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Ask The ExpertsThe following questions and answers were pulled together from discussions on the Message Boards and Discord server.

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Justin a Dudley
Justin a Dudley
5 years ago

Hey man been diping for 3 years now just started seeing bumps on my cheeks u can’t see them but you can feel them as anyone else had this
And bumps on back of toung that stays for a long time the dr sead he did not see anything That worryed him but I’m still skerd has anyone ever had anything like this

7 years ago

How to deal with constipation? Im failing to digest food

7 years ago
Reply to  Sid

Day 16

I’m right there with you buddy.

This constipation has been killing me the past 4 days it hit me out of nowhere. I was able to get a bowl movement with coffee and dulcolax. Buuuuuttt, I do not recommend the Dulcolax unless you really want to go because the cramps and stomach pain that come with it are just as a bad if not worse than the constipation.

Right now Im trying coconut oil in green tea.
I’ll let you know how it goes.

7 years ago
Reply to  Sid

Most natural way too deal with this constipation is coconut water. Have two coconuts in afternoon. Your system will be functioning smooth in 12 hrs

9 years ago

I tried to quit two months ago, lasted 3 weeks. I tried to quit again 12 days ago. So far, so good. Far less side effects this time. But now, i am barely sleeping at all. I’ve heard this is normal. What are the reasons behind it? What can i do about this?

10 years ago

My husband chews red seal. Any suggestions on what flavor he should try? He’s not a mint or fruity-type fan. Thanks!

10 years ago

Have not had a dip in two months but have been using the 2mg nicotine mints intertwined w/ dip (mints at home, dip at work) for four years. Just bought a can of Hooch today to give it a try. Going to attempt to rid myself of the mints as well.

10 years ago

I did join thank you and I just threw out my can that was half full step one I think

10 years ago

And I am trying to quit what can I Do to help me stop

10 years ago

Hi I am I have been chewing since 8th grade I just graduated high school lately I have doing a can every two days can I get cancer if so how long and what can I do to stop

10 years ago

Which is the best tobacco free dip. I dip all red seal Copenhagen skoal long cut wentergreen. I tried smoky mt. Did not like it much. please help. 10th attempt. Thanks.

Gregory Evans
Gregory Evans
6 years ago
Reply to  Jon

Cold Turkey my man, you don’t need substitute dip. It’s all in your mind. your body doesn’t need it. In my experience the fake stuff leads right back to the real stuff. Trust me.

11 years ago

My husband is been a long time Chewer. However he is trying hard to quit. but i was wondering if he was to try the e cigarettes to help reduce the craving of no Nicotine. he has been useing the fake chew but he keeps going back becouse of stress at work. and the patches just dont seem to work for him

Carrie Collins
Carrie Collins
11 years ago

I hope you can answer this. My spouse chews. He DOES NOT brush his teeth, but he does use LISTERINE daily (which he thinks is just as good or better than brushing). I have over and over again “preached” to him about this and he won’t have anything to do with it. I am repulsed by this. I almost hate to kiss him. I really get squeamish when he wants to kiss passionately. (Sorry to get personal, but I have to in order to pose my question to you) Can you tell me, if he has any mouth sores, the beginnings of mouth cancer, or other mouth “disorders” can he pass those on to me? I am a faithful brusher and do not use any forms of tobacco. Thank you for your reply.

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