What To Expect – 100 Days and Beyond

Expectations - KillTheCanYears ago, we put together a timeline of the first 100 days of your quit – What To Expect When You Quit Dipping. It was created based on the input of thousands of quitters and has proven to be incredibly accurate. And while this timeline shows a quitter with incredible accuracy what to expect in the first three months of their quit, it doesn’t clue them into what to expect further down the road. That’s where this page comes in. We’re going to try and lay out the time after you hit the 100 day Hall of Fame. We’re looking for feedback and input so please comment below and we’ll incorporate themes moving forward.

Days 120 – 150

You’re feeling pretty good about yourself. You’ve successfully quit dipping but it bothers you that you still think about it from time to time. You question your quit and how solid it actually is. You’re scared that in a moment of weakness you’ll go back to the can and throw away everything you’ve worked so hard to achieve. You get especially scared because you’re dealing with some massive craves now and then that you haven’t felt since the funk back in the 80-90 day range. Stay strong. This will pass.

Day 365

Congratulations! You have successfully navigated a full year being quit! Now staying quit is “simply” a matter of repeating what you already did last year. There is not a single day on the calendar that you have not already conquered.

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Forum member BrianG had this to say:

Seems like everyone has just fallen into posting roll here.  Maybe you are all on gropeme, who knows.  I went back quite a few pages and all you see is roll post or someone trying to find someone to post.  I always said the second 100 days were the toughest.  Anybody else here finding this to be true?  Anyone having a rough time? Any way, not trying to stir anything up, just making sure nobody is getting left behind.  Stay focused and stay quit…


Day 200

Today marks my second Hall of Fame day. It has been a while since I have updated my progress
so I thought I would write about the last 100 days, day 101 to 200. The one thing I have noticed
here on KTCk, is that not much is written about the days after your HOF. I understand that the
first 100 days are very important and that is where the focus is. After completing the second
100 days, I think some attention needs to be paid to this time frame. I believe the second 100 days
are tougher than the first, bar maybe week 1. Let me explain.

During the first 100 days, your group is getting a lot of attention. You have a goal in sight and
you are excited about reaching the HOF. If you have any competitive spirit to you at all, 100 days
is not that difficult. You make your promise everyday and keep your eye on the prize. If you get
through the first couple weeks, it is very doable. After the HOF, the attention to your group tends
to fade. People in your group tend to drift off. We have lost well over a third of the guys who
made it to HOF in the second 100 days. A few to caves and some who felt they were cured. This is the
time where you really have to dig deep and remember what you quit for in the first place.

I quit because it was time. 35 years was enough. I took tobacco off the table on day 1 and refused
to ever let it be an option no matter how bad it got. That is the mentality that got me through those
first days and the mentality that got me to the HOF. Shortly after day 100, I started to have craves
comparative to the first week. I found myself thinking about dipping quite often. I was in a funk
that was hard to get out of. During the next 100 days, that voice in my head has gotten louder. Many
times I have found my inner voice trying to convince me that I have quit long enough. That one dip
would not affect me like the others. I could do 1 dip and be quit. I have asked myself more than a
few times if I really want to be quit. These thoughts have come many times over these last 100 days.
Every time, I have been able to convince myself that I am quit for good reason. I try and remember day
1 again. I go to the new groups and read how those poor bastards are doing. I say to myself, never
doing day 1 again. I have to stay quit. I relied on my group to get me through. A few phone calls
and lots of texts to different people.

I cant imagine going through these last 100 days without my group, without KTC as a whole. I am positive
that I would have caved somewhere along the way if I wasnt continuing to post roll everyday. I see
people leave and wonder how they can do it. How do they have the confidence to stay quit? I hope there
comes a day when I can have the confidence to leave KTC and know that I am quit forever. I know that
thought is not popular on this site, but like it or not, that is my goal.

My hope is that the next 100 days are easier than the last 100 days. People keep saying that it gets better.
I believe they are right, but I am getting tired of reading about it and not realizing it. With all this
being said, I would not change a thing. I have been quit for 200 days. I am proud of that. I will keep
battling the inner voice with the help of all of you.

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More coming soon… please comment below with your experiences after the 100 day mark.

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