Smokeless Alternatives

Part of the reason that quitting chew is so difficult is that it’s not just a mental & chemical battle. There is also a very physical part of breaking nicotine’s hold on us. For some of us, the oral fixation is one of the most difficult parts of our quits. If you’ve had something in your lip/mouth for the past 15 years your body gets used to it… take that away (along with all the nicotine that you’re losing) and you’re bound to be a little on the irritable side. Below is a list of alternatives to smokeless tobacco (also known as fake dip or fake tobacco) that will help you get past the oral fixation.
All About Smokeless Alternatives (Fake Dip)
For more information about fake dip, check out these pages as well:
- Smokeless Alternative Reviews
- Smokeless Alternative Ingredients
- Where To Buy Fake Dip
- Fake Dip Coupons & Promo Codes
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I can appreciate that. Is there a specific chemical you’re looking out for?
What about Canadips?
are there any plans to review outlaw dip? all the products they have are nicotine free
thank you for the reply
Wintergreen is ok and ok is doing it a favor Flavor goes away fast. Their line of coffee is not very good. I tried the Ironsides stuff also from the site. Not a fan. The cut is clunky like Hawkins. Hard to get a good pinch ms it shifts in your mouth like fine cut.
Anyone find anything as good as what NIP was? After Nip died I started using Jake’s but it has done so much damage to my mouth I can’t use it anymore. I need something soft like the sea sponge dip that Nip made.
Black Buffalo is the softest I’ve found.
Nip, I believe, has been ‘reborn’ as NO-T
I’ve not sampled it yet, but it appears that its the same product.
What is the best alternative to Copenhagen straight pouches?
Give this a read – may point you in the right direction
Hey everyone,
I started dipping Copenhagen long cut about about 10 years ago, then moved to Copenhagen pouches about 5 years ago. I’ve tried quitting several time using fake dip, gum, and lozenges and nothing has seemed to be a replacement that has helped. Longest I’ve gone quitting is 3 weeks. Is there any safe alternative that contain nicotine that may help or has anybody gone through this and found an alternative method that worked for them?
You’re looking for a ‘silver bullet’ that will make quitting ‘easy’. I hate to break it to you, but it doesn’t exist. There are no alternatives out there, whether they contain nicotine or not, that will make it ‘easy’.
You are addicted to nicotine. So, if you want to be FREE from nicotine (I’m assuming this is the case since you’re posting on this site) then your FIRST priority should be to REMOVE ALL NICOTINE FROM YOUR SYSTEM. This includes any alternative (or gum, or patch) that contains nicotine.
Will you suffer withdrawal? Most likely. BUT, cold turkey, IE TOTAL ABSTINENCE FROM NICOTINE, is your quickest way to freedom.
Now… you ask if I’ve found an alternative method that has worked. Luckily the answer that THAT question is a definitive YES. I found a support system – KillTheCan. I give my word every single day that I will not use tobacco or nicotine. I uphold that promise. And I repeat that process every single day. That process has worked for 5,754 days and counting.
I used copious amounts of ‘fake dip’ along the way – but it was always 100% tobacco AND nicotine free varieties. They work to allow you to continue the ACT of chewing but since they contain no nicotine they’re not going to give your body what it’s craving – nicotine. That’s when I lean on my brothers and sisters at KTC. They know what I’m going through. Cause they are too.
I’d urge you to take a look at this: It’s a remarkably accurate timeline that has been put together with the input of thousands of quitters over the years. It will give you a great understanding of what you can expect (once you go NICOTINE FREE) in the first 100 days of your quit.
I’d also urge you, when you’re ready, to join our DISCORD server – – think of it like live chat on steroids. 24/7 support, accountability and brotherhood.
Probably far more of an answer than you were looking for, but that’s the truth.
Wow, that’s multiple paragraphs and you didn’t even answer his question. Not everyone quits through cold turkey, and not everyone wants to quit nicotine, just the cancer-causing delivery method.
There are plenty of places on the web to find information about nicotine products. A site dedicated to quitting nicotine isn’t one of them.
If you read his original note, you’ll see that he’s tried, and failed, with many alternatives that contain nicotine. I gave him advice, based on my experience, that will help him break free from his addiction, which he clearly wants to break, because he’s posting on a site dedicated to beating nicotine addiction. *shrug*
I am trying to find an alternative to loose leaf chewing tobacco, like Levi and Redman alternatives. Looking for leaves of some sort. I tried mint leafs, but I don’t like the taste.
Sadly there really isn’t a good loose leaf alternative out there that I’m aware of. I know several of the alternative vendors are interested in them, but I’ve not seen one come to market to this point. Your best bet for something ‘close’ to the consistency would be shredded beef jerky or a Slim Jim that’s been chewed up and ‘parked’ in your mouth. If and when a new loose leaf product hits the market we’ll get it reviewed and posted ASAP.
There is one alternative that suggests it’s a long leaf alternative, called LONG BALL. They’re very good products, but they’re mostly a ‘plug’ alternative and while they taste great, they’re really more of a food / candy product in my opinion.
If there is a good alternative for me, I’m willing to try. I made the decision to quit 5 days ago. I’m a long time smokeless tobacco user (40 years roughly). I’ve used or tried about every brand name dip. The snuff (dip) I have liked best was Grizzly straight long cut. Then, I went to Stoker’s straight long cut, which I liked a lot better. I’ve tried a couple alternatives in the past (the names escape my memory). One made me feel as if I was putting mad fire ants in my lip, or just lighting the inside of my mouth on fire! The other kind of burned too, but my bigger issue with it was, it made me feel weird like I had overloaded on caffeine. Both gave me headaches when using as well. Is there nothing out there in a long cut style, that has NO caffeine or energy booster ingredients? One that tastes similar to Stokers, and is smooth, instead of setting my mouth on fire?
Black Buffalo straight in my opinion is the closest taste I’ve ever found to grizzly straight, which was also my go to. The long cut product gives a similar burn that grizzly does, the flavor lasts. The only downside is you get a much looser pinch so if you shift the plug you will lose bits of it. I’m looking forward to starting the nicotine free cans they have as well. Hands down the best of the 8 alternatives I’ve tried and a couple weeks in I finally have the feeling of confidence that I will kick it this time like because of how close of an alternate this product is
Hi. Hubby needs to quit for heart surgery. Looking for the best alternative to original Skoal fine cut wintergreen. Thanks
I’d point him to one of the following – in this order.
Hey all,
im just reaching out as I am currently one week into quitting. I’ve been chewing a lot of fun to try and replace my skoal mint pouch habit. Gum is helping a little, but it’s just not quite the same.
Was anyone else a skoal mint pouch person that had success with a fake alternative? I’m open to any and all suggestions.
I chewed for about 13 years so no oral fix right now is a struggle.
thanks in advance for the help!
Thanks for stopping by – three immediately spring to mind:
Hooch Packs:
Fully Loaded Pouches:
Black Buffalo ZERO NICOTINE:
Be VERY careful with Fully Loaded and Black Buffalo as the both sell versions with nicotine. Make sure you get the NICOTINE FREE variety.
That said, if I had to point you to a single one to emulate Skoal Mint it would be Black Buffalo.
Thanks for the reply, Chewie.
Before coming across this site on Saturday I had ordered some Hooch, Triumph (no Nic) and Teaza. I am hoping these come in relatively soon, cause the trident gum just isn’t doing the trick.
I will have to put an order in for the Black Buffalo today and will be sure to avoid the nicotine.
Thanks again for the help.
teaza cool mint pouches have a strong mint flavor and last a while.
I am having a difficult time quitting Copenhagen Long cut. I can’t find anything that comes close to it.
Check this out – may help point you in the right direction:
I usually chew 1/2 a can of (Cope Long Cut) on two days.
Hi everyone, I have been tobacco free for 27 days. Today I had a terrible craving after getting stressed out (I’m a law student and have a big test coming up). I just caved… to fake snuff. Close call! I tried quitting without fake snuff out of fear that in the long term it would be harder to kick the snuff habit if I kept encouraging the oral fixation with fake snuff.
In your experiences, has fake snuff worked in the long run? How long until you eventually kick the oral fixation, thus no longer needing the fake snuff?
Any advice would be great – I just bought Baccoff rough cut Wintergreen and really like it. Before I purchased more, I was hoping to get some advice on the long term strategy with it. The sunflower seeds and gum just aren’t doing the trick anymore.
Congrats on nearly a MONTH of freedom Jesse!
IMO, the fake stuff is a TOOL… nothing more. Use it liberally if it helps. Some people think it’s ‘too close’ to the real thing but I personally used about a can per day of the fake stuff for more than 200 days into my quit. Then one day I just didn’t reach for it anymore.
Keep fighting!
HI Jesse, congrats on your quit bud. I am 6 yrs plus tob/nic free. Would not have been able to do it without KTC & fake dip. I wouldn’t worry at all about getting addicted to fake dip. Fact is most of it tastes like ass anyway. Lol. If it helps, use it. I rarely use it anymore, but everyone is different. My personal favorites are Teaza & Hooch. Good luck bud, you can do it.
[…] tobacco-free dip products. There are all sorts of tobacco-free and nicotine-free dips out there to fill that physical void. I have tried many of them over the […]
I’m trying to find a good alternative to Grizzly Mint pouches. I’m using fully loaded now, it is okay but not great. Baccoff has horrible taste. Smokey mountain is kind of small.
I can’t say I ever tried Grizzly Mint – closer to Mint Kodiak or Skoal Mint? Happy to point you in the right direction. There are some GREAT mint pouches out there.
I would say it’s close to skoal mint, haven’t tried Kodiak mint.
OK… my all time fav Skoal Mint alternative has always been Hooch Snuff Mint.
They have a pouch product as well so I’d point you there:
I’d also suggest checking out Triumph Mint Pouches
Though a word of warning when it comes to Triumph… they DO sell versions of their products that contain nicotine – MAKE SURE you’re getting the NIC FREE variety.
If you’re open to CBD then try:
Almost every company has a mint flavor, so there are lots of options out there. Black Buffalo just came out with tobacco/nicotine free mint pouches which are pretty good. However, I wish black Buffalo was more transparent with their ingredients.
I’d agree… CBD Plus Herbal Pouches are great as well.
Just wanted to say that I appreciate this page. I used it as a guide for a new go to for dipping. For me I found out that it was not so much the nicotine as it is the oral fixation of having it in my mouth. I am officially a week as of today using SMC wintergreen. So far I have tried SMC wintergreen and it is good, (hey at least I quit cold turkey using it) but it is a bit too sweet and I don’t like the cut, it is more of a fine cut. I even tried SMC classic and it tastes like crap! Hey I’m being honest here but I’m sure some like it. Today I ordered a couple cans of Hooch wintergreen rough cut. I must say the Hooch is pretty dang close to as real as it gets as far as the feel in my mouth but the wintergreen doesn’t taste like wintergreen, it is more of a spearmint taste to me. That leads to my question, who makes a good replacement for Grizzly wintergreen long cut? For some reason I really like wintergreen dip but I hate mint flavored dips. I have read the reviews and get a mix of answers. Just looking for a wintergreen like the Grizzly, it is bold flavor without the sweetness and that is what I want. Thanks!
Hey, I never liked wintergreen so I’m not much help in that department (I was a Skoal or Grizzly Straight guy), but what I did was try a whole bunch of alternatives and then settled on what worked best. I found the cut and feel of Hooch to be good as well, but lacking in flavor. My favorite classic straight alternative is actually the Bacc-off pouches. I wasn’t a pouch guy, but I don’t mind them for replacing my old long cut. Good luck!
I was a Kodiak Wintergreen guy. Give Amarillo Snuff a try – it’s great.
Which of these has the closest taste to the Kodiak? Best I remember, Kodiak and Grizzly tasted the same just Grizzly was cheaper at one time. I have tried SMC (and so far it is the leader just a bit sweet), Hooch, Bacc-Off, and Golden Eagle (all in wintergreen flavor). The Hooch was nothing but spearmint taste to me. The Bacc-Off had a chewing gum flavor. The Golden Eagle has a peppermint flavor. I’m waiting on Schmitty’s to come in now since I ordered several just to try. I like nothing but Wintergreen and I guess Grizzly has spoiled me. I don’t like sweet, I just like a good bite and really like the wintergreen flavor but I like it strong like Grizzly. If I could just find that flavor, I would be happy. I thought I was happy with the SMC but after a few days, the sweetness gives me a headache.
I was a Kodiak Wintergreen guy for the majority of my dipping career so I know right where you are. Hooch Wintergreen has traditionally been one of my favorites.
I recently reviewed Amarillo Snuff and was impressed with their wintergreen… though it may have been a bit more Skoal Wintergreen as opposed to Kodiak / Grizzly
CND Dip is also a recent entry that’s a REALLY good wintergreen product, if not super close to Kodiak
Others to try (interested to hear your take on Schmitty’s) –
The only thing I don’t like about Amarillo, Whitetail, Triumph, and Fully Loaded is they offer nicotine versions. Not saying they would purposely but makes me wonder if they ever mislabel any cans. You know employee may not care that day. Like I say just a phobia I guess. I have been trying to look at a company that focuses only on non tobacco and no nicotine. As my options are winding down, I may have to try one of the above mentions. I just miss that distinct wintergreen flavor.
I see you noted the Holt chew, I have been looking at it but the peppermint has me confused. I like peppermint but not sure I’d like a dip that flavor along with the other mints. I just want that nice wintergreen flavor. I know I will probably never get that exact flavor I’m looking for but if I can get close without the sweet I’d be good.
[…] There is also a physical part of overcoming the nicotine grip. Among the most stressful aspects of our quits […]
Two of my favorites are missing from the list: Purple Mountain and Amarillo.
Amarillo does sell a full nicotine, half nicotine, and zero nicotine version, so make sure you get the zero nicotine version. It is made of corn husks, and the dark cherry tastes really good. However, it doesn’t pack great. you can find it here:
Purple mountain is made from hemp and contains CBD. I like the tart cherry, and I don’t crave nicotine when I use CBD. They are a smaller operation, and have really good customer service. You can find it here:
I dipped Cherry Skoal for almost two decades. I’ve tried every Cherry Fake dip available. Hooch and Jake’s make good cherry products, but I like Amarillo and Purple Mountain the best.
Thanks for the comment Clark – I’ve heard of Amarillo but don’t think I’ve ever run across Purple Mountain – will see if I can get my hands on both for review purposes.
Clark – I finally got my hands on some Amarillo – review posted here:
Will work on getting Purple Mountain as well.
Thank you, I like to mix one can of Purple Mountain with two cans of Amarillo. The Amarillo Snuff takes away some of the harshness of the CBD.
Oooh… that’s interesting. I’d never thought of mixing them.
So, my review of SMC Wintergreen. It’s got decent taste and good bite. Consistency is great. My saliva does feel all sticky from the molasses which I don’t love. Overall, it definitely does the job of replacing the real stuff. At this point in my quit, it’s less about the nicotine and more about the oral fixation.
I did notice after I spit it out that I had gator mouth. Not crazy about the higher cancer risk from increased cell turnover rate.(still better than tobacco by a mile) But, For that reason, I don’t think I want to use it regularly. I would keep it for emergencies as it is great for particularly bad cravings, but I noticed it is only good for 2 weeks and cravings that would necessitate using it are pretty far and few between. Even when I used to chew, I was only going through a little over a can a week. And often would be on the same can for over 2 weeks if life was busy. Since it’s a food product, idk if it actually goes bad instead of just drying out… I can deal with putting a dry lip in.
Anyone know how long i can actually keep it past the shelf date? (Unofficially, if legal reasons require it) I would rather not have to waste the majority of a can and then buy a new one when I get a bad craving.
I’ve kept cans of SMC (and many other subs) for FAR past the date on the can… years even. Almost always, its just a matter of rehydrating them and you’re good to go. Only advice… go easy. Start with literally two or three drops of liquid (water or whiskey for me) and shake it up. You’d be shocked how quickly they go from dust to watery sludge.
I use red man strait and longhorn strait is there an alternative to those that someone could point me to thanks.
Black Buffalo
Black Buffalo contains nicotine.
Are there any pouch alternatives that have a flavor profile close to grizzly wintergreen, but doesn’t have any kind of sugars or ingredients that can cause cavities?
Not a big pouch fan, wasn’t when I was a Dipper either but I bought a Wintergreen, Zero Strength, pouch can of Wintergreen of Triumph for a friend who was a grizzly Dipper. He said they were pretty good. But, as I always say, NOTHING will be like the real thing. The key is finding something that will “do” and doesn’t contain nicotine.
I’d be more worried about grizzly staining and rotting your teeth out before some sugar from a fake dip.
Some people are Diabetic and can’t use sugar, or sugar alcohol (no matter what the sugar alcohol mfgr’s and others say) even in very small amounts. Carbs are a very B8G no as well.
I never used Grizzly Wintergreen pouches, but I was a Kodiak Wintergreen guy for the better part of two decades. There are SEVERAL really good wintergreen pouch products out there.
Hooch Packs (pouches) have a flavor that’s spot on to Wintergreen Skoal Bandits:
Jake’s Mint may be too “minty” for you, but is a good pouch:
Triumph is a tad sweeter than Kodiak – this may be a winner:
Bacc-Off has some great pouches – if you’ve ever tried Renegage pouches and you like those these are for you:
Bacc off wintergreen is working for me and i dipped grizzly long cut wintergreen for years
I had chewed Grizzly wintergreen for 20 years or so. I’ve found Peppermint Grinds has been satisfying for flavor
Whitetail Smokeless ( Wintergreen pouches. Literally use Xylitol for sweetneer and so much nicotine in them you gotta be careful. Very strong although a Nicotine free variant is available i believe..
Yes, that’s correct Rob. We only review the NIC FREE varieties of these products:
I’ve been using zyn wintergreen. It taste the exact same and I really like it. You can find it at most gas stations.
While Zyn products contain no tobacco… they contain NICOTINE. Stay away.
I was a grizzly man, I feel like Triumph is the closest to me
Looking for a good substitute for Grizzly Longcut Wintergreen for my husband…can someone help me narrow down the search and point me in the right direction? Thanks! 100% tobacco free
But outlaw contains nicotine, if you’re going to use nicotine, you might as well just continue to using dip.
You’re only trading one habit for another.
This advice is a complete FAIL!
Tobacco contains carcinogens not nicotine
I don’t know if you’re trolling, but tobacco and all processed tobacco products contain nicotine. The alternative market for dip is geared towards harm reduction, and the fact that Big Tobacco makes it nearly impossible for start up companies to make new brands of tobacco dip, so these companies are developing products using different herbal blends and adding nicotine. They can’t legally state that their products are safe, but they do state that their products are a better alternative to tobacco. The thing is, Nicotine is highly addictive, and if you have any genetic predisposition towards heart disease, using nicotine will only contribute to that. Tobacco related cancers likely will not develop, as the products are tobacco free, but is paying money to use a product that will have you hooked to a chemical that is known to constrict blood vessels and increase blood pressure really that much safer in the long run?
Like I stated earlier, tobacco naturally has nicotine, but the way it is processed in the USA makes the final product deadly. If you are truly concerned about using a “safer” nicotine product, then brands like Whitetail, Outlaw, Fully Loaded, and Black Buffalo would be safer than sticking with anything from Big Tobacco.
Just for fun, why don’t you put these in order of what they may be similar to in the tobacco market. Flavors, cut, etc. Would be great if there was a mechanism to grade/vote for each as to what the user found was a good replacement for their habit. Even an excel spreadsheet table would be helpful. If I want to replace Copenhagen regular – what have the users found is best? If I want to replace Skoal wintergreen long cut – likewise.
That’s actually a really good idea… I’ll see what I can do to pull it together…
I think this is a good suggestion too
Any alternatives to regular Copenhagen snuff?
Gregory –
Cope is a tough one to find a good alt for. I was a Kodiak Wintergreen guy so take my recommendations with a grain of salt, but I’d point you to these as a starting point:
Hooch (Classic or Spitfire)
Triumph Classic (non-nicotine version)
There are a couple of coffee based products that I’ve heard some Cope users enjoy. Personally I didn’t see the similarity to Cope but again I was a Kodiak guy:
Go Coffee Energy
Cowboy Coffee Chew
And finally, if your’e looking for a pouch product:
Grinds Coffee Pouches
Sorry if this is more detail than you were looking for. Let me know how we can help!
I’ve been chewing kodiack,grizzly and Copenhagen wintergreen for 30 years. I can’t find anything to replace it. Any one have advice? Pouches aren’t my thing. I’m open to any suggestions. Thanks.?
I used Kodiak & Wintergreen Long Cut Skoal when I dipped for 30 years…but I did try Cope over the years. So take my suggestions as just that, a suggestion.
I’ve heard some say Classic Triumph, the Zero Strength tastes like Cope. I always thought Smokey Mountain Straight smelt and tasted like Cope, but the texture wasn’t the same. What I remembered most was the fine cut of Cope. I think Elicit, who I don’t know is still out there, had a really close cut. I think Hooch sells a fine cut (opposite Rough Cut). Try their classic. Your classics and straights will be the ones “close” to Cope.
Remember, nothing, and I mean NOTHING, will replace the real stuff. The trick is finding one that’ll do. Back when I tried quiting in the 90’s, all that was available for fake stuff, was Oregon Mint. That shit, is still shit! There are several good alternatives out there (above), don’t be afraid to dabble with them. Just be sure they are Nicotine Free ?
Good Luck!
Quit since 07-15-14
What is the best alternative to red man loose leaf chewing tobacco.
Hey Tim – Sadly, there really isn’t much out there in terms of an alternative for long leaf tobacco. Your best best would be gum, sunflower seeds or shredded beef jerky. I’m also a big fan of using Slim Jim’s as an alternative.
You could also try these ‘plug style’ products from Long Ball. They are licorice products that are essentially candy but will do the job in a pinch (no pun intended)
I’ve been waiting for someone to ask. My opinion, and I was a Skoal user, but recently tried Grape Flavored Smokey Mountain and I immediately thought it had a close taste to Red Man and Beechnut (the leafy stuff).
Again, nothing and I mean NOTHING, will be the exact same. But try that Grape Flavored Smokey Mountain….I think you’ll be surprised how close it is.
I dip Copenhagen Mint Long Cut. What do you recommend that would be the closest?
I use Grizzely Wintergreen Pouches and Copenhagen Wintergreen Pouches. What suggestions do you have to replace those?
The main thing for me is the feel of something in my lip that has a slight burn.
I’m trying fully loaded wintergreen. It has a nice burn at first but it goes away quick. They have pouches too the long cut is sort of unfulfilling. I’ve been using Grizzly Wintergreen long cut since it was $.99 a can and I still keep going back. But I’m giving it a shot still can’t find something that gets the taste right.
Baccoff Wintergreen pouches have a similar flavor to Grizzly Wintergreen. Good spitability too.
I reckon the top 3 are the best ones? If not, what are the top 3 you’d recommend.
Thanks in advance!
Hey Jeremiah – it really all depends what flavor / brand you’re trying to substitute for. Let me know what you’re looking for, happy to point you in the right direction.
I chewed primarily Skoal Straight and Redman leaf – there is nothing that exactly takes the place of tobacco, but after trying nearly all of the non-tobacco products my favorites are Bacc-off pouches and Hooch Keylime rough cut. I also like the Hooch fat pack pouches. As Chewie says, “The farther away from tobacco I get I’m preferring the pouches more.”
Any good substitute for Kodiak Longcut?
Hey Rae – I was a Kodiak Wintergreen guy for nearly 16 years (along with pit stops for Skoal Cherry along the way).
The good news is there are a SLEW of great alternatives out there. I’d suggest starting with either Hooch Wintergreen, Smokey Mountain Wintergreen or Bac-Off Wintergreen. There are a couple of varieties as well.
Hooch offers a “rough cut” which isn’t QUITE long cut, but close.
They original Wintergreen has long been my standard bearer of best Wintergreen on the market:
Smokey Mountain has a great consistency but it’s a little too “Skoal Wintergreen” for me.
Finally, Bacc-Off Wintergreen comes in Wintergreen, Extra Wintergreen and Energized Wintergreen. Each have their own merits / tastes.
Sorry if this is more than you were looking for. I tend to be a bit overzealous when it comes to this stuff 😉
Let me know how I can help ~ Chewie
None of these fake dips really have the same flavor of the real shit. The key, try as many as you can, find one you like….don’t use nicotine anymore.
I was a Skoal Wintergreen guy myself, Triumph was hands down, my favorite of the litter. I liked all they offered too, they had Wintergreen, Classic, Mint and Cinnamon. Classic and Wintergreen favorite. Mint was probably #3.
If you like heat, Hooch has a spit fire flavor that is very, very warm.
When I first started dipping, Hawkens was what I started with. I’ve always felt, Wintergreen Smokey Mountain tastes a lot like Hawkens. And Smokey Mountain Straight, tastes a lot like Cope.
But the key to these, as I said, is finding one that “will do”. None of this stuff is like the real shit, but they are definitely some very good alternatives out there that have kept me clean for almost 5 years. Find one, stop using nicotine!