Symptoms of Quitting Dip and Chew

Symptoms When Quitting NicotineQuitting dipping is not an easy thing… if you’re like most of us, when you quit you’ll go through some withdrawal symptoms… These are completely normal. That being said… if you are concerned about a particular symptom, by all means go to a doctor and get checked!!! This will help both your peace of mind and may catch something before it gets serious.

Dip Dreams – you’ve been dipping for years sometimes decades. Your brain is used to thinking a certain way with a certain amount of nic in it… once that’s taken away many people have “dip dreams”. These dreams range from mild to incredibly intense. Many times people will wake up after a dip dream and feel terrible because they really think that they caved. Many have reported that they can taste and smell the dip. Never fear… it’s only a dream.

Sores In Your Mouth (lip, tongue, cheek, etc.) – you’re done dipping… why does your mouth hurt so damn bad? You’ve got more sores in your mouth now than when you were dipping. What’s going on?!? There are a couple of explanations for this one. First, if you’re like most of us, you’ve found something to replace your dip to get you past the oral fixation (See Smokeless Alternatives). If you’re chewing seeds then there’s a TON of salt in your mouth that wasn’t there before. Also once you get dip out of your system the PH balance in your mouth is changing. Bottom line is this – get to a dentist and get checked out. But unless something stays around for more than two weeks you should be good to go.

Can’t Sleep – you’ve quit dipping and now you can’t sleep at all. Never fear, this is completely normal experience. It’ll take a while, but your sleep patterns will return to normal.

The Fog – you’re dizzy… you can’t think straight… your head hurts… you find yourself staring at your computer screen for hours on end not reading anything. Welcome to the dip fog. Your brain can’t handle the fact that you’re no longer feeding it dip. It might last just a couple of days and it might last a couple of weeks. Do not fret… once the fog lifts you’re well on your way to being dip free. Check out this article that Chewie has written about The Fog of Quitting Dip

Headaches – you might have one that brings you to your knees, or you might just have that dull thud feeling all day long — this too shall pass.

Sore Throat – If you’re a dipper and you quit you’re scared of anything that’s “off”. Why when you quit dipping do you suddenly get a sore throat? We’re not sure why but it happens more often than you’d think. Drink lots of water to keep yourself hydrated. This will help flush the nicotine and will help with your sore throat.

Anxiety – for years you’ve been dealing with life while medicating yourself with nicotine — it’s gone now and your body isn’t used to dealing with life without it. This condition will pass though you may want to talk to a doctor about some medication to take the edge off.

Problems “Going” – whether you know it or not, nicotine is a laxative. It’s helped keep you “regular” through all of your years of dipping. It takes some people a while to get their body adjusted to going without their natural dip laxative. Drink plenty of water and eventually this one will be “behind you”.

Hot Flashes – This one has been reported as a real doozy. Face, arms, legs, etc. can be very “warm” with some intense sweats. While this is a “symptom” it’s also been quite the trigger for some folks. Drink some water, get to the site and talk.

Depression – Many people have dipped for years or decades. Removing such an integral (though deadly) part of your life can lead to some pretty serious behavioral issues including depression. Talk to the folks on the boards as this is pretty common. As with any health issue please don’t hesitate to see a doctor as well. For more details about depression as a quitter click here.

There are a variety of other symptoms that have been attributed to quitting dip. If you don’t see yours listed, contact us and let us know about it!

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11 months ago

I quit Zyn over a month ago. Dipped Skoal for years before. Gastro symptoms killing me. Colonoscopy scheduled. Bathroom issues, pain in abdomen, lots of noise. Has not happened like this in past quits. Think it’s normal after being quit for over a month?

Mark Baker
Mark Baker
1 year ago

I quit eight days ago cold turkey my lymph node is swelled I been hitting google worried like crazy I dipped for 10 or more years everyday I’m glad I found this site I wanted to ask did anyone else’s ear hurt a little bit? I mean it’s not bad but it comes and goes I’m going to see the dentist in a few weeks just make sure everything is good give that sense of knowing which I’m sure it is as I’ve reading most things are fine from to to six weeks after quitting chewing but I still wanna be safe and have a sense of knowing

Last edited 1 year ago by Mark Baker
Mark Baker
Mark Baker
1 year ago
Reply to  Chewie

My anxiety is going crazy tho

1 year ago

Feel like sumthing stuck in there throat

1 year ago
Reply to  Chewie

How long does these symptoms last

Dennis Indian
Dennis Indian
1 year ago

I’ve been nic free for 6 weeks. I’ve started coughing up phlegm. Is this normal?

Dennis Indian
Dennis Indian
1 year ago
Reply to  Chewie

Smokeless tobacco. I was sick a few weeks back with a sinus infection. Possible it’s still hanging around

1 year ago

Any one kno how long the sore neck an throat last

1 year ago

Anybody know starting to freak me out little bit

1 year ago

This is day 3 of no nicotine. Was a dipper for 16 years tried quitting a few times but would get a month to 4 months in and fall off the wagon and go back to it. I want to quit for me and my little boy so hopefully this time I stick to my guns and quit it for good. Been having small back pain and little headaches. The worst part this time is my head. I feel like I’m drunk as a skunk right now and get dizzy if I move to fast

1 year ago

Start day 5 in about 20 mins me when does the neck pain an throat burning an pain go away specially sumthink suck in your though my anxiety was going crazy everything u type in on google is cancer I’m glad I found this group

1 year ago

Starting Day 5 in a hour or so first 3 days was pure hell ain’t going back though they again day 4 neck pain and throat burning feel like sumthink stuck there does this go away plus anxiety levels are though the roof

Last edited 1 year ago by jonathan_dixon2010
1 year ago

I guess I’m technically on day 5 of quitting Nicotine. I don’t even want to quit, but I know I have to. I have to have back surgery, and my surgeon won’t do it until I’ve quit dipping. I finished the can I had and started using the nicotine free black buffalo dip. It’s honestly not that bad, I know it’s not the real thing but it definitely helps with the ritual part of it, and I really do enjoy that. I feel like I have nobody that really cares that I’ve made it this far, I’m proud of myself. I was a can a day for the last 17 years. I’d like to think I’ll be done for good if I have to quit for 2 months to get the surgery done, but I’m doing ok right now. I already have a short fuse, so I definitely am noticing the extra irritability. Good luck to anybody else trying to quit.

1 year ago

Today is my first day dip free and my neck already feels tight and like something is caught in it. Started freaking out and went straight to Google. I’m so glad I found this site. Truly a blessing for me. Thank you!

1 year ago

Day 3 for me. I tried last year. Worked for 2 months then jumped back on the wagon. Not letting this happen again.

1 year ago

Has anyone tried melatonin to help lessen the cravings?

1 year ago

Its funny reading these comments. I’m on day 6. Day 3-4 I thought for sure I was having a heart attack and stroke at the same time. I have been so dizzy it sucks. I also have been having brain farts where I kind of blank out for a few seconds. I quit because I started getting a cackle and sometimes a little whistle when I would breathe. I figured I had killed myself already so why not quit right. Also I have had depersonalization and anxiety with dizziness for almost 30 years so Im hoping quitting will help get rid of my anxiety. Obviously after is gets worse from quitting first. I don’t really get the urge to dip hardly at all. I guess I am so sick of being a slave to nicotine that Im just over that shit. Im mostly just trying to figure out the best way to deal with all the mental / physical pain and torment from quitting. I do relate to tight chest, sore throat, anger, dizzy, cant do shit without heart rate going ballistic and feeling weak and tired, feeling pains thru torso area all the time. Chest hurts. Anxiety at 85% lets see what else. Oh hart palpitations, have had them for years but quitting is making them worse. And I just cant get energy for shit. Ive been tired of chewing for the past 4 years. Been doing it about 35 years. The past 4 I would alternate from chewing to smoking to keep from chewing then I started wearing the nicoderm patch during the day and taking it off at night to chew. This shit went on for 4 years. I went strait nicoderm patch only dec 1. Took off the last patch dec 16. Have been zero nicotine for 6 days now and hurting like hell but Ive gotten to hate being a slave to that shit so bad I’ll die before I give in to that piece of shit drug ever again. The more it hurts the more I say bring it on. Its now the enemy. Hope my babbling helps someone.

1 year ago
Reply to  Matt

Congrats! Just started on my journey to stop…. about 3 hours away from 48 hours. 😅. Using a nicotine patch this time, even so, the brain fog/lightheaded pressure feeling in my head is there but not as bad as previous attempts. Hoping to hang in there, having to do a lot of self-talk today. I swear I feel worse today than yesterday. Wishing you all the best!

1 year ago

One month into quitting. Had a lot of the symptoms above but none ever lasted more than a week. These last few days my cheek has felt kind of tight swollen maybe. Did anybody else experience this?

1 year ago
Reply to  Chewie

Thanks chewie have had a lot of peace of mind thanks to this forum

1 year ago

I’m on day 2 guys could really use some advice, I’m a combat vet and 27 years of dipping helped with my anxiety, I am sick of thinking every sore in my mouth is fatal so I gotta stop, just struggling rt now

1 year ago

How long did y’all neck hurt?

1 year ago
Reply to  Chewie

Thank you I’m on day 12 the right side hurts sometimes and others nothing at all

1 year ago

Not seeing any recent post so figure I’ll add my experience and maybe jump start the convo again.
I’m quitting quitting for good this time after 31 years of dipping. I’m on week two now and I’ve had the dizzy, light headedness. Lots, I mean LOTS of tingling in the mouth, cheek area. I’ve been using warm salt water to heal any sores and tooth aches. And things have been going pretty good. That is, till today. Today, my cheek and jaw are hurting. Bad.. considering heading to the dentist but kinda hesitant after just seeing her a month ago. I plan on waiting a day or so to see if this subsides and will reevaluate from there. Another issue is the lymph node in my neck. With the infection or whatever that’s going on. That’s in a lot of pain as well. Even still…
I’m not going to allow any of this to detour me. As someone pointed out in this thread, better than having half your face cut off. Which I’m positive would be my fate if I do not commit to change.
I’m so glad to have found this chat. It’s helped more than I have words for and has been encouraging me for this journey. Thank you everyone for sharing.

1 year ago

This site has been a life saver! I have been quit for 10 days cold turkey. I’ve had terrible anxiety and thinking everything in my mouth was the BIG C! I have been to my doctor, Dentist, and Ent and got the all clear but my mind is still saying something is wrong. I dipped skoal and chewing Tobacco for 12 years and have been on nicotine pouches for 3 years. This has been the hardest obstacle to tackle in my life. Thanks guys for sharing all the symptoms it has truly helped my mind so much knowing others have went through the same thing!

1 year ago

I first tried to quit about 2-3 years ago, switched to zyn thinking it was better for me and stared getting weird sores on my temples. Was on and off dip and zyn for the next 2 years and these sores keept poping up on the outside of my cheeks and on the inside of my mouth. wondering if anyone else experienced tjis from zyn or mint flavored dip. Im about a month into my quit and Im finally done, I dont want that shit in my life. these sores are killing my self esteem though its getting rough. i can feel the inside of my mouth/lips getting plump/puffy. Dipped for close to 15 years

1 year ago
Reply to  dom

i never had any sores from zyn but i used it for years, i have quit before years ago when i was using copenhagen and feel the quit from zyn is much worse. I dont know what chemicals they have in them but they are bad. Ever since i quit zyn its like my brain doesnt work right. I am 189 days and my brain is foggy all the time and dizzy and weird feeling.

1 year ago
Reply to  DOUBLE D

Yea idk what it is in zyn that stuff has made me feel weird ever since stopping. I feel like it gave me some serious physical and mental issues. I have severe stomach pains and burning in my stomach and intestines. i wish i never started, tobacco and nicotine truly are the devil and im never touching the crap again.

Justin Childress
Justin Childress
1 year ago
Reply to  Dom

Is using zyn a bad idea to quit dipping?

1 year ago

I’ve been using Grinds coffee pouches and gum.. it’s helping some.

Justin Childress
Justin Childress
1 year ago
Reply to  Dom

I have been using zyn for a week now and have not dipped not even a half can of tobacco but I feel about the same as you described

1 year ago
Reply to  dom

I tried zyn. It caused sores in my mouth throat and gut.

1 year ago

I am 189 days today. I still have physical symptoms although i feel some days i have none or some days not as bad but most days are still there. Its like a foggy dizzy feeling that lingers around with anxiety. Feel like ill just have to live with this. I hoped bu 189 days i would feel 100% normal but i dont yet

1 year ago

over the 150 day mark and quite frankly still feel like shit. The dizziness and chest pain come and go still with anxiety of course. i have had blood work, blood pressure if perfect. I guess not i will go get every scan possible. I just want to feel normal again this is friggin crazy man. Not to mention i have been taking small doses of anxiety meds to help with this all and i dont want to get addicted to this crap but its the only thing that helps with the dizziness

1 year ago

Hey guys I quit dipping a couple days ago and I feel like I got a lump on the right side (where I packed) of my throat/neck when I swallo but nothings there or my lymph nodes or a little swollen on that side. Lowkey freaking the fuck out lol.

1 year ago
Reply to  Moe

I had the same condition. It was tension in my neck and shoulders that created a lump in my throat. Weird as hell for sure. Any chance you sleep on your stomach? i do, with my arms under the pillow. Sleep like this aggravates the muscles in your neck – leading to a lump in your throat.

1 year ago
Reply to  zlaneb

How many weeks did it last I can’t find any info on this but I get a weird pain in my neck on the right side that comes and goes but hurts when I yawn or sneeze

1 year ago

Dipped for almost 20yrs and I am day 4 into quitting cold turkey. Sore/tight throat which feels dry/sticky, sore/tight neck muscles on both sides of adams apple. Scariest one is a dark blue almost blood blister like mark on left side of my tongue (noticed once I started wearing my mouth guard but can’t help but think it’s from dipping). Legit have been having panic attacks for 3 days thinking I have cancer now. Anyone else have similar side effects/experience? Every symptom you look up online says you have cancer so seeing all these posts have helped. Seeing my dentist on Tuesday for normal xrays and cleaning.

1 year ago
Reply to  Chewie

Thanks Chewie.

Dentist doesn’t seem too concerned about anything. Blue mark on tongue is a hematoma maybe from my mouth guard. Going back in 4 weeks for another screening to see if anything has changed.

I still don’t find myself being relieved, now just thinking they missed something. This is after both tech and dentist said they are not concerned at all. Still feel like something is wrong. Every little twinge of pain starts freaking me out again. This just something everyone has to deal with?

1 year ago
Reply to  Chewie

Thanks Chewie, really appreciate the support.

1 year ago
Reply to  Chewie

How long is the tension in front of neck to be somewhat expected

1 year ago

CanAday- How are you doing with your quit? how are your symptoms?

Buck 08
Buck 08
1 year ago

Hi there all, I quit again but I’m about a week and a half in, was using 3mg zyn pouches to help ween off. Got some viral infection when I was quitting (tested negative for everything) but blood work has been perfect. Chewed about 5-6 years. I’ve had some dull neck aches on both sides and dull headaches randomly. Doc got a ct of head and neck and a neck ct with contrast and everything looked great. Still get a lump in feeling throat sometimes but goes away and my dang tonsils. Perfect time to quit when I got sick haha.

1 year ago
Reply to  Buck 08

i am surprised the doc ordered a ct scan so quickly of your head and neck after jsut complaining of some little pain lol i am 138 days in and have been dizzy everyday since my quit. maybe i should get a ct scan

Buck 08
Buck 08
1 year ago
Reply to  David

I was a little surprised but relieved that they did, they sent me to a ENT who did a scope since I had a sore throat for about a month on and off with tonsil swelling. Everything looked good just saying my acid reflux kicked up so its been causing issues.

1 year ago
Reply to  Buck 08

another thing you can experience is acid reflux;(some call it indigestion) acid coming up from your stomach as you are getting off nicotine. It can cause a lump feeling in your throat.

1 year ago

Been 300 days but anxiety has subsided but I feel so irritable it comes and goes.anyone feeling this?

1 year ago
Reply to  Chewie

Thank you so much.then I find difficult to be happy with things I used to can I go about this..I’m better unlike few months ago

1 year ago
Reply to  Olkim

hey there congrats on 300 days, may i ask when you symptoms subsided? i am on day 130 and still having anxiety and dizzyiness

1 year ago
Reply to  David

Congrats on 130 dizziness subsided after around 4months.Remember anxiety is being triggered by the strong all shall pass.

1 year ago

day 127 for me. Still here still with dizzy spells and anxiety. Seems like some days its not to bad but some days its horrible still. I have done blood work twice and its fine besdies cholestrol being a bit high. I have quit caffeine cold turkey, completely changed my diet and quit nicotine. i am inshape and healthy. I am so confused as to why i am still feeling like this. maybe its a combination of all the drastic changes i made.

1 year ago
Reply to  David

I can totally relate. As dumb as it sounds I just made peace with the anxiety and dizziness. I just thought I have been here before and nothing happened so why would this time be any different? Once I realized that I didn’t have the ability to stop the dizziness but I Could stop being anxious about it, it’s like it took the power from it and in about a week the dizziness stopped. I know it sounds dumb but it worked for me. The next time you get a dizzy spell make a conscious effort to think I have been here before and nothing happened and nothing will happen this time. If it doesn’t work the first time don’t freak out just keep trying.

1 year ago
Reply to  Trex

holy cow that made so much sense to me you have no idea. Thank you, I am going to apply this and get back to you. How far along in your quit were you experiencing dizzy spells like me?

1 year ago
Reply to  David

Up to day 140 then the dizziness vanished. I’m at day 206 and haven’t had it since.

1 year ago
Reply to  Trex

thanks so much. I just need this to go away and feel normal again. It seems the first couple hours of my morning are fine then i get to noonish and i start getting dizzy spells that come and go and soemtimes get bad then it creates anxiety. I feel they have subsided a little but not nearly enough. Sometimes it feels like i am living in a dream lol and the brain just starts getting lightheaded and dizzy. the worst lol

1 year ago
Reply to  David

My dizziness was always between 9-11 in the morning on the dot every day sometimes in the afternoon to but always between 9-11 am. The funny thing was if I was really busy doing something with my hands at that time I never got dizzy. That was when the lightbulb clicked on and I knew I was driving this with my anxiety about it. So I just said the hell with it this is my new normal I get dizzy between 9-11 and that’s just the way it is. Once I changed my perspective a little it was nothing and it disappeared. I hope it works for you

1 year ago
Reply to  David

I’ve had very bad dizziness trying to quit in the past. A couple years ago when trying to quit I think it was mostly due to bad anxiety over COVID, first kid, family stuff, etc that all came at once. Ended up going back to 6mg zyns for the last couple years. Quitting again and about a month in Have had BAD dizzy spells that don’t seem as much about anxiety and include mouth tingling, numbness in random places, etc just like before. I did a lot of reading on it over the past weak and I’ve started thinking some of the problem is being hypoglycemic due to quitting! From stuff I’ve read, it sounds like nicotine addiction keeps you slightly hyperglycemic by messing with your insulin process and how you use sugar. When you quit, your blood sugar can tank enough to make you hypoglycemic for a couple months before your body starts regulating sugar right again… When I started feeling like I was having strokes after quitting again (not completely due to anxiety) I figured there’s gotta be something to it. Noticed it got really bad again yesterday when I didn’t eat until 4:00 pm, ate and 30 mins later I was OK. Whenever I’m getting spells, I’ll eat at least 20 grams of sugar, wait 20 minutes and it does seem to get better! I don’t know if this will help at all, but I hope there’s something to it since it’s worked for me the last few days. I know how bad these spells can be.

1 year ago
Reply to  Powerade

thank you so much for the feedback, Hearing you tell it makes me feel almost identical. It makes me feel like i am stroking out or not enough blood is getting to my brain. its so scary. i also get chest pains that just started uo and i am 147 days into my quit. I need all this shit to end

1 year ago

I am 30 days snuff free after dipping for about 20 years. The irritability seems to be getting worse the longer I go. I think I’m past the headaches, dizziness, night sweats ect. I still have that craving after dinner and other times but I am really struggling with the irritability. Anyone else feel this way?

1 year ago

I just eclipsed the 100 day mark, nearly all of my symptoms have subsided with the exception of the occasional feeling of anxiety. I wanted to know if anyone else who made it this far feels like it almost gets harder once the withdrawal symptoms have gone away? Without being dizzy or feeling problems in my chest from anxiety, I feel like my subconscious is telling me that since I feel back to normal that it’s okay to have dip again. Did anyone else experience some intense cravings once the withdrawal/quitting symptoms wore off? Curious how you dealt with this. Any tips or tricks?

1 year ago
Reply to  CanADayJS

Absolutely you can probably search and find my old post but that exact thing happened to me. I had little to no craves through the first 100 days but at that 100 day mark they skyrocketed. I’m at day 195
and can tell you they fade back to being normal craves here and there. Just keep pushing and like the withdrawal symptoms they will get few and far between.

1 year ago

Guys i am still here at 111 days quit. Still getting dizzy spells. Mornings are fine but as soon as afternoon rolls around or sometimes late evening they come back. Been to doc blood work fine nothing out of the ordinary vitamn wise… I have been quit before and had these dizzy spells last months… This time is seems like the same thing but worse. I am never going back.

1 year ago
Reply to  David

Congrats on staying strong, sorry the dizziness is sticking around. I’ve noticed mine fading substantially the past week or so and I’m about a month behind you. I noticed some strong cravings this week though but was able to fight them off. Still think the dizziness is your triggers and light like we talked about. Hopefully you can relax this long holiday weekend and recover. Good luck! Stay strong!

1 year ago
Reply to  David

I’m at day 70, after dipping 20+ years. I’m glad I found this post and website, because I have the exact same dizziness. I just knew it was brain cancer, brain tumors, or some major health issue. I have been to my doctor and bloodwork completed, he checked vitamin B12, and Magnesium levels thinking that could be the problem and they came back normal. The dizziness and light head feeling is pretty much daily, with some days worse than others. I have these “strobe light” type flashes where it just catches you off guard like your brain is fluttering or something is off, feels like it last about 2 seconds, but enough to stop you in your tracks to focus out of it. I noticed it happens a lot while I’m focused on something or sometimes driving, or if I just turn my head too fast. I am still following up with the doctor to keep looking into it just to make sure it’s nothing else, because I’m still not 100% convinced it’s just nicotine withdrawal, which I am hoping it’s the cause. I also had a headache yesterday so bad that I could not feel much relief after taking Tylenol. Started in the afternoon and was still there when I went to bed. It was better the next morning, but felt like my brain was sore, or like a small hung over feeling. I normally do not get headaches, but that one had me googling migraines and can you develop them at age 47. The mouth ulcers have come and gone and I was thinking that was also cancer at the time I had them. I have been to the dentist and everything checked out fine. I read in one of Chewie’s post above that he became a hypochondriac when he quit, and I feel I’m exactly the same. I do feel a little better reading that some of you have had very similar symptoms. It helps reading detailed symptoms that you experienced so that we can compare to see if they’re the same as the ones I have. It does help with the anxiety that Im feeling knowing that this is part of the quitting process, and it will get better. Thanks for posting your experiences, I really appreciate it. I am hoping to post a follow up in a few weeks or months that the dizziness and headaches have ended, and was just from the nicotine withdrawals.

1 year ago

Anyone every quit with Nicorette mints or gum? Still have all the symptoms?

1 year ago

My boyfriend says now after several months of no chew that his mouth tastes like dog shit.

1 year ago

Hey everybody. I’m officially 11 days dip free now. I had a lot of similar withdrawal symptoms that everyone in this group had. After about seven days I noticed my sleep getting a lot better.

Some symptoms I find odd that has happened though. 1) my jaw feels off center and my bite feels off 2) the left side of my neck feels tight sometimes and most important and scary side effect is 3) I have two white mucus looking patches on the roof of my mouth. I asked my dentist and he thought it wasn’t something serious. Has anybody else had this? It really keeps me up at night worrying about it.

1 year ago
Reply to  Chewie

Thanks Chewie, that gives me a breath of fresh air. Honestly haven’t been having too many craving and when I do I have substituted sun flower seeds. Its crazy after doing a tin a day for 10 years how easy it was for me to quit and how much better I felt after the brain fog was gone.

How long was it before your jaw and neck pain subsided? Also, how long until the halitosis subsides?

1 year ago

I quit on 2/16 of this year so about 75 days in to my quit. I was a can a day off and on for about 15 years. The symptoms were pretty similar to what everyone describes on here early on. I also experienced photophobia pretty regularly for the first month or two but that has started to taper off. The worst symptoms were the dizziness and anxiety which I am still feeling. The dizziness has definitely died down but the anxiety surprisingly or not I’ve felt more in the past 20 days or so. I also have some feeling of chest tightness which I think is a result of the anxiety and perhaps some heartburn. This feeling makes me feel like something is wrong with me but I’ve seen others say similar things. I don’t have any desire to go on medication so trying to deal with it on my own with exercise, water and breathing techniques which seem to help. The weirdest symptom has been the random “fantasizing” about having a dip which is really hard to explain but it was almost a coping mechanism to get me through the rough days early on. Interested to know if anyone else has had similar symptoms around the same time frame. I feel strong overall as my urges have diminished significantly and I know I am doing this for myself and also my family. Hope everyone stays strong and can see the light at the end of the tunnel soon! F tobacco!

1 year ago
Reply to  Chewie

Appreciate the encouragement, I’ve really found this blog to be a great resource the past few months. Still dealing with the anxiety but I find the more I keep myself busy and ignore it the better I feel. Getting close to the 90 day mark now!

1 year ago
Reply to  CanADayJS

Wow so glad to read your post. I am almost identical timeline to you. The anxiety and dizzy spells are 60-70% of my day. Some days are better than others. I also have the chest tightness and everything under the sun including photophobia. I have checked my blood pressure 10 times in 1 day because I am so dizzy I think something is wrong. It’s always good. I’m trying to push through and get over this. I was vaping and using zyn. I don’t feel alone after seeing your post now. Email me if you ever want to talk about symptoms since were on the same page

1 year ago
Reply to  David

It’s great having someone on the same timeline to talk with. Not sure if you’re a coffee drinker but I’ve found that really limiting my caffeine intake has helped immensely with the anxiety and dizziness recently. Also eating before you have any coffee helps as well along with plenty of water. I find that my dizziness is occurring during trigger times for me when I use to throw in a dip. Fighting through those moments has helped me feel a lot better.

1 year ago
Reply to  CanADayJS

I stopped coffee with my quit. I used to have a 6% zyn in from the moment i woke up to the moment i went to bed. I get most dizzy spells while sitting at my work desk, driving in the car and a few others places, seems like your trigger guess is prob accurate. Once that starts the anxiety picks up because i start thinking all the stuff that could be wrong with me lol to put into context i am only 36 years old and fit so i know this is all physical withdraw and mental. i will be on here daily to check in with you. I am never going back to this crap.

1 year ago
Reply to  David

I feel the same way once the dizziness or chest tightness starts, the anxiety will go into overdrive. I think the best way I’ve found to combat this is to literally talk to myself internally and say you are fine, you know what this is, just let it run its course. Standing up and walking around even if just getting up from your desk for a few minutes and getting some fresh air helps a lot. I’ve also found that fluorescent lights increase the anxiety and dizziness for me so finding somewhere not as bright helps also.

1 year ago
Reply to  CanADayJS

holy crap the flouresent lights do make it worse. I have been getting chiro adjustments and massages and they help a bit. I am still battling it out. i hope you are doing well. Dizzy stuff and anxiety is still here but i feel maybe lasting a little less time.

1 year ago

i quit somewhere in mid January and still am having Dizzy spells and crazy anxiety. Sometimes ill go days with no symptoms and then it always comes back with a vengence. When the heck is this going to stop lol

1 year ago
Reply to  Chewie

yes i have been keeping an eye on my blood pressure, took it this morning and it was 122/83– im 36 and in good shape. although i have yet to take it during one of these dizzy spells im sure its overall good. I am curious if the dizzy spells are more my body getting used to regulating its blood pressure differently or blood sugar without the nicotine. i have seen lots of people on this thread that experience these dizzy spells well over 100 days into their quit so its reassuring

1 year ago
Reply to  David

Any luck so far

1 year ago

So I have quit multiple times. I quit for about 3 months but after the second month I started getting tightness in my cheek and jawline where I would hold the tobacco. It is not worrysome but extremely anniying. Feels like there is pressure in my ear. I went to dentist and they gave me a.miuth guard and nothing has seemed to help except time. Also, the constant post nasal drip nauseates the hell out of me. I have had x-rays at dentist and he said everything looked fine. I have dipped everyday for over 15 years and the dentist said he couldn’t tell that I chewed tobacco due to swapping sides during chewing. I just quit again and this time I staying away because I have a child due in July and I promised my wife years ago that I would quit when we have a baby.

1 year ago

Just a post for anyone out there like myself struggling. My days 100-149 for me have basically been a milder version of days 1-100. To top it off my cravings have skyrocketed since day 100. I’m not giving in , I just wanted whoever needs this to know that your not the only one after day 100 still getting bouts of anxiety, massive craves and all the other fun quitting symptoms.

1 year ago

Don’t mind this post, I am at about 55 hours dip free, after a can a day habit. I was just having cravings, hot flashes, and lots of energy (can’t sit still). The quote from Rocky to Creed “One step, one punch, one round at a time” keeps me focused. I just needed to divert my attention, for those like me struggling with the quitting, we can do this.

1 year ago

Hey y’all…. so I am going to see my Dr. just in case before anyone asks…. but I quit cold turkey in January after about 15 years. Since then I have experienced pretty much every symptom spoken about here including brain fog, racing thoughts, insomnia, random muscle pains/spasms, sore throat, heartburn, anxiety etc…. One thing I can’t shake is getting super warm while sleeping. I have always been the kind of person who kicks all the covers off during the night no matter the temp… but now I wake up every morning feeling hot and clammy. Anybody else dealing with that or just me?

1 year ago
Reply to  John

Yes! I’m only 4 days quit after a can a day 25 year habit. I can’t seem to sleep more than an hour, wake up burning hot when it’s cold in the room. I feel like it’s the temperature issue keeping me from sleeping, rather than nicotine withdrawal. But then my rational brain takes over and I know *duh* it’s the nicotine withdrawal causing all those things! Also everything I put in my mouth tastes awful. And I mean everything. I don’t drink coffee, but I have a serious Diet Coke habit, and even that tastes awful. So ready to be through this phase!

1 year ago

Has anyone experienced Dizzy spells so bad abotu 30 days or more into the quit that it almost feels like you are having a stroke? which then leads to anxiety and heart racing and feeling line you can pass out at any minute? I am healthy 200lb 6’2 guy and i work out 5 days a week and eat healthy, use the sauna and since starting my quite i feel like i am going to die some days and its the scariest thing in my life. Somedays im fine but as soon as a symptom comes it spirals out of control

1 year ago
Reply to  David

This…. I quit cold turkey after 15 years in January and still feel off.. dizzy spells, photophobia, trouble sleeping, getting hot while sleeping, etc. Going to see my doctor to make sure nothing else is going on

1 year ago
Reply to  John

John hopefully you see this, i am creeping around day 90 and still same symptoms. I have photophobia too!! if i go outside for a run or exercise i get it and it can make my dizzyness worse. Then i panick thinking i am having heart or brain issues. Its horrible. Please respond and maybe we can message each other

1 year ago
Reply to  David

I’d get some thorough blood work done. I had some of the same symptoms and it turned out that I’ve got a wicked case of EBV as well as some metal poisoning. Talking to the doc, chew has lots of aluminum, lead and mercury.

1 year ago

Howdy. Been on and off Copenhagen wintergreen for a few years now and I quit cold turkey this time. Now I have what feels like a stuck piece of chewed carrot on one tonsil, like below the back of my tongue out of sight, a burning throat and random pains in the neck muscles. Doc can’t see me for another week but curious if anyone has had this too or did I quit too late?

Last edited 1 year ago by Jamcousi9
1 year ago
Reply to  Chewie

Thanks for the reply! I go to the ENT tomorrow thanks to a cancelation. I am getting those weird neck muscles burns/discomfort but surprisingly no cravings for the chew 😬

Buck 08
Buck 08
1 year ago
Reply to  Jamcousi9

What did they end up finding out?

Andres Jones
Andres Jones
1 year ago

I’m almost cresting the two Week mark. The inability to concentrate is the absolute worst. The hot flashes are still happening. Although not as bad as the previous week. It’s weird, my first week I felt more energized but now I feel like I’m in more of a funk. However, its worth it and, up until now, no desire to go back

1 year ago

Reading all these comments has helped me get through my journey thus far. I’m 31, 1-2 can of grizz per week since I was 15. Got throught the first 3-5 days after a trip to the ER where I thought I was having a heart attack, everything came back normal. This helped my anxiety for a few days, but the dizziness/stomach issues continued. Dizziness has seemed to taper off now, I’m at the 50 day mark. Stomach issues continue (stools that seem to float quite often?) could be because I’ve tried to eat a healthier high fiber diet since the ER scare. The last few weeks I’ve also dealt with a lot of muscle spasms/vibrations and pain in my foot/leg, which almost seems like restless legs(eases when I move them or massage) along with occasionally twitches in other parts of the body. Sleep is still a struggle. Seem to wake up every night after exactly three hours of sleep straight out of an extremely vivid dream. Off and on sleep until the morning with even more dreams, it’s wild. Just trying to keep pushing forward, hoping the muscle spasms and bowel issues subside. I’m the remaining symptoms along with the anxiety has had me searching Google for what could be wrong with me (convincing myself it was something serious) for weeks and this forum has helped tremendously

Grizz Slayer
Grizz Slayer
1 year ago
Reply to  Greg

Good job, Greg. You’re doing it, man. You are closer than you realize to breaking through these symptoms. Keep fighting back. If you have stomach issues, keep eating healthy. If you have sleep issues, talk to the doc, take some melatonin, and rest up. Quitting is an action verb, and I would encourage you to be aggressive with it.

Andres Jones
Andres Jones
1 year ago
Reply to  Greg

Dude keep it up

1 year ago
Reply to  Greg

dude i am 36 and your story sound identical to mine except i went to the ER 4 times lol. nothing was wrong with me. i have been through this 3 times with a quit. I start at 30 and went two years nicotine free then went back to it. i am currently a few months in on my quit getting off of zyn.. i got anxiety attacks and currently have bouts of the day where i am so dizzy i feel like i can just fall over. I know that this will pass due to past experience but its still scary. i promise there is nothing wrong with you. Your brain is rewiring and it takes a hella long time to fix and stabalize. dont give up because you will have to go through this again

2 years ago

49 days without Copenhagen after 38 years !! It was brutal the first 2 weeks. Anxiety and no sleep some depression was the worst part for me . I went to see my doctor who has been on me to quit for 15 yrs said he told me you can do this and he gave me Zoloft 50mg for my anxiety which really helped me a ton plus it helped with all the cravings and I’ve lost 12 LBs instead of gaining Weight. I suggest if you quit and start to have issues go see your doctor they can help big time. Told me I’d probably be on Zoloft for 6-12 months. Do it for yourself you won’t regret it.

1 year ago
Reply to  Marc

I’m on day 2 guys I could really use some advice!!!

1 year ago
Reply to  Jason

Jason… Come join the quit army happening right now on Discord. You’re assigned into a group based on your quit date. This positions you to battle this quit with others that are on the same day/week as you. In addition, over a 1000 quitters that have climbed out of the nicotine clutch also remain on discord to give back to folks such as yourself.

I’ll look for you when you land.

2 years ago

45 days with out nicotine, and quit cold turkey. I have been having calf pain in both legs for 30 of those days. Has anyone else experienced this?

E. Berglund
E. Berglund
2 years ago

Anyone else notice the lack of a certain drive when they quit?

2 years ago
Reply to  E. Berglund

Yes, the first three months it was hard for me to get motivated to anything. But it gets better as time goes on. Stay with it

E. Berglund
E. Berglund
2 years ago

I find my thoughts racing, and can’t seem to pick out one thought and focus on it! It’s maddening!!

2 years ago
Reply to  E. Berglund

Go see your doctor. That’s anxiety. He can give you something to help with it. He did for me total game changer. Ended up on Zoloft.

2 years ago

Has anyone had issues with mucus in your throat after you quit? I’ve been about a week without a punch and I constantly have to clear my throat. It makes me paranoid, anxious and constantly worried something major is wrong.

2 years ago

Hey guys going on 3 months of dip free and almost 2 weeks of being completely Nic free. My mouth is going through the ringer. My lips are so sensitive to mint/other flavors, look a bit red and so are my inner cheeks. I assume this is normal?

2 years ago

I’m about 3 months into my quit and a can a day for about 13 years. I have had crazy amounts of muscle twitching (all over body) and heart palpitations, they have eased in the last couple weeks but I still have a rapid heart rate with light activity, like in the 140 – 160 range. Has anyone delt with palpitations and rapid heart beat 3 months in? Also my heart rate is normal at rest just goes crazy with light activity and then I get shaky.

2 years ago
Reply to  Trent

Yes, I had this same thing at 3 months. I am now at about 4 months and the heart palpitations have been gone for a couple weeks.

2 years ago
Reply to  Trent

Yep sure did. I went to emergency room they ran every test on me to tell me to tell me nothing is wrong. 😂 went to see my doc as advised and Doc told me I’m dealing with anxiety from withdrawal. Give me Zoloft it was awesome slowed my brain down and slept way better. Good luck.

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