What To Expect When You Quit Dipping

What To Expect When You Quit Dipping

So you want to quit dipping and you would like to know what to expect when you do. We’re not going to pull any punches around here, it’s tough. That’s why we’re all here. This timeline has been put together over the years with the input of THOUSANDS of quitters. It has been shown to be remarkably accurate from the time you STOP USING NICOTINE.

Days 1 through 3 – Pure hell. You will walk in the fog. Nothing will seem real. Your brain is wondering where the hell its fix is and it is going to punish you until you come up with it. 72 hours, that’s all you need to get the nicotine out of your system. This is where you start to deal with the physical withdrawal associated with quitting dip. Drink lots of water. Read, post, read and post. Don’t take your anger out on your loved ones. We always tell everyone………Make this quit about YOU. If you quit for your wife, girlfriend, boyfriend, kids, mommy or daddy, you will resent them during this period. Quit for yourself and come in here to rant. Yell at us. Bitch at us. We can take it. We’ve been there.

Days 4 through 20 – Here comes the mind games. The nicotine is out of your system now. You will still have some physical things to deal with.

  • Cravings
  • Irritability
  • Insomnia
  • Fatigue
  • Inability to Concentrate
  • Headache
  • Sore throat
  • Constipation, gas, stomach pain
  • Dry mouth
  • Sore tongue and/or gums

Yep, you have this to look forward to. Your brain is rewiring itself. It isn’t used to being in an oxygen rich environment. Your body is responding in kind. Everything is a mind game now. All the cravings you have are actually due to triggers. Triggers are events where you are in a situation you would normally dip in. Mowing the grass, playing poker online, playing golf, working on the car………you get the picture. Keep drinking water, use seeds, the fake stuff, whatever you need to keep the dip out of your mouth. Remember, oral fixation is part of our habit, something you will eventually need to break. For now though, use all the tools you have.

Days 20 – 50 – You’re winning. Life isn’t great, but you probably had a couple of nights where you actually got some sleep. You might notice you’re going to bed earlier than you normally do. Not staying up to get in that last dip. You may notice some sores in your mouth. You’re thinking, “great, I quit dipping and now I have cancer.” You almost certainly don’t. Your mouth is healing itself. Tiny ulcers you’ve had for a long time are healing. We recommend you visit your dentist around the 30 day mark. Don’t be a pansy, just do it. He or she will be very supportive and they can explain the sores much better than we can. Don’t let your guard down. Don’t go out drinking with the fellas or the girls. We also recommend that you don’t drink for at least the first 50 days. Drinking is a huge trigger event and it weakens your resolve.

Days 50 – 70 – Cruise control. Life is really good. You still think about it, but this is good stuff here. Some people may suffer anxiety attacks during or a little before this stage. Some doctors say we dipped to relieve anxiety anyway. Some people can push right through this, others need a little help. Talk to your doctor before you quit or immediately after you quit. They will know what to do. Some give Wellbutrin or Lexapro. Lots of people in the support community take or have taken these medicines and can help you with the affects. Don’t wait till you get to this stage of the game to talk to a doctor. You’ll cruise through this stage much easier if you know how to take care of the anxiety or at least know it’s coming.

Days 70 – 90 – Late term craves, the doldrums, the blahs, the blues. Some people end up feeling like they are right back at day 1. The fog, the haze, the craves. It can be a tough time. You need to let people in your group know this is happening. Time to circle the wagons to get through it. It usually only lasts a few days. Fight through this and make sure your order your HOF Knife or Coin. Here are a couple of articles about this time period which we refer to as “The Funk”

Days 90 – HOF – Houston, resume the countdown. Enjoy the hell out of these last 10 days. You will be celebrating with your group as you all enter the HOF. It is a great feeling and an accomplishment you should not take lightly. Do something special for yourself and your family. They put up with your sorry ass for the last 90 days and they deserve something too.

100+ Days – Stay vigilant. Use the tools you have, to continue beating back any cravings or urges. You will still experience dip dreams and longings, but you are fully qualified to beat them down. Continue to post roll with your group. Get into the newer groups and help somebody out. Pass it along. Live the dream.

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11 years ago

Well I just made it through my first 24 hours with no chew. Hasn’t been all that bad except for the headaches.

11 years ago

Thanks chewie. Glad to be aboard!

11 years ago

I woke up this morning realizing I better quit chewing for a few reasons. I’m up to 2 tins a day.. Crazy expensive and ridiculous. Wish me luck. Trying it cold turkey!

11 years ago

Congrats to everyone so far. I just wanted to update my journey. Been a week today I believe. I had a breakdown, just lost it completely. Then I picked a fight with my girl over nothing a coupe days ago too. I said enough is enough and went to some psychiatric help. I got prescribed some anti d and another to help with nicotine cravings. Just taking it one day at a time and trying to calm down, get my act together, for myself and everyone in my life. This is more than chewing no, and more about being a better man. This sure is great and thanks/congrats to all who keep posting and taking their own journey to get through their addiction.

11 years ago

So I decided to tackle this journey to quit chewing, and day 5 is coming to an end. My body feels really weak; sore throat & lymph nodes, as well as mouth sores and headaches. I can’t recall the last time I was sick, so it was a surprise. It feels like I’m detoxing the nicotine, and I hate/love it. I’m pretty proud with the little progress I’ve made, and commend you all for your efforts!

11 years ago

I am on day 2 myself, made it through the 1st day! I never thought that would happen, but I feel really well, surprisingly.

11 years ago

I don’t know about that, I’ve been “Quit” for nearly 8 weeks, and I still get cravings, some not so bad, others are so wicked that I’d think that I want to throw in the proverbial towel in and buy a tin. But then I think about how long its been, and I relax and sometimes I’m really happy that it’s been two months since my quit began. Stick to it, you’ll be glad you did.

11 years ago

I’m on the start of day 3. Ive been on again off again for about 7 yrs. I realized I needed help when I ran through 5 tins in the matter of two days and one look at my gums. This is a very hard time in my life right now with my gf going through a lot, our relationship is rocky, and a very big job interview is on the line. I want a pinch so bad, my gum is pounding like a headache. I’m getting that foggy feeling and depression a lot. I already workout everyday and my stress and breaking point is through the roof.I don’t know what to do maybe see a head doctor. It’s worth it not to lose my jaw, but so hard at this time. When the 72 hrs pass hopefully this gets better.

11 years ago

So I am on day 2 I have had a few cravings but nothing major yet. I have dipped for almost 20 yrs nonstop my biggest problem I’m having is trying to keep my cool. I work EMS & fire & neither are a place to not keep your cool. I have snapped at coworkers & snapped at loved ones. What’s a good way to deal with the attitude I have acquired?

Buck Coleman
Buck Coleman
11 years ago

Week 2 – feeling pretty great. Still have triggers mostly cause I drive my friend to school and he dips when he goes there. Still going strong. Still have urges here and there but they go away when I don’t think about it. Still having some trouble sleeping sometimes but it’s getting better. Can’t thank this website enough for everything. Just hope I can keep on going. Stay strong boys. Remember why you’re doing this and just keep on going. You all got this.

11 years ago

i am awesome brother day 12 and im riding also walking the beach and relaxing. We got this be quit today and stay strong 😉

11 years ago

Yesican I hope u r still good brother! I am on day 9 today! Ride the waves…I have been walking in mornings for some exercise, amazing how 1/2 hr walk helps….

11 years ago

Week 5, I’m still getting cravings, although I just ignore them, and think about something else; like building my motorhome. That always gets my mind on another track.

James Cole
James Cole
11 years ago

Day 12 doing pretty good..all except for I’m having a hard time sleeping

11 years ago

That’s great, yesican! Good job brother. Keep it up, stray strong. You got this.

11 years ago

Hey James I am day 11 also and same here. My dizziness just left me and I am feeling a lot better. When the cravings come just ride them and go one day at a time. We are quit today brother

11 years ago

Hey guys just wanted to check in with everyone and see how you all are doing?!?! I’m on day 11, cravings come in waves, it is getting easier. I chew gum like a madman.

11 years ago

Jacob, woman get on ur nerves even if you never dipped lol Im on day 9 and ive dipped for over 20 years and my body is going through some stuff right now. Dizzy and light headed my attitude has gotten a lot better and so has my relationship with my girlfriend. My ex wife of 13 years is a different story when i put a face to nicotine i use her and it makes crap easier. Stick it out and you got this. Keep posting it has helped me and I thought I would never be able to get this far. 10 days is next and we are in it until we kick her ass

11 years ago

I’ve been dipping for 9 years. I found a spot in my mouth that freaked me out, and decided I’m finally gonna quit. I’m almost done with day 2. I’ve been irritable for sure. I’m trying not to take it out on anyone, but I got in a fight over 2 pointless things last night with my girlfriend. And for some reason it never occurred to me until today that this could be the reason for it. I guess I thought it wasn’t even going to be that hard since I had gotten down to 2 or 3 dips a day before I quit. But anyway I wanna stick to it and be rid of the urges for good.

11 years ago

9/5 4:30pm I was driving to the store to buy just one more can of snuff before quitting. Well enough is enough (18 years), I turned the truck around and here I set: 20hrs in. “I don’t NEED it.” That is the answer to this fight. Those words are playing like a broken record in my head right now!

11 years ago

Day 6 and I am starting to feel better. I have an hr ride to work everyday and i was so worried because that was my dip time and now the hell with that I have my seeds and gum Thanks James. Everyday is a victory and I see many more wins in the future.

11 years ago

Brian, Ben, Buck, Bob, Yesican, Alex………GREAT JOB GUYS!!!!!!!!! Keep it up, you got this shit!!!!!!!!!!!! Keep posting and stay strong!!!!!!!!!

11 years ago

I’m on day 5 and I am starting to feel better. The first 3 days are the hardest for me. Also I quit for 6 months about 2 years ago and one day just thought I wanted one dip so I bought a can, that was 2 years ago and I have been dipping heavy since until 5 days ago. I know my mistake was to take a dip, I was confident that I had it beat but all it took was one dip to bring me back to submission; so the moral is, once you’ve quit NEVER look back, once you have beat it, stay moving forward.LEARN FROM ME!!!! Day 5 for me (again), and I won’t put it in my mouth ever……Also to not remove hope from the first time quitter; it wasn’t the craving that got me to dip again at the six month mark, I totally had it beat, it was just the thought of dipping and knowing I had it beat, I had to work with my hands outside all day and thought “ya know, I’m no longer addicted, I’ll have a dip today”, big mistake. I do remember that the first 2 weeks were hard, specifically the first 3 days, and the first 7 days, after the first week things get much easier and especially after the first 2 weeks they get much much easier. Also a great tip I have found is make the 1 week mark your first goal, pick a brand of gum and chew the life out of it during the first 7 days, for me it was trident. After the one week goal is met, go buy some teeth whitening strips, THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT in my opinion, because it is a TANGIBLE result that you can observe and actually see changing the appearance of your teeth. Dipping while using whitening strips will only stain your teeth even browner, so using the whitening strips also deters your mind from giving in and taking a dip, not to mention it adds confidence and commitment to quitting because you actually see your teeth looking brighter and whiter. Hope this helps someone. Remember quitting is totally possible, once you break from that ball and chain just remember my story and don’t go back, it sucks starting the quitting process over again. Oh yeah and you are going to feel a complete array of emotions during the first few weeks, these emotions are nothing new to you but they seem this way because every time for the last 10,15,20 plus years when you were exicited, mad, sad, happy, scared, angry, etc….What did we do??????????????? We suppressed those emotions and put in a dip!!!!! The dip masked our feelings and calmed us down or whatever the emotion may be; I promise you, you will feel like a completely new and different person, learning to deal with joy, anger, sadness, etc……It’s the real you, stay strong and you will soon feel “normal”. Ok and one more thing some of you may get pissy about, if you use marijuana, there is nothing better than doing it while your quitting, it totally helps and can relax you and just take the edge off…..I’m not using it this time around because of my job but totally would if I could, just figured I would throw that out there. L8r

11 years ago
Reply to  James

if it wasnt for good ole mary, i don’t think i would have made it this far. (3 weeks tomorrow)

11 years ago

just made it through the night of day 2 and into day 3. i slept maybe 20 or 40 minutes all night. i was getting alternating hot sweats and shivers through the night. i felt like this all the way up untill this morning when i loaded up on sugar, helped a ton! i also have a pretty sore throat which i wish would go away.i have my mental game in check im just ready for these physical withdrawals to stop!

11 years ago

On day 4 and fighting through the urges. Keeping busy and I want to be done. Dipped for nearly 20 years and I have started getting my life back. I enjoy this site and it helps to know I am not alone

11 years ago

For the first week I was acting like I was on speed. Other people saw a change, and kept asking what was wrong. When I finally told them, they thought I was nuts, but now they totally support my decision to quit.

Buck Coleman
Buck Coleman
11 years ago

Day 1-almost day 2. Going through the fog phase. Sometimes I feel just fine but other times it literally feels like what I’m doing isn’t real. All my friends have noticed that sometimes I’m just not all there. And I’m scared to be honest. I don’t know if this is normal or what but if you could help out that would be great.

11 years ago

Day 2. Crazy cravings and realizing and learning what triggers me throughout the day. It’s amazing how on e you stop something you realize howich you were actually doing it. So glad I found this site. Thanks everybody for your shares.

11 years ago

Hang in there! It does get easier. You’re not alone in your struggles!

11 years ago

I haven’t dipped in 16 hours & I’m so scared. I am very happy I am quitting but worried because I am sick. I have very sore & red throat that is irritating & provoking me to cough. My daughter was sick with common cold so I think I got it from her. I just worry about throat/mouth cancer. I have been dipping for 2 years & I’m 100% that I’m never going back to it, no matter how bad the cravings. Someone please help.

11 years ago
Reply to  Carrie

Hang in there. I developed a sore throat (pain in lymph nodes) at about day 20 that lasted for about a week and a half. I had those same thoughts about the cancer during that time but it eventually went away. It may have been caused by quitting or just from allergies causing drainage but all is good now. I am at day 43 and can tell you that it will get easier but you will have days when you wonder if you can stick with it. Just do it for your daughter and your own health. Good Luck.

11 years ago
Reply to  Carrie

Hello,Carrie,my name is jim and I read your comment,you need help,so,here goes. I have been dipping Copenhagen for 32 yrs. I have tried every new dip that they have thrown out there,but cope is my dip,hands down. Now,here recently,I came down with this flu-like illness. Had it for ,oh two weeks. I’ve been studying native American herbs and plant medicine for around 18 yrs. There is this herbal mixture that I take to rid me of that sickness,don’t get it much,but it takes it out. Now,part of that mixture is an herb called goldenseal. That herbs main purpose is to rid the blood of toxins,yes,nicotine too. It cleansed the nicotine right out of my blood,when I went to #1 it was as dark as coca cola,that was the nicotine the goldenseal got out of my blood. I had a brand new can of cope,I gave it away as I didn’t even desire to have it,the nicotine was gone. If you know of a good herb shop,get the alcohol-free,liquid extract of goldenseal,the dose is printed on the bottle. Goldenseal is also a natural antibiotic,but it will rid you of nicotine. Good luck.

11 years ago

I quit two weeks ago and feel better then I have in long time. Dipped for about 25 years. wish I did it long ago. Fingers crossed. Plan on sticking to it. Notice more energy already.

11 years ago

I’m already into week 4, and I still have cravings, although they’re less frequent, and certainly not as bad as they were. I’ve tried “Chattahoochee Herbal Snuff,” but it’s like sucking on sawdust.

11 years ago

Day 3. Almost to the 72 hour mark. Much easier than yesterday. Looking forward to the worst being out of the way tomorrow.

joel hunter
joel hunter
11 years ago

6 days cold turkey for me. I still feel like s**t but I guess my brain has to rewire from all the years of dipping.

11 years ago

Yeah, you know, I’ve tried “Jakes Mint Chew” and I was just as addicted to that substitute as I was with “Skoal XTra.” So I guess I continue with “Cold Turkey” and it’s been 25 days. “Altoids” the breath mint, seems to do wonders with me, a substitute to the Skoal Mint that I have been doing for the past 10+ years. When I do “ALTOIDS,” I get the “Mint-Rush” that I used to get from the mint dip. I don’t know, I guess it’s just me.

11 years ago

Bacc off works pretty good. You should check it out.

11 years ago

Yeah, I get wicked gas from sunflower seeds, wouldn’t work in the taxi (I drive a taxi) I don’t think my customers would appreciate it.

11 years ago

I’ve got dentures, a result of Dipping, but gum sticks to them, like peanut butter sticks to the roof of a dogs mouth, gum sticks to the bridge, I’m also diabetic.

11 years ago

Cinnamon gum helps too..

11 years ago

I smoked for 18 years then quit that habit by chewing for the next 10 years. I have now quit cold-turkey on July 31st (23 days now). I have made it through the mind wrenching insanity of the initial withdrawals, the sweats, the mouth sores, dip dreams that were so real I had to check my teeth for chew when I awoke but I am determined to get through this. Yesterday I had more mouth sores and the start of a sore throat (I haven’t been sick in years). Hope this is just more symptoms of withdrawal that will go away soon. I have been eating cinnamon hard candy and gum to get through the cravings as I sit for hours behind a computer at work. I have been tempted to go get a can at times but I fight off the urge. I feel like I have multiple personalities that are arguing with each other inside my head and so far the one that has quit chewing is winning. Damn this evil nic.

11 years ago
Reply to  mike

Mike you still dip free bro?!?!? Keep us posted bud. You got this man.

11 years ago
Reply to  James

Thanks for asking James. I am at day 42 and I feel like I am through the worst of it now. Still have triggers but the cravings are getting less and less. Thanks to a strong support group of family, friends, and co-workers I am going to whip this.

11 years ago

Sunflower seeds help abit for me….

11 years ago

OK its been week 3.5. I still get cravings, hey don’t forget, dipping is 3 times worse than “Lighting up.” And some peoples addiction is worse than others. I’ve been sucking on a substitute and found it helped, but now I’ve run out of the substitute, and I don’t know how much longer I can go without it. Maybe I’ll try chewing on a stick of cinnamon.

11 years ago

Day 22 and still going strong. I’ve been using Bacc off but to be honest, I don’t think I need it. I still get the cravings but I’ve gotten rid of all the triggers so I’m doing OK. I was a dipper for about 25 years!

Jo G
Jo G
11 years ago

Day 2, Been chewing for 15yrs….the most I have ever gone is 30days and that was just once…..chewing Nicorette gum just to help out for the first couple weeks. Not sure if that is cheating abit, but eventually ill put that down as well.

11 years ago


Well today is day 1 for me. Ive tried cold turkey, Ive tried the beef jerky chew, and whatever you can think of. I started when I was 15 and I am now 18. Dip has been absolutely convenient, playing video games, studying, watching tv, etc. Honestly I’m scared to death about getting mouth cancer. It didn’t really hit me until this past year when I would frantically ask my friends about how my teeth look or check the mirror and find canker sores and sandpaper areas irritated from the dip. I even felt a small bump in my cheek and freaked out and my mom and aunt who are doctors told me its probably just a swollen lymph node. Honestly I just need to quit because I don’t want to die young because I felt like having a dip ever time I wanted to play xbox or take a shower. I’ll need all the help I can get but I’m going in with the mentality that I’m making Grizzly MY bitch not the other way around.

Eric D
Eric D
11 years ago
Reply to  Ben

Hey ben my name is Eric and i am now 17 and started doing dip when i was 15 and i have been chewing grizzly wintergreen sence i started and made it 20 days when i tried to quit once!! Im going to take another shot at it and when i made it to 20 days the first time i chewed alot of gum and seeds.

11 years ago

I am starting week three… I admit I took tiny pinches when my body began to shake from withdrawals. It was intense but now I take nothing. For the last couple of days my tongue is sore an I think I have a tiny sore under my tongue. I read this can happen or should I be worried? Did this happen to anyone else?

11 years ago
Reply to  David

You can’t be at week 3 if you have taken “tiny pinches”, You have to remain QUIT and free from all NIC. Start your count over bro.

11 years ago

Thanks for the warning. The fog must be worse than I thought-today is only day 11. I will do whatever it takes to be free from the “bitch”! Dedication,Desire,Determination!

11 years ago

I’m on day 13. Still in a fog but getting easier. Smokey mountain wintergreen helping tremendously.

Bill mcnally
11 years ago
Reply to  Chewie

Hey guys need your help, had enough of the chew and my ten year old is begging me to quit and I also want to do it for myself before its to late, I have been chewing for 3 years and today is my last day, wish me luck and thanks for your support..

11 years ago

Trying to quit now for the last week. The cravings are intense and last for hours not the 3-5 Mins I read online. I guess quiting is different for some people.

11 years ago
Reply to  David

I would have to agree that they don’t jsut last a few minutes as I am also 5 days like DJ and am still getting some intense cravings. I quit dipping years ago when I was in the military but at that time I just smoked more to compensate. I don’t smoke anymore and haven’t for some time so this is a bit harder this time. I know that it can be beat as I have quit some really tough stuff in the past!

11 years ago

I just quit 5 days ago. got a lump in my cheek and scared the hell out of me. Went to the dentist and he said its just lymph node. I have chewed Copenhagen snuff for 18 years. I guess its a good thing everything is ok, but even better that I have quit. Looking forward to all the fun through the next couple months.

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