a can to a can and a half a day. During that time I tried to quit cold turkey so many times but by day 3 I always failed. So I decided to dip less and less until I got to a dip a week. As great and as easy as that may seem its not. Ive been “quitting” for 3 years and I cannot seem to shake it. Even though I’m a “weekend dipper” I still feel like shit. Im moody and constantly depressed/stressed, my teeth and gums still irritate me, exercise sucks, and even my sex life is hit. I am on day 4 since my last caw and I know I’m gonna start fighting the urges here soon. Maybe seeing the shit you Cold Turkeys are going through will help me to resist whenever the withdrawal hits. Any one here successfully quit overtime?

4 years ago
Reply to  James Jordan

James, I highly recommend you join a group. You would be with October by your quit date. Come on in and join your fellow quitters. We post roll every morning with our promise to quit then we also have text groups that people in your quit group have to help you stay even more accountable. Start a thread over there and just watch the help show up. You need to quit cold turkey and don’t look back. You keep feeding that crap back into yourself every weekend then try and go cold turkey all week. No wonder you feel like crap you are constantly jonesing. Take it from me, I am a 30 year addict who is 125 days nicotine free. Its not easy but your already on the road to recovering mon-fri then cave on the weekend. This is not doing your physical health or your mental health any good. Make the decision and you won’t regret it. So whats it going to be? Keep abusing yourself on weekends to feel like crap all week or finally fight thru it all and stay clean. Its your choice to make but I will keep looking for your name in the October group.

Quit 3/5/2020
Promise Kept!!

Stephen A
Stephen A
4 years ago

It’s day four definitely the hardest day, in terms of irritability. Does any one else feel pins and needles?The habits are hard. Like I would always chew after I ate. or just chilling pop a chew. that when the cravings come. Good news is I can smell alot better.

4 years ago

I found something special for you’s an experiment that done by a srilankan team of doctors and it’s the seeds of bitter-grouds.that’s a best natural treatment to stop cansers.i’m eating that now.

Vaibhav jagdale
Vaibhav jagdale
4 years ago

Day 164+

Vaibhav jagdale
Vaibhav jagdale
4 years ago

It’s sun ,16 Feb ,06:42 am right now at the time of post

5 years ago

Considering it is the most poisonous and addictive stuff on the Planet, Robs you blind, jack’s up your mouth and teeth, rut gut, spit all over the place, accidentally drink from your spittoon while driving. Yea It is fair to say I am very irritated and will probably murder someone.

End of day 5. Iam using a book called you can quit Tobacco by Vance Ferrell. Check it out I have used it before but not strictly. Every time I tried doing whatever ended in failure and the thing that always gets me is not any cravings but like nicotine melt downs like I can’t be out in public to do anything ha this dude is freaking out. Any way one thing in the book it talks about the discovery of Vitamin C on pulling nicotine out of your system and man it wrks.

5 years ago
Reply to  Jasper

Hang in there, it will get better. Quit cold turkey 319 days ago after chewing for 32 years. I had a lot of bad days early on, but feeling great now. Stay busy, exercise, and drink lots of water. You got this. I did not try vitamin C, but Wellbutrin helped with the anxiety. I should have talked to my doctor early in my quit. Would have saved two trips to the ER for nothing but anxiety.

5 years ago
Reply to  WV_Quitter

Thanks WV. Sounds like your on it, a nice blessing for you. Started with Days Pay Plug, thick gooey like tobacco fudge. Sorry about the ER trips. Never had any anxiety attacks but probably all the other bizarre stuff. The Vitamin C has been the key for me each time, and this time I really followed the book on it, first 3 days. I am taking 1-3 1000mg of Vit C every 15 min from wake up to near bed time. Rips the Nicotine out your body so you can turn the corner on cravings within a few days much sooner. Then the rest of the stuff. End of day six yahoo.

5 years ago
Reply to  jasper

Yahoo PTL on the end of day 17, though I don’t like to keep track of the days all the time and its 90 days detoxed from Alc also and another yahoo. A new reality on the senses detoxing from Nicotine, still feel like I am staring in a new twilight zone movie for real. The best part is a revival on spiritual senses.

5 years ago
Reply to  jasper

The irritations are still there big time, like it is not safe to be out in public, people do and say some very stupid stuff when they don’t know your detoxing from nicotine and ready to strangle them for what ever they are doing, saying or noise they are making. The blood sugar is still jacked but getting better and the blood pressure steady but high. Got a new glucose meter today but went on a feeding frenzy so I know its high. Yikes

4 years ago
Reply to  jasper

End of 26 yahoo.

Steve Shade
Steve Shade
5 years ago

I dipped Skoal Longcut Wintergreen for 29 years. Tried many times to quit but on October 8th 2016 during Hurricane Matthew I needed a can of dip and didn’t want to go out in the middle of the hurricane to buy one… and plus everything was closed down here in Myrtle Beach. So I thought what better day to quit and I would never forget the day as well due to Matthew. Three days later I thought I was dying and I had to call 911. I rode in the back of an ambulance to the hospital and after seeing the doctor was relived to know I wasn’t dying but it had been a panic attack triggered by quitting cold turkey. Good to say I have been clean and never gone back for over three years now. I still have the cravings and sometimes they are so strong but I just have a black coffee and the cravings are gone. I can honestly say I will never pick up that nasty habit again! Now I just have to watch my coffee intake… LOL! But thanks to Kill the Can for helping me get through it.

6 years ago

Day 34 without a dip. I’m still getting some intense cravings at times. There is however a noticeable difference in how frequently they come on, and how long they usually last. In short, they don’t come on nearly as frequently like in the very beginning of the quit, and they normally don’t last anywhere near as long. Its all psychological from here out so more often than not, I can usually make most of the cravings a passing thought. So to everyone out there just starting their quit, hang in there, and stay the course.

6 years ago

Today is day one of quitting a 35 year habit.Fingers crossed.

6 years ago
Reply to  Steve

You’re going to want to die for the first few days. Try not to drive much as it’s very hard to concentrate. I’m on day 8 I was a 3 to 4 can a day chewer of grizzly green pouches for 10 years. You’ve got this my friend.

5 years ago
Reply to  Stephen

Most of the times Ive tried to quit I felt like I was on drugs like LSD, 10-4 on the driving too, very bizarre and had to abort were I was going. A very speedy feeling also. The irritability part is scary each time, just about anything sets me off. A wild man. Also hallucinations especially this time, out of the corner of my eyes, stuff moving around, little bugs etc. Good grief man.
Quit drinking abt 80 days ago easy, Chew 5 days along with caffeine sugar and bad carbs as the blood sugar is up and the blood pressure and need to loose 20lbs. Anyway it is a bitch.
That book I talked about has a good section on prayer etc. Which is the biggest part for me.

6 years ago

I can proudly say, today marks day 30 without dip after 6 years, a can a day, quitting on and off for a week here and there. This is the longest ive ever gone without breaking and I honestly believe the worst is behind me. The first week was hell, fidgeting with anxiety, stuffing my mouth with gum, sunflower seeds, or any other disappointing alternative. But I persisted, it is important to stay active the first few days, thats how I was able to distract myself. The ironic part is I would be going for a drive, feeling okay, and then a quit tobacco ad would come on over the radio and just fuel my cravings haha. Its been about 2 weeks now since Ive had a serious craving, and it feels like a huge monkey is getting off my shoulders. I no longer need to be chewing gum all the time, and I can drink alcohol again without worrying that I am going to break. I know I will never not want it again, but each day since that last dip makes it easier and easier. I am lucky I decided to quit before my story became another horror story on this site, instead Im sleeping better than ever, knowing im not just waiting to wake up one day with mouth cancer.

7 years ago

Day three no chew still a bit anxious but it comes and goes. Hoping it will start to reduce.

6 years ago
Reply to  Jason

I’m in day 2! Shit sucks man, wake up middle of the night craving it and anxious like crazy as well

7 years ago

A co-worker of mine pointed out this direction and he has been helping me tackle this addiction I’ve been dipping for about 8 years and now I’m 96 hours tobacco free and my wife gets happier and happier with each day! I’m gonna keep pushing through this!

8 years ago

Day one of my quit!! 15 years of chewing.

8 years ago

I hit 100 days yesterday. I never thought I would make it this far. Thank you to everyone on this board, you are all very inspirational.

8 years ago

Main thing I’m worried abt when quitting is me being aggressive towards my co workers or family.and thinking abt that I’m scared to quit and I need help.cause I wanna quit but I’m scared of my aggression

9 years ago

day 10 been a tough day but i remain quit and nic free for me my health my damn money 43 years of copenhagen probably 100,000 dollars ill never get back no more no gum no fake shit just gonna power through it

9 years ago

Alan, are you a part of the KTC forum? If not, I would suggest to get on there, find some people going through it all with you and just find someone who can hold you accountable and that you can hold accountable as well. In the mean time though, drink lots of water, excercise, chew gum, chew on straws, do whatever it takes.

Quit on Man! Quit on!

9 years ago

Day 7 of my quit 43 years of copenhagen probably could have paid cash for a house if i had all the money i wasted is anyone else have the feeling the face is draining the fog is crazy i feel lost will take any helpful advise guys im 57 i hope i have the strength for this im going to use my first grandchild as my motivation and the Love of a wonderful woman

9 years ago

First day of my quit today. I ordered 6 cans of Hooch wintergreen that should arrive in 3 to 5 days. I’m feeling thankful that a site like this even exists.

9 years ago

Just registered. I picked up a can of smokey mountain today and I want to know exactly how safe this stuff is. I know it is tobacco and nicotine free however I just want to make sure I’m not just doing a “safer” chew… but a 100% completely safe, no matter how much I do it I’m not causing any more damage than I’ve already done.

9 years ago

today is my very first day with no dip ,its day one for me and whew ,,this is no fun i feel like yelling ,,at everyone and im not going to do that ,, does this get better .

9 years ago
Reply to  ernie

Are you still off of it and how long til it got better. Im just starting my first day and the routine of one first thing in the morning being broken already has me wanting to hurt someone. I think ive been told about 36 days til the cravings go away… Which will make for one long month.

10 years ago

Hang in there, you have 7 days under your belt. Keep the fight going, it’s part of quitting, it’s very hard, but don’t give up. I know that you are fighting, in my opinion the hardest part of the quit right where you are at. It sucks! But, you are already too far into the fight to quit!

Post here and keep us updated on your quit…
Day 164

10 years ago

today has sucked….im currently completing day 7 and I hate everyone. I have a major attitude and anxiety problem going on today…its so random….some days I feel like im getting out of it and days like today make it feel like its only begun. I hate feeling like this and not being able to put up my family. I cant breathe and everything is miserable. hopefully tomorrow is way better.

10 years ago

Well, if I use nicotine gum to wean myself off I guess I’m not really nicotine free but I am on day 4 of being tobbacco free…does that count or is my official quit day not really started until I do 72 hrs with no nicotine of any kind? I know the gum prolongs the dependency on nicotine but it seems to help me from giving in to the urge. Day 4 has been super foggy for me and i’ve had just two pieces of the gum

10 years ago

Day 3….hopefully the last of the hardest days??

10 years ago
Reply to  Brendan

Not going to lie day 3 sucked ass, day 4 is better tomorrow will tell me how day 5 is

10 years ago

I’ve almost caved a couple times today…been chewing nicorette all day so not completely nicotine free but better than picking up the can again…waiting for the fake dip to come in the mail (can’t come soon enough). what scares me is that people who have quit for months still get the urge once in a while or even still everyday for some folks

10 years ago

How is day 2 going? I’m doing a little rough but so far not to shabby.

10 years ago

I’m starting Day 1 today as well…I’ve tried before though so I know it will not be easy. Good to have folks to share in the struggle of ditching the dip. So far its been hours of reading on this site that has gotten me through part of day

10 years ago

Day 1! Lets kick this shit, so far not to shabby but its only 6:45 am.

10 years ago

Aaron, I am about to start day 1. I feel ya. This is a long battle that we are entering. I am sick of lying to my wife. I want to be here for my son. I am tired of dying inside.

10 years ago

Day 2. I am going to make this stick because I really want to be done. Never knew how hard it would be, but reading up on what I was in for on this site has hit home. I do feel pretty crappy, have had a sore throat, headaches, etc already, but I am looking forward to stopping the lie to my wife, the waste of cash, and the can a day I have been sneaking for over 10 years. My newborn needs me around.

10 years ago

Day 1 of my QUIT! 22 years of chewing with a year quit about 15 years ago. Good to have this community to help with what I know will be the hard parts.

Jeremy Canha
Jeremy Canha
10 years ago

A big thank you to Jake’s Mint Chew. I’m on day 9 and his non Tobacco non nicotine organic chew helps a lot.

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