Smokeless Alternative Reviews provides unbiased reviews of smokeless alternative products available to help people with their oral fixation when quitting dip.  Got an alternative product you’d like us to review but you don’t see it on the list?  Contact us and we’ll get it take care of!

Alternatives V2

Please note that reviews and comments are those of the reviewer(s) and do not necessarily represent the opinion of Review or comment does not represent an endorsement.

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12 days ago

I use LongHorn pouches what is the best alt to start my recovery ..I am so ready

1 year ago

Looking for a SKOAL Like long cut wintergreen non tobacco replacement?? Any suggestions?

1 year ago

If you are a Kodiak guy, what is your best suggestion to try one of these.

1 year ago

I was wondering if you know which alternatives dont use salt in there ingredients? I have bad kidneys and dont want to risk the chance of a kidney stone using the product

Andy Andersen
Andy Andersen
2 years ago

I switched from dip to Swedish Snus a couple years ago because it was eaiser on my lip. The Swedes haave some decent fake products anyone can buy online. Here’s a couple links. I also really like Grinds.

2 years ago
Reply to  Andy Andersen

Grinds always seem to be really dried out to me.

2 years ago

Was on grizz wintergreen for 5 years then switched to zyn wintergreen for the past 3 years. Stopped the zyn only a little over a week ago and haven’t found a great non-tobacco/nicotine alternative. Anyone know of any that are similar to zyn? All the alternatives I’ve found are more similar to actual dip but I haven’t found any like zyn and actual dip has become unappealing to me now. Anyone know of any with similar taste/size to zyn?

2 years ago

Do you know of anything that taste close to redman golden?

Bill Windham
Bill Windham
2 years ago

I am working on quitting dipping Copenhagen Longcut. Currently trying Zyn coffee and looking at the herbal chews to quit nicotine totally but wonder which herbal taste the most similar. Any recommendations??

Last edited 2 years ago by Bill Windham
2 years ago

What’s the best way to quit Zyn? I used to pack straight dip and then moved to Zyn to quit but it’s still nicotine so if anything I’m having a harder time quitting now. Any suggestions? Thanks!

Shay Godboldt
Shay Godboldt
2 years ago

Closest thing to taste for grizzly wintergreen I’ve tried several with black buffalo being the most recent. It seems every wintergreen I get is more of a mint been trying to quit for years and can’t kick it.

3 years ago

I started dipping on an Iraq deployment in 2010. Stopped dipping in 2019. I was a daily all day long dipper. Kodiak and Kodiak mint where my fav but I always had 2 other cans from other companies and flavours. I had 4 different cans on me pretty much all the time. Military gave me a ton of pockets. Might as well use em……
I decided I had dipped long enough and just quit outright. Even tossed a few full cans out.
I have an oral fixation. I always had gum or a toothpick.Got a tongue bar in 97. (fun fact. Took it out but after 15 years I could with a little push and pop it went back in.) Where was I? Oh right. So in 2021 I caught myself thinking about dipping. NOPE. Not gonna happen ok what to do.. I tried a few of the above and found Fully Loaded was exactly what I was looking for. Same texture and REALLY close to the same taste. At least with the natural flavor. That one is almost identical. Try that first. I also really like their bourbon, mint and wintergreen. The other flavors were terrible. To me. Your spitage my vary.
Unfortunately they are pretty much just as expensive. Try their mixed pack first.

3 years ago

Used Camel Snus for a decade prolly a tin a day, when my child was born I quit, started to use Velo and Zyn. I recently found Teaza and have been using that, I enjoy the oral stimulation and dont miss the nicotine at all. My question is, is there any adverse effects to using these pouches, I understand some gum irritation but what about overall gum disease etc.

Thanks and great site

Arran Hamiton
Arran Hamiton
3 years ago

If you are looking for a good nicotine or nicotine free alternative try outlaw dip and the best alternative out there by far. The nicotine version is definitely on the high side so u have to pack smaller lips or u will get sick.

Cody Shay
Cody Shay
3 years ago

Hey I’m looking for an alternative for Skoal original fine cut can anyone point me to something close for taste? I quit cold turkey for about a month and I gave in and got a can again. Any information would help I have tried mints and that helped but still didn’t help.

Kevin Hill
Kevin Hill
3 years ago
Reply to  Cody Shay

I’d suggest giving the Bacc-Off products a try, specifically the Energized Fine Cut Wintergreen or the Extra Wintergreen Fine Cut.

Cody shay
Cody shay
3 years ago
Reply to  Kevin Hill

Thanks I appreciate it!

Michael Blackwell
Michael Blackwell
3 years ago

Hi friends I started dipping when I was 15 I dipped for 13 years 1 can a day of grizzly wintergreen long cut. I quite cold Turkey and been nicotine free for 8 months is it normal to still crave a dip ? I’m not missing the nic I miss the juice and the burning feel in my lip . I do not want to start back I have thought about some fake dip but I’m worried that will make me start back any suggestions ?

Michael Blackwell
Michael Blackwell
3 years ago
Reply to  Chewie

I use to chain dip as soon as I spit one out I was packing another one in . It’s been mostly at night before bed when I crave it , when I wake up it doesn’t cross my mind idk what the heck they put in the stuff but it’s like meth in a can “ never done meth just referring to something “

Michael Blackwell
Michael Blackwell
3 years ago
Reply to  Chewie

On on my year make of quit it’s defiantly easier and glad to be free

Michael Blackwell
Michael Blackwell
3 years ago

Date *

3 years ago

Hi Michael,
Congrats on 8 months of freedom from nicotine. I myself am working on 8 years of freedom…but we ALL we’re where you’re at at one time. A few answers, yes, absolutely normal to still miss the dip even 8 months past your quit. I will also say that for myself, I felt guilty for using fake dips. In my opinion, you never get free from that oral fixation. However, fake dips are a wonderful tool that I feel ALL dippers should try and feel absolutely no guilt for using. I caution, I do not support any tobacco free fake dip that includes nicotine. Some fake dips have nicotine in them…DO NOT use them or you will return to your old habit. I still today, tho very rarely, have a can of Smokey Mountain dip at my house. As mentioned, I don’t use it much anymore, but if I want a dip, I take one. I personally encourage all quitters to get acquainted with the NICOTINE FREE fake dips available, they absolutely help and are not addiction forming. You will eventually just not want them like the real stuff.
If you like them hot, I’d point you to the Hooch Spit Fire or one of my favorite fake Dips, Triumph. Triumph uses mint leafs for their fake dips. They have a cinnamon one that is hot. The classic flavor is great too. But again, only use their Zero version, as they have do make a Half and Full version that includes nicotine. Do not use them. Today, I only occasionally have a Smokey Mountain Mint ..but I will NEVER use that Skoal Wintergreen Long Cut shit ever again.
Goid Luck, congrats again on 8 months of freedom, stay quit!
7-15-14 (quit date)

Josh Jennings
Josh Jennings
4 years ago


4 years ago

Black Buffalo finally has a nicotine free option.

4 years ago

I have been a Copenhagen guy for about 25 year. Started with snuff. Went to Long Cut for the majority of the time and then most Extra Long Cut when it came out. I have finally decided to quite. I know my biggest obstacle in having a dip in my mouth not for the nicotine part, but having something in my mouth and spitting. So, to start I moved to Copenhagen Pouches for a month. Starting Wednesday I will switch Cope Pouches to Fully Loaded Bullseye.

Ron Steele
Ron Steele
5 years ago

I’ve been chewing for 45 years, I started with Beechnut and then moved on to long cut many years ago. A teacher MANY years ago caught me chewing in class and made me swallow it so I have swallowed the juice and the tobacco for a long time cuz it never made me sick, when I wake up in the morning it’s the first thing that I reach for and it’s in my mouth when I go to sleep at night. I’ve tried to quit a few times with products like baccoff & some other I don’t remember about 10 years ago but they tasted TERRIBLE and were a sticky glob of mess. I’m ready to really quit but I want something that taste halfway decent and something that is at least comparable to Copenhagen long cut. Does anyone have any ideas

4 years ago
Reply to  Ron Steele

Cold turkey first week is a bitz and I used grinds coffee pouches for that need to have something to spit

Ron Steele
Ron Steele
5 years ago

I’ve chewed for 45 years now, I started with beechnut and switched to several different brands of long cut but have chewed Copenhagen for several years now. MANY years ago a teacher in class caught me chewing & made me swallow it & it didn’t make me sick so I’ve been swallowing the juice and the tobacco for years now. When I wake up in the morning it’s the first thing I reach for and when I go to sleep at night it’s still in my mouth, I’ve tried to quit several times over the years with no luck, I tried a few different products about 10 years ago like bacc- off but they were sticky & tasted TERRIBLE. I would love to quit,I want to find some product that has a decent taste to it and isn’t a glob of sticky mess

Jacob Smith
Jacob Smith
5 years ago
Reply to  Ron Steele

Ron, I quit by leaving my can at home for the day. Instead a carried a 6mg nicotine replacement (Zynn). One I ran out of long cut at home, I only used the Zynn. I then went to a 3mg and eventually to gum and sugar free winter green mints. Everyone has a different way but this helped me slowly back off without losing all nicotine. I chewed for over 14 years. Hope this helps. Good luck Ron!


4 years ago
Reply to  Jacob Smith


I too recently quote and the ZYN 6 mg pouches are what saved the day. I replaced my Copenhagen with this. Once I was over the lack of tobacco, I focused on the nicotine and dropped down to the 3 mg pouches. Finally, I just stopped all together and was a much easier transition that i expected.


4 years ago
Reply to  Ryan

That’s great, “if” that’s what you do. I’ve tried both ways, except with Nicorette gum. I lasted only 6,months before I caved.
My opinion, there is no better way to quit than by going cold turkey. The pain you endure not only shows you how bad this chemical is on you physically and mentally…it serves as a reminder of how you never want to go through it again.
The only successful way is cold turkey, most of the time you’ll fail by using nicotine, to quit nicotine.

4 years ago
Reply to  JAYP


4 years ago
Reply to  Jacob Smith

Howdy, I was on Grizzly for a bit. Full leaf for a while before that. Cigarettes for about 10years before that. When I picked up longcut I didn’t really care much for any Other tobacco products anymore and I kicked cigarettes because of it. Long story short, Zyn 6mg got me off of all tobacco. Though I put 2 pouches in at a time. Anyway, my lip has started to crack a bit on the inside of my mouth since I started zyn. I don’t know how to describe it. Did you have anything similar?

4 years ago
Reply to  WelfareBear

WelfareBear, first off welcome to KTC. I have been quit so far 103 days after a 30 year addiction. I also had tried all the different ways and products to quit. I can say from experience that you should just go COLD TURKEY!!! If I can embrace the suck for that long and still embracing It then you can to. Just dump the junk, post on roll everyday, find your group that you can post with that matches your hall of fame month, bitch, complain, whine, cry or do whatever you need on this site as they will be here with you. All that crap is going to do is prolong your addiction. Stay strong, ask questions but get in a group, take it one day at a time and as we say I quit you today. Thank you to all who have and are helping me and God bless all you!

Gordon Robinson
Gordon Robinson
4 years ago
Reply to  Ron Steele

Idk if you’ve found a replacement, but Black Buffalo is truly amazing. Fine it a try. I can’t speak for the flavors, because everyone has different likes, but it IS the best non Tabacco on the Market. Hope it helps.

randy b.
randy b.
5 years ago

I just wonder like a lot of other things if the fake snuff may end up being worse….

5 years ago
Reply to  randy b.

I’m going to say no…when you compare the ingredients of what’s in the fake stuff (mostly all food grade ingredients) to what’s in smokeless tobacco….yeah, I’m going to say the fake stuff is
most certainly a healthier alternative.
If you’re talking about vape products tho….I am a little concerned with what studies will uncover 20-25 years from now. I feel again, the stuff in cigarettes is a lot more harmful, but the effects that water vapor has on the lungs, is still unknown and that’s what’s concerning.
But these fake dips, compared to smokeless tobacco, I little to no health issues with them…so long, they are of the No Nicotine variety.

Dan O
Dan O
5 years ago
Reply to  randy b.

Depending what you use, most are simple food products you find in your pantry, tea leaves, mint, peppers, all food products, especially the product you can swallow. The good news? I’m 5 yrs nic/tob free in come Feb & I have 5 uncracked cans of Hooch in my Man Cave, I NEVER get a craving anymore. I use Teaza at times simply because it tastes good. So the urge for fake stuff will diminish immensely over time. Until then, if you find a fake one you like, use it…….. My .02 worth…..

Dan O
Dan O
5 years ago

Got my hands on the new offering from Teaza, Mango/Habanero. As usual Teaza doesn’t disappoint. This stuff is really really good & it’s got some kick to it, the burn is most def there. For me, a little burn from peppers/habaneros helps replace the missing burn from the nic/tob we all want to stay away from. Give this a shot, you won’t be disappointed. There is no other pouch product on the market that is even in the same vicinity as Teaza.

6 years ago

Anyone chew skoal mint pouches ? What is the closest to help me quit

Bryan W
Bryan W
5 years ago
Reply to  Steve

I did shoal snus pouches and the closest thing I have come across has been the Smokey mountain pouches in blue can . Hope this helps!

5 years ago
Reply to  Steve

Black buffalo, made is Chicago is the best I’ve ever had. Has nicotine but no tobacco. Pouches are always out of stock but I guess they found a new factory to fix that.

David Boitos
David Boitos
4 years ago
Reply to  Matt

Just trading one nicotine habit for another. They still got you. I have asked them numerous times if they would bring out a non-nic version. They keep replying “Maybe someday soon” They are as bad as big tobacco, don’t let these companies fool you into thinking they care. It is all about hooking you in and the nic addiction insures you will buy their product. Too easy to go back to the real thing.

mouth burn
mouth burn
4 years ago
Reply to  Matt

I know, I know, black buffalo has nicotine which this website hates. It is a very good simulation as far as packing and mouth feel. I wonder about its other ingredients though, I get the impression that it burns my tongue more so than even real dip. In fact, I’ve never had my tongue feel fried after a minor dip session like BB does.

I wonder if they’re using cayenne or something else to simulate a “burn” sensation which is a bit over done. Or maybe the nicotine is so amped that it’s either really quick released versus tobacco, dumping it your mouth all at once. Any ideas?

5 years ago
Reply to  Steve

Wasn’t much of a pouch user when I used…but I used Zero Strength Triumph (no nicotine, that’s the goal, to stop using nicotine) when I started my quit. The mint was very close to Skoal mint…I can only assume their pouches are equally as good.
Just be sure to get the Zero Strength, non-nicotine version, or, you’re really only trading one nicotine habit for another.

6 years ago

Best option for Copenhagen long cut. No wintergreen it gives me heartburn. Really need to quit with the diabetes. Been doing it for 14 years.

John Smith
John Smith
5 years ago
Reply to  THG

anyone know of tobacoo free pouches that are not minty flavored? I currently use the Camel Snus Mellow and love the flavor, but want to quit again. I previously quit for 2.5 years, but started again due to life stressors. My last success was using nicotine gum in between Grinds pouches, then dropping the nicotine, and then eventually didn’t need anything. This time around though, the flavors difference between Camel Snus Mellow and the other options hasn’t been helpful.

Justin j
Justin j
6 years ago

Is there anything that tastes close to Copenhagen long cut

5 years ago
Reply to  Chewie

I have found the absolute best match to Copenhagen is the Black Buffalo. They did a really good job with this it feels very close and the taste is as close as you can come to cope.

5 years ago
Reply to  Don

But Black Buffalo contains nicotine, exactly what this website aims to eliminate. If you’re moving from cope to this junk, aren’t you “really” just trading one nicotine habit for another? Why not have a pipe, cigarette or cigar instead?
This site aims at finding alternatives WITHOUT the addictive chemical, nicotine.

David R Scofield
David R Scofield
5 years ago
Reply to  Justin j

Did you find something to replace copenhagen long cut

6 years ago

Hey everyone… I’m trying to find a tobacco free wintergreen pouches product that can be as close to Grizzly wintergreen pouches. Love grizz WG pouches & it’s all I would ever use…tried Triumph WG pouches over the weekend and was very disappointed. They just tasted awful and had no burn. I only dip when I do certain activities, so I doubt I need nicotine & could care less as long as it can taste like the real deal.

Please let me know if any of you gents have come across anything (Pouches only) that you are happy with!

6 years ago
Reply to  Latham

Latham, any luck on this? im in same position

6 years ago
Reply to  Latham

You might want to give Bacc-Off Wintergreen pouches or Hooch Wintergreen pouches a try. I like the Bacc-Off ones a bit better.

6 years ago

Here’s what’s REALLY crazy, anytime a flavor or blend pops up with a serious following all the sudden the company that makes it can’t keep it in stock as if every company for past 10 years I’m now counting can’t up production. I’m totally convinced that tobacco companies feed them cash because there’s no other explanation NONE. Past 9.5 years I’ve seen WITHOUT EXCEPTION AND I MEAN ZERO NONE a brand puts out something that’s awesome they get assloads of orders, not only can they not “keep it in stock” but slowly it just goes away. You don’t have to be a tin foil hat wearing conspiracy theorist to see what’s going on.

6 years ago
Reply to  Sam

Like Tough Guy Herbal – never in stock

Dan O
Dan O
6 years ago
Reply to  Kevin

They claim they’re making a new formula.

6 years ago
Reply to  Dan O

Six months and NO product back in stock. Keep saying it will be back out soon.

6 years ago

I’m looking for the best alternative for skoal straight. Currently have baccoff and it’s not doing it for me. I’m also searching for the best mint out there. Thanks

6 years ago
Reply to  Todd

Todd, I chewed Skoal Straight and have tried lots of the alternatives. Taste wise the closest would be Smokey Mountain Straight and the Bacc-off Straight pouches. I personally don’t like the feel of Smokey Mountain. And even though I never used pouches I don’t mind bacc-off’s pouches. Interestingly, enough my favorite replacement is Hooch Keylime rough cut. I’ve tried Tough Guy’s Wintergreen and Orange and really liked them, but they haven’t had any in stock for months. I was never a flavored tobacco guy, but those are my top recommendations. Hooch Cherry rough cut isn’t horrible either.

3 years ago
Reply to  Kevin

Black buffalo straight long cut is an exact match to skoal straight.

3 years ago
Reply to  James

Hey James, I will try Black Buffalo Straight long cut when and if they produce a nicotine free version.
I have tried their nic-free straight pouches and enjoy them.

6 years ago

Tough Guy has their herbal orange in stock. I’ve already ordered some. Will give a review after I receive it!

6 years ago
Reply to  Kevin

I’ve chewed a can of Tough Guy Orange and it is my favorite non-tobacco chew! Great mellow flavor. It is long lasting. Generates lots of spit. Feels great in the lip. Awesome metal lid, but make sure you get it back on tight. It is more on the fine cut side, but super moist. One warning: it is the first non-tobacco chew I feel like I could get addicted to!

6 years ago

Tough Guy has herbal Wintergreen in stock. They’re soliciting feedback on their herbal “cut” before getting the other flavors back into production. I ordered some cans. Will share my thoughts after receiving them.

6 years ago
Reply to  Kevin

So I received my Tough Guy Herbal Wintergreen and first off, I love the metal lid! You do have to make sure it’s back on tight. The lid said fine cut and I was super happy when I opened it and it was more a fat or long cut. Super moist with great flavor. Pinches awesome and it is not sticky like so many herbal chews. Feels like tobacco in the lip (Hooch does as well, but in my opinion Tough Guy beats Hooch in the flavor department). Stays packed in the lip, too. This is by far my favorite herbal chew and I don’t even like Wintergreen chew. I chewed Skoal and Grizzly Straight and Redman leaf. Their biggest issue is having any in stock. I would love to try the other herbal flavors, but all they produced was Wintergreen and it was a limited amount. Highest ratings for this product!

6 years ago

I just got my hands on two cans of Whitetail Wintergreen ( It is offered in similar strengths of nicotine such as (fully loaded, elicit, triumph, & tough guy). I quit dipping over 5 years ago, tried every fake on market and let me just say… WOW! IMO this is the closest “feel” to a long cut tobacco. Packs and spits well. This offering has a lot of burn (a little too much for me) and needs a bit more favoring. All in all… best I’ve tried “all-around”.

6 years ago
Reply to  NoCam

I recently tried Whitetail Wintergreen and didn’t care for it at all, but to be fair I never liked Wintergreen snuff either. I felt like it had a burn from the pepper; far too strong of a burn in my opinion, and once that wore off there was no taste whatsoever. Love the can, but it’s definitely not for me.

6 years ago

Big fan of black buffalo, I’ve tried both the mint and Wintergreen, has a little chocolatey notes to it but packs a punch! Waiting on those pouches! Big fan going on my 4th can

6 years ago

No nicotine free options, however. I contacted them about offering their products without nicotine and they said, “Maybe in the future, but right now we’re giving people what they want.” I explained there are many of us who don’t want nicotine!

6 years ago
Reply to  Kevin

I reached out as well… received the same feed back… & (as you) told them a lot of persons are looking for the nicotine free versions.

6 years ago

100% agree with this statement. I’ve tried everything and the only can that has helped me has been Black buffalo. Wintergreen and mint are the best. Straight is a little tame. But I would recommend this product.

5 years ago

I used to chew for a few years and started off with Copenhagen wintergreen. Loved it and had it as my EDD for probably 1.5years. I caught a flu bug and then I couldn’t stand the taste anymore. I moved to Copenhagen’s other flavors like Straight, Black and Whiskey blend. Really liked them but then tried Copenhagen Long cut and fell in love. It was great and loved that tobacco flavor. We then got Copenhagen mint in our area and had that a few times. I then was chewing over a can a day by this point and the cost around here was about $8 for Copenhagen so I decided I couldn’t do it anymore so I quit cold turkey. It was hard but I did it. I now have no problem with wanting a dip of tobacco but that oral fixation is a hard one to kick. For a few years now I occasionally would buy Oregon Mint snuff company pouches as there essentially a mint which I still use. However I’ve been searching for a good alternative to long cut dip that I can have without the guilt and risks. I tried many different kinds but just wasn’t happy with the taste or feel of them. I’ve been trying many different kinds here and there and kinda gave up on them.

There have been new kinds lately though that have nicotine in them and I’m not necessarily against nicotine as it’s not much different than caffeine addiction (which I don’t do coffee and rarely have soda). I saw something about Black Buffalo dip and decided to try it. All I can say is WOW. This stuff is the real deal! Tastes, packs, spits just like a real dip. It does have a pretty decent nicotine buzz though. I don’t dip it very often maybe a pinch every other day or so as it’s more for fun like chewing a piece of gum than a habit nowadays so I’m not hooked on the nicotine but Black Buffalo is the best I’ve tried as a dip alternative hands down. I ordered the 3 flavor sample pack. The Mint is my favorite for sure and reminds me of Copenhagen mint. I also think the Straight tastes just like Copenhagen straight also. I thought the Wintergreen was lacking in flavor but was decent. Again though wintergreen wasn’t my favorite anymore when I quit tobacco. Anyways this stuff rocks. I did buy log of the mint after going through the 3 cans.

6 years ago

Levi Garrett alternative? Looking for a loose leaf type substitute.

6 years ago
Reply to  Sunsetkid

The closest you’ll get is Long Ball Licorice. I used sunflower seeds when I quit Redman leaf.

6 years ago
Reply to  Sunsetkid

Long Ball Licorice is the only leaf substitute I’ve found. I used sunflower seeds when I quit Redman leaf.

6 years ago

Any tips on something similar to Grizzly Wintergreen?

6 years ago
Reply to  Mike

Hooch or Smokey Mt WG. Most fake brands have WG flavors.

6 years ago

FINALLY was able to order some Tough Guy Chew, they make an Herbal Tea/nic/tobacco free blend & have 4 flavors, WG, Cinnamon, Lemon, & Orange. The WG was OK & the Cinnamon was a little better than the WG, but not too impressed. But man, the Orange & Lemon flavors are OFF THE HOOK, AWESOME. The Orange tastes & smells like an orange peel, I love it. The lemon is very similar as far as it tastes like it smells. The price is pretty middle of the road, around $5 a can, S & H was free with a code. Here’s the issue, the product is rarely in stock, ever. The site keeps saying they are having equipment issues? Tough Guy teamed up with the Outlaw dude, the guy made famous from his You Tube channel. So the product is in high demand. But the lack of product is concerning. Hooch has been my favorite fake dip, TG is giving it a serious run for it’s $$$$$$

6 years ago
Reply to  DAN O

Not sure how you got it Dan O, but lucky you. I’ve still not been able to place an order. All “sold out” still. I’m a Hooch guy myself… it’s “that good”?

6 years ago
Reply to  NoCam

I follow the FB page & for a day they had it in stock. I dig me some Hooch, Key Lime is my favorite. but as far as pure flavor goes, TG hit a homerun. I guess if I had to nitpick the TG fake stuff, it gets a little float, with Hooch, none of course. Flavor wise though, TG is the real deal. As far as the “sold out” problem? I made a general statement saying this was not a good business model as far as being out of stock most of the time, didn’t go over too well. They claimed they would have the problem fixed by April 1st. Well, it’s the 15th, so I’m not sure what to believe. I know I’m babbling, but if it ever becomes available, it’s some good ass shit, I’d give it a shot for sure.

6 years ago
Reply to  DAN O

I forgot, there is a 5th flavor, Vanilla. It was the worst of the bunch.

6 years ago
Reply to  DAN O

Thanks Dan O… I emailed them as well and was told the same as you… “machines ordered ALL products would be available starting the 9th and would strive to NOT be “out of stock” going forward. Guess that is not the case. When it “does” become available, I’ll order the 6 pack since it’ll be worth the try.

6 years ago
Reply to  DAN O

I’ve given up… after my 3rd email I was told to keep an eye on FaceBook for inventory. That doesn’t make an sense to me if you have a website (which they do)… SMH. Oh well… still labeled as “Sold Out”. I am glad you did get a chance to try and post a review though.

James M Cook
James M Cook
6 years ago
Reply to  DAN O

Dan is the wintergreen for Hooch?

6 years ago
Reply to  DAN O

I hear ya NOCAM, ridiculous.

6 years ago
Reply to  DAN O

I was able to order a can of lemon today. They had it and their black tea in stock. The other 3 were sold out though.

6 years ago
Reply to  DAN O

Dan O… FINALLY got 2 cans of the cinnamon. Same review as you and a few additions. Really would like to see the tea leaves a little more moist, more flavor, and flavor lasted longer. I’m hoping to get my hands on the lemon and orange… per you, there is more flavor. I too am a Hooch guy, but TG is right there with Hooch. The only other issue i had is the can lid. You have to be careful to make sure it snaps on tightly. if not, it’ll blow up on a pack. First can every for herbal to have a tin top and plastic body similar Skoal and all others. If they can just keep stock up, they’ll be a hit in both the non-nicotine herbal and nicotine products.

6 years ago
Reply to  DAN O

An Apple product has me intrigued. Please keep me posted NO CAM.

FYI, for some reason I cannot respond to you on the Tough Guy thread we were talking on, so here is what I tried to write:

Yeah, the lid is an epic fail, definitely causes the product to dry out. Popped in a Lemon & Cinnamon over the last few days, both were pretty darn dry. No doubt due to a shit seal. That NEVER happens with Hooch.

My final verdict is:

The flavor goes slightly to TG, love the Orange.

For longevity in the lip & in the can, Hooch blows away TG, not even close. I’ve had cans of Hooch for close to a year & they still stand tall.

If I was told to pick one, I’d go Hooch. It is easily attainable.

My 2 favorites are TG Orange & Hooch Key Lime (regular, not RC, the RC has that nasty mint taste). Stay tuned…..

6 years ago
Reply to  DAN O

Something is acting funky NOCAM, the post below did work I guess.

6 years ago
Reply to  DAN O

James Cook, I dig the WG Hooch, still prefer the Keylime though. Sorry for the delayed response.

6 years ago

Has anyone tried black buffalo? Came across it online today, very few reviews but they all seemed to be good. They have mint, WG, straight, and peach is coming out soon, they also have pouches. Seems a bit pricey at 6 bucks a can with a 2 can minimum. Just trying to get some insight before I give it a try! Thanks!

6 years ago
Reply to  Jordon

Do they have a nicotine free option now? The last time I looked all they had was chew/snuff with nicotine.

6 years ago
Reply to  Kevin

I guess not. I just realized that they dont while looking on their website. I was just assuming they did. Sorry!

6 years ago
Reply to  Jordon

Nevermind on that last post, i dont see a nicotine free product on the website

6 years ago
Reply to  Jordon

I reached out to the guys at Black Buffalo to see if a Nicotine Free option is being considered… and I quote, “we have been asked by many persons such as yourself and its seems like a Nicotine version would be in high demand… we are in the process of looking into that option and you may see a Nicotine free product in the very near future”. Good sign to me… IF anyone does want to try it… start sending them emails for the Nic-Free option.

6 years ago
Reply to  NoCam

I have asked about a non-nicotine version as well. I told them there’s a big group who would love to try their product without the nic!

6 years ago
Reply to  Jordon

Hands down the BEST authentic alternative on the market same flavor,pack,pinch ability is Black buffalo.I got some wintergreen in the mail nothing compares.Ive tried fully loaded full nicotine,hooch,cowboy chew,smoky mountain,and whitetail nothing compares hope this helps and good luck

6 years ago

Chewie… searching through websites tonight and came across another new alternative (Whitetail Chew). Same type of alternative as (Elicit, Triumph, Fully Loaded) where it is offered in 3 levels of Nicotine strength (100/50/0). Only 2 flavors (Wintergreen & Mint). I haven’t tried any new items for some time now, but I wanted to make sure I continued to reach out since this site helped me quit! Hope you reach out to the new company… look forward to your review!

6 years ago
Reply to  Chewie

Hey Chewie… ran into another one. Green Leaf Organic mint pouches. One flavor (wintergreen) and one on the way (cinnamon).

6 years ago
Reply to  NoCam

I’d be interested in a review as well. I know they used to have more flavors, but now they only have Wintergreen and Mint. It is an impressive looking can.

Dan O
Dan O
7 years ago

There’s another fake dip on the market called Fully Loaded, they offer different levels of tobacco too like Elicit. They have a zero tob/nic version called Bullseye, I ordered a few cans.

Dan O
Dan O
7 years ago
Reply to  Dan O

Sorry Chewie, I did not see you reviewed this, thanks.

7 years ago

I see theres whitetail smokeless and fully loaded chew. Non tobacco, different levels of nicotine. Maybe review those?

Dan O
Dan O
7 years ago
Reply to  Chewie

My buddy tried getting some Whitetail but they were sold out.

6 years ago
Reply to  Chewie

A representative from Whitetail emailed me back the other day. They are only offering Wintergreen and Mint at the moment. All other flavors are on hold until, get this one, they finish wrapping up on a movie called “Dip Run” (I checked IMDb and yes there is a movie being made with that title and one of the stars is “Outlaw” from all those YouTube dip videos). Once post production, there other flavors (including Apple) will start being produced once again. So, only Wintergreen and Mint for now.

Dan O
Dan O
7 years ago

Any heard of Tough Guy chew? It is like other chews in the regard they offer both tobacco/nicotine versions & herbal/tob-nic free products. The herbal flavors are black tea based & there are like 5 flavors. The only issue is they have a problem keeping their product in stock. I emailed them & they are working on getting more product. Will advise if I sample some.

7 years ago
Reply to  Dan O

Tough Guy is amazing. My favorite is the Lemon. I have 10 cans of Lemon, 2 cans of Wintergreen, and 2 cans of Cinnamon. They all taste amazing! Hold their taste for a long time. The spit is good, but to add a little bit more juiciness I sip a little water when I first put one in. Give them a try man.

Dan O
Dan O
7 years ago
Reply to  InfaRedd

I wanna order some but they never have them all in stock.

7 years ago

Looking for closest thing to Copenhagen snuff

6 years ago
Reply to  Chewie

As a former Kodiak guy, can you give another former Kodiak guy a tip on what tastes as close to Kodiak as they come?

7 years ago

My son just gave me Black Buffalo straight long cut. It contains nicotine, so it is painless in that regard. Ordering wintergreen as it is what I normally chew. Hopefully it will allow me to cut back more easily moving towards quitting.

7 years ago
Reply to  THD

Finding a non-nicotine alternative, should be the goal. There are a lot of good ones out here.

Rodney Hill
Rodney Hill
7 years ago

I’m on 48 hours now. I wanna cave in, but yet I don’t. I need something similar to a long cut, mint, wintergreen, whatever. Just something that somewhat mimics the real thing. Smokey mountain is absolutely disgusting. It’s sticky, messy, and just simply sucks.

I right now, more than anything, just miss something being in the pouch of my lip. I’m going nuts.

David May
David May
7 years ago
Reply to  Rodney Hill

I’m right there with you man. Get on Amazon and grab green leaf organic mint pouches. They are working great for me. Good luck to you

Kent Mitchell
Kent Mitchell
7 years ago
Reply to  Rodney Hill

Rodney stay strong I have been without chew for 8 days and honestly the first three days were the worst.

Steve Conner
Steve Conner
7 years ago
Reply to  Kent Mitchell

Good job and keep it up. I made it a little over a year and ended up caving in. My advice to you is to stick with the fake stuff for a few months at most but start phasing the fake stuff out too. The sooner the better. Eventually you will get to a point where you don’t need it or crave it. After a year it will sneak back into your mind. But be stronger than me. I’m ordering fake dip tonight and quitting again when it arrives.

Good luck. You can do it.

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