What To Expect When You Quit Dipping

What To Expect When You Quit Dipping

So you want to quit dipping and you would like to know what to expect when you do. We’re not going to pull any punches around here, it’s tough. That’s why we’re all here. This timeline has been put together over the years with the input of THOUSANDS of quitters. It has been shown to be remarkably accurate from the time you STOP USING NICOTINE.

Days 1 through 3 – Pure hell. You will walk in the fog. Nothing will seem real. Your brain is wondering where the hell its fix is and it is going to punish you until you come up with it. 72 hours, that’s all you need to get the nicotine out of your system. This is where you start to deal with the physical withdrawal associated with quitting dip. Drink lots of water. Read, post, read and post. Don’t take your anger out on your loved ones. We always tell everyone………Make this quit about YOU. If you quit for your wife, girlfriend, boyfriend, kids, mommy or daddy, you will resent them during this period. Quit for yourself and come in here to rant. Yell at us. Bitch at us. We can take it. We’ve been there.

Days 4 through 20 – Here comes the mind games. The nicotine is out of your system now. You will still have some physical things to deal with.

  • Cravings
  • Irritability
  • Insomnia
  • Fatigue
  • Inability to Concentrate
  • Headache
  • Sore throat
  • Constipation, gas, stomach pain
  • Dry mouth
  • Sore tongue and/or gums

Yep, you have this to look forward to. Your brain is rewiring itself. It isn’t used to being in an oxygen rich environment. Your body is responding in kind. Everything is a mind game now. All the cravings you have are actually due to triggers. Triggers are events where you are in a situation you would normally dip in. Mowing the grass, playing poker online, playing golf, working on the car………you get the picture. Keep drinking water, use seeds, the fake stuff, whatever you need to keep the dip out of your mouth. Remember, oral fixation is part of our habit, something you will eventually need to break. For now though, use all the tools you have.

Days 20 – 50 – You’re winning. Life isn’t great, but you probably had a couple of nights where you actually got some sleep. You might notice you’re going to bed earlier than you normally do. Not staying up to get in that last dip. You may notice some sores in your mouth. You’re thinking, “great, I quit dipping and now I have cancer.” You almost certainly don’t. Your mouth is healing itself. Tiny ulcers you’ve had for a long time are healing. We recommend you visit your dentist around the 30 day mark. Don’t be a pansy, just do it. He or she will be very supportive and they can explain the sores much better than we can. Don’t let your guard down. Don’t go out drinking with the fellas or the girls. We also recommend that you don’t drink for at least the first 50 days. Drinking is a huge trigger event and it weakens your resolve.

Days 50 – 70 – Cruise control. Life is really good. You still think about it, but this is good stuff here. Some people may suffer anxiety attacks during or a little before this stage. Some doctors say we dipped to relieve anxiety anyway. Some people can push right through this, others need a little help. Talk to your doctor before you quit or immediately after you quit. They will know what to do. Some give Wellbutrin or Lexapro. Lots of people in the support community take or have taken these medicines and can help you with the affects. Don’t wait till you get to this stage of the game to talk to a doctor. You’ll cruise through this stage much easier if you know how to take care of the anxiety or at least know it’s coming.

Days 70 – 90 – Late term craves, the doldrums, the blahs, the blues. Some people end up feeling like they are right back at day 1. The fog, the haze, the craves. It can be a tough time. You need to let people in your group know this is happening. Time to circle the wagons to get through it. It usually only lasts a few days. Fight through this and make sure your order your HOF Knife or Coin. Here are a couple of articles about this time period which we refer to as “The Funk”

Days 90 – HOF – Houston, resume the countdown. Enjoy the hell out of these last 10 days. You will be celebrating with your group as you all enter the HOF. It is a great feeling and an accomplishment you should not take lightly. Do something special for yourself and your family. They put up with your sorry ass for the last 90 days and they deserve something too.

100+ Days – Stay vigilant. Use the tools you have, to continue beating back any cravings or urges. You will still experience dip dreams and longings, but you are fully qualified to beat them down. Continue to post roll with your group. Get into the newer groups and help somebody out. Pass it along. Live the dream.

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10 years ago

What up guys day four here has been rough took four finals today and wanted to pack a lip after so bad and its hard to work out too now cuz i used to pack one after really good workouts so its a big trigger for me but yeah today i almost cracked i went to walmart to buy fake dip and they didnt have any so i almost bought pouches but i didnt it was hard to walk away but im happy i did but yeah just tryong to stay strong with this i really am trying this time to quit before i would of already been dipping again 8 more hours and day 4 is over for me then time to focus on day 5 focusing a day at a time seems easier to deal with thanks for the advice and support guys!


Day 4

10 years ago
Reply to  Ben

awesome job end you kicked nicotine in the ass today. I know those cans were talking to you behind the counter because they talk to me too even now after 3 weeks.so the next time you go in there it should make it that much easier! Don’t give up keep going! Someday you’ll look back and be very happy you made this decision because remember-time passes regardless of what you do in life. I used to think “ehh I’ll quit when I get engaged” or ” I’ll quit when I get married” “I’ll quit on my birthday new years Monday Friday tomorrow” it was all lies in my head. The single most important day of you quitting is today-this moment. Sorry for the rambling hope it helps
Rick day 23

10 years ago

I was away for a few days and it seems we’ve added a few new members here, I hope everyone is doing well and hanging strong in their quits. Welcome to the new guys/gals we’re here to help and know what you’re going through. I will be trying to get on here more regularly the last few days were very busy between sick kids and flooded basements. I love all these activities without dip now, funny how all of them my first thought is Kodiak and my second thought is fuck that. It’s actually been a few days since I had a smokey mountain so I might go put one in now.
Day 38

10 years ago

Day two, and it’s not too bad! Still kind of sick like I have a cold and soar throat, etc. I just keep thinking about all the good things I will have by quitting, then the cravings go away. Think about enjoying something that does not make you want a dip afterwards. Go out on a walk or hike and enjoy it, understand your new perspective on life without dip. It is bad ASS to not need this shit! I’m going to be so much more in tune with your body when I’m not physically reliant on nicotine! I’ve noticed that a puff of the green herb (outside of work of course) helps with getting rid of the craving and focuses my mind on doing something else.

10 years ago
Reply to  SKIPPY

Awesome job skip. Just making it 2 days without is a great job! Keep it up. Just be careful with the green stuff. A little here or there is OK. But don’t replace one with the other. Ive been on the green for a long time and for awhile using that was a trigger for nicotine use for me. It sounds like your heading in the right direction keep us updated
Day 22

10 years ago

Hello folks,

It’s been some time I logged into but I am not going anywhere out :). Jeff, JayP and Steve – great work you guys are doing consistently to help out the new comers. Honestly, sometimes I wished if you guys were there when I quit, it would have made my life much easier.

Rick – you know man, you are awesome. I really like the way you keep going because I know you are right in the middle of the toughest transition time in your quit phase and you can get only better.

For all the new comers, doubts, tension, anxiety, sleeplessness and the bloody fog all creeps in. You’ll have doubts if you have done the right thing. Just take my word, this is probably the best thing and also the toughest thing you have ever done in your life. As long as not a single drop of poison in your system (no cigars, no patches, no gums etc) you are winning.

Remember, the journey is more important and these are moments you’ll cherish in your life and be very proud of. It takes time and your recovery will be slow. But be patient and you all be glad you took the plunge out of this poison.

Look at our old postings, you’d be amused how much we have ranted and doubted ourselves :).

Cali guys, I am so really envious of you (it’s frigging rain and snow here in NE)

DDD – Where the hell are you?

Day 192

10 years ago
Reply to  Shiva

Shiva— thanks so much for your support. I could tell from your posts that you are very educated on nicotine addiction.after I relapsed I really decided to dive intoeducation on nicotine and all that it does. Thank you for pointing me in the right direction and yeah I live in PA it’s cold and wet here too!!

10 years ago
Reply to  Shiva

Good to hear from you!

Today’s weather in corona Cali is 80. Good golf weather, and without a dip.

Yes, Rick and Steve are awesome, the newbies are indeed lucky to have theses guys… Just like I had Jayp,and DDD, shiva.


10 years ago
Reply to  Shiva


Good to hear from you, the weather here in Boston is miserable as well. We got drilled with rain last night I spent half the night in the basement dealing with water.
All good today though.

10 years ago

I am in southern Cali, and yes sleeping is difficult at the start of your quit. I think it took me around 30 days before I started to get some good sleep.

So, no worries it’s normal part of the quit.

Keep up the fight.
Day 121

10 years ago

Whats up guys is about 6am where im at in california ive been having trouble falling asleep and staying asleep these past few days is it because im quitting? because i wake up with some pretty mean cravings for a lip when i make it through today its day 3 almost past that three day mark everyone says is the hardest so thats the good news though!

10 years ago
Reply to  Ben

Hey Ben,

The first week to two weeks were really tough for me to sleep. When I did fall asleep I had horrible night sweats for about 10 days. It gets better man, keep plugging thru!
Are you using smokey mountain or any other fake stuff? What about substitutes?
From your earlier post, I also wanted to rip someone’s head off try hitting the gym or a heavy bag. Trust me you hit someone you will feel like shit and head right for a tin.
You get through it, just keep coming on here to check in with everyone.
Day 38

10 years ago

I see a few new faces and a couple of veterans the support lives on, what a wonderful thing!
To Skippy-no cigars or patches, you’re trying to rid yourself of the poison that’s causing you the pain. 72 hours and that initial fit should lessen. Then the mind games come (possible anxiety, possible depression). The good news, these too disappear in time.
To Ben-have you for yourself a can of the fake stuff. Almost every Walmart in America carries Smokey Mountain. Get yourself one, at least this early in your quit, it sure will help you out. I know those first few days are tough. Especially with wanting to rip someone’s head off. This is what this board is for. Keep up your fight!
To Rick &Steve, I’m naming you 2 as the torch carriers on this board. You 2 specifically have taken over where me and Jeff, DDD and Shiva left off. We all came on here barking up trees at the start, supporting each other and all new comers, you 2 are keeping the support going on a day to day basis. I’m not going anywhere anytime soon, but you 2 are doing awesome here! Keep it up!!
And to Jeff-some good veteran advice from you as well my friend. You offer some great motivation here too. Stuff that even I appreciate! As far as DDD, I would think he would come forward and talked about things by now….guess we just have to appreciate the motivation he offered us during our1st 100 days. Ahhh well, got to keep on moving. You folks all have a great, tobacco-free day!
Day #147

10 years ago

Keep up the fight! Man my quit date was July 18th of this year, 144 days into this quit. Been dipping for 25 years, the majority of that time was with Copenhagen. My quit started out cold turkey for three days, then when I was about to cave I bought some smokey mountain, which I had used on a prior quit. Smokey mountain wintergreen and classic held me on the first 100 days. I’ve now moved onto hooch, it’s fine cut similar to cope. Definitely took some time to acquire the taste of hooch, classic, wintergreen and whiskey.
To be honest I look forward to the day when I no longer crave having a dip in my mouth. However, if that day never comes then I’m fine in dipping the fake stuff for ever.
For all the rooks out there reading over all these stories just like I was a few months ago, man the “quit” sucks!!! Cravings, dip dreams, want to throat punch just about everyone you come into contact with. Find ya good support system and look to the man upstairs! The quit can be done.

Also I’m curious what fake snuff previous Copenhagen users are using?

Day 144

10 years ago
Reply to  POPO815

Smokey Mountain wintergreen has been a godsend to me. It’s awesome that you have made it a hundred and forty four days dude keep it up

10 years ago

Whats up guys day 2 here feel okay had some horrible fucking cravingings that maybe want to punch someone in the god damn face but i faced a lot of my triggers today and didnt buy a can or pack a lip off someone else so thats good just trying to stay out of gas stations and 7/11s so the temptation isnt there or at least till i can trust myself a little more but yeah ive been able to keep myself busy to keep my mind off dipping you guys here that tell me your stories make me think i can quit for good this time plus its kinda a personal goal for me now to post everyday saying that i made it another day thanks guys!

10 years ago

thanks for the support Jeff and CHEWIE guys, just went to the store earlier and got some cinnamon toothpicks that are working to give me a good burn sensation but I’m definitely not going to pick up any nicotine as I almost have 24 hours under my belt with NONE.

10 years ago

Hey everyone, I’ve been dipping for about 15 years. I started at 15 and now I’m 30 and wanna lay it down. From you guys that did it for awhile, would you suggest a slow down first or cold turkey? I keep saying slow down but always find a way to make up for ones I’ve missed. I leave my can here in the mornings and then when I get back to the house I do more than I normally would. I’m down about one dip a day but feel like I should be more. Any suggestions? I start getting head aches after about 15hrs or so. Do they go away?

10 years ago
Reply to  David

Hey David,

How are you holding up? It does sound like you already cut down. I cut down and remember that during that stage when I would get to say 12-15 hours without one I would get foggy that feeling is what you’re going to have off and on, more on at first for a couple of weeks. I quit before my quit day because I felt like I was unnecessarily torturing myself during the cut down phase it was almost like detoxing only to get my fix before detoxing again. No lie the first few weeks are really tough but it gets easier the longer you stay away from it. Most importantly start your quit when you are ready and not for any other reason, when you’re ready make sure you have a plan and idea of what to expect.
Hope we hear from you soon man. I’d be happy to post my quit plan if it will help you, please let me know.
Steve (38 days)

10 years ago

Hey guys (and maybe gals), I just started today, had my last dip last night before bed. I decided last night that I would quit (made amends with myself). I’ve been dipping ever since quitting smoking in December 2009. So it’s been a good 5 years since I started dipping. It’s really hard to deal with the urges today and I’m in a complete fog. I feel sick like I’m getting a cold, soar throat, etc. Nicotine is fucked up but so good for stress relief in a hurry. I’m so torn on what to do. Do I go get the patch or grab a cigar or what?

10 years ago
Reply to  Skippy

Skippy…we’ve all been there and I, myself, am on week 12. I found that a moderate dose of Xanax really helped me get through the rough times. You’ll make it….just stay focused and determined. We’re all in your corner!

10 years ago
Reply to  Skippy


Best way to go is cold turkey! It’s a bitch, but getting the nic out of your system is the first step on your recovery!

Get seeds, fake shit, drink water, and come here post, read, post. You will see the support will help you down the road of your quit.

I chewed cope for almost 32 years,… If I can quit so can you!

Btw. I know a skippy in Kansas

Day 120

10 years ago

Been awhile boys… some of you 70+ day veterans might remember me. Glad to see some familiar names. Hope all of you are well. For you poor bastards still in the fog… chin up, it will get easier with time.

1.75 cans/day for twenty years.

day 100

10 years ago
Reply to  TMAJ

Congrats on 100 days!!!!
Day 120

10 years ago
Reply to  TMAJ

Congrats on 100 days of freedom!

10 years ago
Reply to  TMAJ

awesome job dude you should be very proud of yourself. I can’t wait to get 200 days! I mean 100 days damn phone!

10 years ago

Hey guys day number one almost done two more hours it hasnt been to bad a few times where i almost cracked but just kept myself in the house for the day to avoide temptation ill be checking in probabaly everyday. Today wasnt as bad as i thought but i know its probabaly gonna get worse but well see what happens i guess but day 1 done and the start to a tabacoo free life is on its way!

10 years ago
Reply to  Ben

Glad to hear Ben. Do anything and I mean anything to keep from putting tobacco in you mouth. You took the hardest step—-the first one. As soon as the crave come do some pushups run eat. One minute at a time if you have to. Remember the only problem tobacco solves is the one it created. Its awesome your quitting now a lot of guys on this website wish they could’ve quit when they were 20. Keep at it. Well be here to see how you do.
Day 21

10 years ago
Reply to  rick

You battle tested warrior!

Just wanted to tell you this!


10 years ago
Reply to  Ben


You journey has just begun, yet you will find total strangers soon become your brothers.

Know that your journey is tough, but you can do it. If you read the post, back a few months, you will see Rick, jayp, Steve, shiva, and myself post almost daily during our battle with the nic bitch.

Focus on each day, let us know how your doing, remember, don’t rant on anyone but us,

Day 120

10 years ago

Starting day 1. I’m sure I’ll be coming here for inspiration. You people are all wonderful for offering support to others.

10 years ago

Just checking in! Looks like we have even more quitters helping each other! Good job to all of you.

Jayp… Any clue what happened to DDD?

I miss that crazy bastard… For 100 days he posted … Then MIA…


10 years ago
Reply to  Jeff

Ya I was wondering the same thing jeff hard to say.taking a break maybe

10 years ago
Reply to  Jeff

Hey Jeff, good to hear from you. I have 2 scenarios on DDD.
1.) he caved and didn’t feel he could share it
2.) his CPU got stolen
I mean, you don’t come here, post for a 100 days straight and then just go MIA….no HOF, no responses….nothing. I really hope it’s the latter and NOT the former. But that’s my best guess there. I really hope he pops by and gives us the skinny. It is a shame he isn’t here to offer up some support/advice to these new guys.
My focus now is on my quit and everyone of you that have decided to quit and come here to rant/share your stories. I offer my support for all you quitters!!
Day #146

10 years ago
Reply to  JAYP

It is strange, couldn’t shut his ass up for 100 days and poof! DDD , if you caved, hop on here and let’s do it again

Jayp, I must give you a shout out. You have motivated so many here, your focus on yourself and all of us is something to be commended!

Day 120

10 years ago

Nice work Rick, never in doubt

10 years ago
Reply to  Steve

Steve, want to commend you again on the motivation and support you’re offering the board out here. Proud of the help and support you offer out here. This will only pay you back 2 fold as you move along in your quit. Keep fighting!!

10 years ago
Reply to  JayP

Thanks JP, you guys were here for me when I needed it trying to pay it forward.
Day 38

10 years ago

I made it fellas thanks for the support! I live to fight another day

10 years ago
Reply to  rick

Great job Rick! Being around tobacco while alcohol is present, is a tough feat! I always made sure (still do) to have my fake shit handy. I used to smoke when drinking since its tough to dip and drink. I quit doing that about 6-8 months before I quit chewing (one habit being enough, my rational). So being around cigs don’t bug me at all….the dip does a little still. As mentioned, the sunflower seeds are a big part of my quit. And the salt & suds flow nice together….anything but nicotine!! Keep up the fight! I want to see both you and Steve make the 100 day and beyond mark!
Day #144

10 years ago

going into the belly of the beast tonight guys. This will be my first trip to a bar since my last ingestion of nicotine. I have to go because my band is playing a show. So my armor goes on. I would say wish me luck but I know luck has nothing to do with it.
I think the fact that Jeff is hanging around until I get 200 days Sorry 100 days has been a big motivation for me. Thanks dude. I’ve read that line many times. I’m staying strong tonight just a little nervous. I. Gonna stay away from the hard stuff for sure
Day 18

10 years ago
Reply to  rick

You got this Rick, no problem! Smash it down you friggin animal. This is going to be a trigger you’ll have to deal with repeatedly, get mad my man and remember your unborn child. Keep us posted man this is definitely going to be a tough challenge for you, I will try to be on if you need something buddy.

10 years ago
Reply to  rick


I will hang here for 200 if I need to. Good luck on the show tonite, I think you can handle the bar, have fun and forget the nic bitch. Btw. I started playing drums when I was 7.. Played through high school, I played for the ” big band” in hs.. I miss playing

Day 117

10 years ago

Is crazy how things work. This is my 1st post

10 years ago

Steve you are the man! You bring up a lot of fine points. The fact of the matter is nicotine is a true poison and it overrides the systems that regulate dopamine release into your brain. So basically you get to a point where in order to feel good and happy you need to throw a dip in. Especially with Kodiak that’s the most hardcore stuff out there. So mjhall if you read this I know that it can be done if you really want to do it. Don’t even worry about tomorrow worry about right now because all you can control is what you are going to do right now. Steve is right there are plenty of great substitutes out thereSmoky Mountain has been a huge help to me.

I find out the gender on Monday. It will be my first child and my main inspiration to stop tobacco use permanently. It has been a real challenge but everytime I see a user now I think man I’m so glad I don’t have to do that s*** anymore to feel good. I can feel good old natural way!

Rick(battle tested animal)
Day 17

10 years ago

Thanks for posting all your stories guys. I’ve been dipping daily for 15 years and am 4 days into quitting. It sucks plain and simple. This time of night is the hardest part of the day. I can get through the morning routine and work with no problem. Mainly because i work in a school and cant use it there anyway. But I come home and night and its a constant battle with myself and my mind.

I slipped up 24 hours into my quit and had one when I went to throw on a sweatshirt, and wouldn’t you f’n know it, a tin of kodiak goes rolling out of the pocket and onto the floor. Still loaded with a big ole fatty. battled with it for 4 hours before i caved. But I knew i would the whole time.

Anyway i didn’t enjoy it in respects to the 28 hours of progress I threw away by packing that final(hopefully) lip.

I hope it gets to the point where i dont have to spend my evenings and days thinking about it. My brain keeps telling me that I should just have one fatty at the end of my day. You know, after i’ve done all i need to for the day and just before bed. I have to keep beating that thought down. I know that shit will never work. Plus I dont want to spend anymore money on this stuff. over $35,000 by my calculations. Crazy.. I mean i probably would have spent it all on other crap anyway.

10 years ago
Reply to  MJhall

Hey MJHall, your description is 100% accurate the first few days/weeks suck plain and simple. Take it day by day, if that seems impossible break it down to hours or minutes and just fight thru. Coming on here helps a lot the first few days, we’ve all been there. I was a Kodiak guy myself and find the smokey mountain to be helpful, I also went through a lot of seeds/nuts/gum/protein bars anything to keep the K bear out of my mouth. It gets easier I promise. Your body is ridding itself of a nasty chemical, remember that it’s a fucking chemical messing with your head.

By the way, my brain told me the same thing just one at the end of the day and sometimes I still think that way. It really seems so reasonable doesn’t it? How bad can one a day really be? Everything in moderation!! See above it’s a chemical that you probably wouldn’t do a shot of everyday so how can one be ok? I guess the opposite of one dip a day would be a vitamin, you only take one of those a day so how much good can it do for you? Well studies have shown that supplementing with certain vitamins can be very helpful so I think the same applies for chew, one a day can still be very harmful. Don’t let yourself rationalize one a day, get all the shit out you will be better off.

Keep up the fight and let us know if you have any questions or just need to vent.
Day 32

10 years ago
Reply to  MJhall


Thanks for posting this!! I am on day 2.5 of my quit and was standing in the spot in my yard where I dumped my last can of bear contemplating scraping it out of the mud to chew it! I read your comment, and thought how bad I would feel if I caved now. I came inside, got a smokey mountain and am fighting through. Thanks again and let’s do this shit!!!!!!!

10 years ago

Steve good job dude a whole month! Theres lots of people out there just WISHING they had a month away from nicotine. I’m doing good just doin my best to settle into a tobacco free life. At times I miss the buzz, but then I remind myself that there really wasn’t any buzz towards the end just a lot of mindless chewing! Its funny how the mind “smoothed over” how hard it was to get to this point. I did gain 10 Pounds since Oct 12 my first quit but I’m not surprised and could probably use the weight anyway.Besides the wife is 4 months pregnant so I can blame it on that. I’ve completely replaced Skoal with smokey mountain more than a can a day. I feel great most of the day, its when I see a dipper at work or something “reminds” me about chewing that I have a hard time with it. That don’t happen TOO much anymore. You guys are awesome!
Day 15

10 years ago
Reply to  rick

Hey Rick, this sounds like you’re chipping away at your quit. You will no doubt have triggers, for me, it was the after meal dip that just “ate” at me. Or even now, the first thing in the morning one. These are all triggers that are also craves. I still have them today, they just aren’t as strong as they were. Keep it up one victorious day at a time. Don’t let your triggers cause a cave. It is a lot easier said than done, I know! But the load does become lighter if you fight through it. Keep up your fight!
Day #141

10 years ago
Reply to  rick

thank you Rick and JP. And a very big congratulations to you Rick, does that put the due date around June? Boy/girl? Very exciting stuff!
I’m more or less down to one dip of smokey a day now, sometimes every other day.
Definitely still have some craves though but nothing too bad, hoping the worst is behind me but never really know.
Day 32

10 years ago

Ben if you get this good luck and I understand your hesitation to tell your mom. As a new parent of two boys I will do what I can to dissuade them from ever starting but if they do start I will be there for the quit. Moms are a different animal though, we never want to make mom worry or let her down. My advice be honest and firm if you start getting a guilt trip just let her know that now isn’t the time you need support not to feel like shit. Come bitch at us, that’s what this is for!!
Day 30

10 years ago
Reply to  Steve

Hey Steve, congrats on 30 days of freedom! Proud of ya, keep up the quit, you’re doing awesome!

10 years ago

Where are Beb’s posts? I see emails but no posts

10 years ago
Reply to  Steve

Waaaaaay up top is where BEB posted (on this page).

10 years ago

Greetings Warriors, just checking back in. I have been quite busy with Turkey day this past weekend. Still very much on top of my quit still. Was my first Thanksgiving without tobacco in over 25 years….what a great feeling. Didn’t make it out shopping like a few of you, I cannot stand being bunched in a store fighting over “the deals”.
Just wanted you all know I am keeping an eye in on this group and am proud of you for keeping quit, keep up the fight, we’ll be back to see how everyone is doing again soon.
Day #139

10 years ago
Reply to  JayP

Good evening quitters, how is everyone? Been a few days since last post still going strong.
Mike how are you holding up? You were day 1 less than a week ago, I hope you are sticking with it.
Rick everything good?
JP thanks for checking in on us, always helpful to have someone that has been thru the shit for a full cycle.
Anyways I don’t have much tonight, just wanted to say hi. It’s pretty amazing the difference between today and three weeks ago. I feel great
Day 30

10 years ago

My day was great! Her family then my family and 4 helpings of food. Minimal thoughts of tobacco use and had great talk with father in law who’s been addicted to nicotine for a long long time but just uses the gum now. He’s a smart intelligent guy who knows what I’ve been going through the past 2 months, hell the past 2 years! All in all a good chew free day.

10 years ago
Reply to  rick

Rick, glad to hear. 4 helpings that is fantastic! I think I only two 4 hour helpings yesterday with a 90 minute break (ride) in between.
Did your father in law have any advice?

10 years ago
Reply to  Steve

yes my father and hall had plenty of good advice. Damn spoken word text! The guy is 62 years old and he told me that you do not want to be 62 years old dealing with nicotine he used to chew 3 cans a day and believe it or not he had to get a piece of his mouth cut out right where he used to chill I meant to Chew. Like the area went bad from repeatedly being exposed to the shit for many years. He also smoked. But… He’s been chewing nic gum since then 12 years ago. Just can’t seem to let it go. He knows it has controlled his life. Its an inspiration just talking to him Cuz its like “I don’t want 40 years of nic induced craziness, hell I fell nuts after 6 and a half!” He’s also talked me out of buying a can more than a couple times over the past 2 months. He knows what its like to dance with the beast(quitting dip). so there you go give it up before it becomes 40 years. That’s my goal. And so far I’m achieving!

10 years ago

Just back from Black Friday shopping.. Holy shit, talk about a trigger.., not too bad of a crave, but it was there…. Patience was needed standing in pay line at best buy…

No crave yesterday…

I hope everyone made it.

Ok rick. Got it


10 years ago
Reply to  Jeff

What did you get Jeff? I ended up heading out for a rain coat and work boots.
Gassed close to two bottles of wine with ol girl since the boys have been asleep about 20 minutes ago probably have some good craves later but not dumb enough to drink & drive to the store to buy it. I’m sure it will be tempting to walk there though!! First sip since I quit, here we go

10 years ago
Reply to  Steve

All Christmas shopping done. I actually enjoyed the black
Friday shopping, just getting into Christmas mood I guess. Almost 80 degrees today, would have been a good day for


10 years ago

Jeff I like hardcore veterans but I like battle tested warrior better! Lol. In years past I would sneak off for a fix but not today no sir I’m giving my whole day to the family.
Day 10 keep it going guys

10 years ago


Day 1……. gave credit card to my mom to help with the giv in cravings we’ve just had a foot of snow and blowing snow is another activity with strong trigger. I find my quit tough I live on my own now wife left in 2007 after I’d recovered from AML leukemia after having ‘bone marrow transplant, drugs used in treatment fried my brain and I cannot work because I have no memmory. Used to dip only on rare occasion and managed but started heavier use after wife left and am now fighting a can a day habit. My strongest new year’s revolation is to beet this habit before it beets me!!

Glad to have found this website, Help keep me true


10 years ago
Reply to  Mike


You have several quitters here to cheer you on, help you kick ass.

Post as often as you can, we are here with you!

10 years ago
Reply to  Mike

Hi Mike,

How are you holding up? The first week
Is physically and emotionally exhausting, just remember it will pass in time. It sounds like you’ve been thru a lot lately and quitting won’t make everything better but it’s a great start. See it through and in time you will feel like you can accomplish anything.
For the first week, drink a lot of water and get a bunch of snacks like seeds. I’m a fan of the fake stuff, smokey mountain for this former kodiak user. It’s not the same nothing will be even but it helps. Definitely workout if you are physically able. Do push-ups or something similar when you get a crave, go for a walk, etc.
Keep it up, looking forward to hearing from you.
Day 26

10 years ago

Happy thanksgiving to all my crazy quitters! You hard core veterans!

We might have craves, but just push through it!!! Update on Friday how we all did!

My biggest trigger maybe hanging Christmas lights

Day 107

10 years ago
Reply to  Jeff

Made it thru turkey day now I got make it thru birthday! Turkey day was easy I just kept eating till I passed out.
How did everyone else do?

10 years ago

I have been doing roll call for the last 8 days but I keep f****** it up.I’m already making the natives restless. But that’s okay because I also have this page to air out my bullshit. Keep it going fellas I love it! Day 9

10 years ago
Reply to  Chewie

Thanks chewie. And thanks for this website!

10 years ago

Thanks Rick, winning these battles makes you feel strong! I’m guessing the quit will be tough over the next few days but after them we will all be stronger. I’m looking forward to the challenge, hope everyone else is.

10 years ago

awesome job Steve. I was hoping to read that you held out and you did. You helped me quit today

10 years ago

Holding strong fellas, thanks for the support! Luckily I do have some seeds/jerky/fruit around I haven’t stopped eating. I think I’m addicted to kind bars now.
The withdrawals were awful, thanks for reminding me Rick!
Day 23 (wow)

10 years ago

Rooster – Day 30. I posted on this site on my Day 11 but the whole roll call thing was too difficult for my computer knowledge. Either way, I stopped back by the site today because I am having major anxiety problems. It sucks to be stressed and fired up over stupid things that didn’t bother me when I was a dipper. Ahhhh! But, after reading a whole bunch of posts on this site, it has helped me realize I am not alone in the feelings I’m having.

On another note, to everybody who posts on this site. Keep up the good fight and thanks for being there for people like me who needed your help today (whether you knew or not). Just reading everybody’s journey/accomplishments/struggles has been huge anxiety relief for me and for that… I can’t be more grateful. My quit continues!

10 years ago
Reply to  Rooster

Right on rooster! Keep up the fight, as u have hit a milestone…
Anxiety is a bitch, as many of us have to fight it. Mine was mild for some reason, others had extreme anxiety. Many have sought some relief by going to the Dr.

Hang in there dude, hang out here , this is our group as many of us didn’t do roll call, I never figured it out..

Day 106

10 years ago
Reply to  Jeff

Haha that is fantastic I could t figure out roll call either!
Welcome Rooster, I had some fantastic anxiety last week, Jayp was a huge help if you scroll up you should be able to see the posts. I’m hoping mine came and went quick and isn’t loading up for a return.
I think the two things for me that helped was realizing it was anxiety then hitting the gym to beat it down.
Rooster it will pass on the meantime come on here and ask around, I’m sure one of us has experienced exactly what you are going thru. Mine felt like I was having a heart attack, scary shit bro.

10 years ago
Reply to  Jeff

Thanks Jeff! Like I said, it’s really cool to have people like you, Steve, and others that are here just to lend a hand. The day is almost over and I did feel better for the remainder of the day after being on this site. That kicks ass! Talk to all soon.

Rooster – Day 31 now. Woo Hoo!

10 years ago

I screwed myself this morning, forgot to bring smokey mountain to work! Not that I’ve been doing a lot but I would definitely like one right now.

10 years ago
Reply to  Steve

Time to see how strong you really are Steve. I did that too early in my quit, it was tough, but kept telling myself “its just a few hours, I’m going to treat myself later”….not that it was easy, but I made it! Fight through it!!!!

10 years ago
Reply to  Steve

Hang in there Steve. One minute hour at a time. You are bigger than that little can. One day of nicotine use will bring withdrawals again. You don’t want that bro. Stay strong!

10 years ago

Good Morning Warriors! Sorry, I too have been a little busy too, gearing up for the holiday and trying to get things buttoned up at the office as well.
Like Jeff (and others on the board), this will be my first Thanksgiving in over 18 years without the tobacco. I am pretty dam proud of that.
The board did get a little quiet there for a bit, but I am still here, I read all comments posted here, just haven’t replied in a couple days, but I am still going strong and plan on it the rest of my life. As Jeff mentioned, those first 30-40 days will always be in memory bank. Those were some tough times and why I consider the new guys in this period, Steve, Rick and any others, Warriors. Keep up the quit and I’m here and will be for a while, I want to see others reach that 100 day mark.
Just an FYI, yesterday, I had a very small and weak craving…..when you get far enough into the quit, they are more like passing thoughts, but it was real. I just shrug off those feelings now, nicotine use is getting further and further on the rearview mirror now, I am NEVER gouing back now! Keep fighting men!
Day #133

10 years ago
Reply to  JayP

Jayp… Good thing you have the tools to handle cravings!

Good job, and thanks for letting us know,

10 years ago

Rick, Steve

Hell yes I am hanging around for your HOF speech!

Thanksgiving without cope! Awesome

You guys just keep on kicking ass, yes. The holidays will offer some cravings, but I am strong enough to handle them. You guys can also do it!!!!!!

I think that the best gift I can give to my wife is my quit, she never asked me to quit, she would save bottles for spitters! When I told her I was quitting, she told me on day 100 that she didn’t think I could do it, and she was proud and happy I quit… I am lucky!

The fear of ever going thru hell( day 1-30) will be fresh in my mind, and keep me far from nic.

Have a good one boys!! Keep up the fight


10 years ago
Reply to  Jeff

Hey Jeff, have you posted your HOF yet??

10 years ago
Reply to  JayP

Yes I posted last week… 100 days I kicked the nic bitch

10 years ago
Reply to  Jeff

I’ll need to look it up!!

10 years ago
Reply to  Jeff

I found it! Actually it was linked at the bottom of this page right here. Great motivational message in their Jeff, I couldn’t agree more that reaching the 100 day mark is truly a great feeling. And as you mentioned, that feeling at the beginning these new ones are going through, is something I do not want to ever experience again, but you and I got through it…my ass is done!!
And know, that even though I was ahead of you by some days, you coming here posting each day (DDD too, that went AWOL on us) helped me get where I am, I appreciate it! And I will be here to help the new guys as well! Its real awarding to see these new ones here supporting each other like we did a few months back. I really hope they stick with it and see how rewarding it truly is.

10 years ago

Hey Rick glad to hear it’s going well again, I’m still here been a busy few days with two sick kids. This forum really did go silent for a few days. I hope everyone is doing well and I Hope everybody is ready for a dip free turkey day. Lot of triggers coming up thanksgiving, birthday, lot of driving, etc. just going to get thru one at a time.
Day 22

10 years ago

Hey anybody still around here? Haven’t heard from anybody in awhile. My quit is going good. Day 43 or day 7 (cigarettepuff). This site considers it day 7 for me. Hope you can hang around that long jeff. Thanks for your enduring support. “Rick, finish what you started, you know the drill, let’s get it done” . well sir I do know the drill and I’m getting it done. One day at a time. Jayp Steve Sam hope you guys haven’t forgotten about us.

10 years ago

Jayp Jeff your posts are very inspirational. Thanks again dudes! Steve hope your hanging in there.


10 years ago

Thanks Rick, it was anxiety. My doctor gave me some Xanax to sleep while I quit, so I decided to try one and see if it helped and it did. I was against even taking the prescription in the first place because who wants to replace nicotine with benzos? I’ve been even more reluctant to take one (not my style) but the way I felt earlier I needed to know if that was what anxiety could feel like or if I needed to go to the ER. Turns out that anxiety is a real mindfuck!

Samantha, Katie and anyone else just starting out take a note of this happening to me around 3 week mark so you know what’s going on if it happens to you.

10 years ago
Reply to  Steve


I had mild anxiety, nothing too crazy. I had a numb tongue for maybe 25 days. My fog was maybe 30-40 days. When the fog finally cleared, I felt almost… ” normal”, all I had to deal with was the craves.

Let’s finish what you started, you know the drill, let’s get it done.

Where the hell is DDD??????

10 years ago
Reply to  Jeff

Yessir. I have a renewed interest in kicking Nicotines ass

10 years ago
Reply to  rick

Right on Rick!!!!

Jayp is correct, get pissed off at the nic bitch! I had my moment also, cannot remember the day, maybe around 30. I finally had enough of the nic bitch constantly fucking with me. My attitude changed when I finally tossed the bitch out of my life.

I think around 30 days is when I had the strength to fight harder.

I use Smokey maybe once a week now… All I need to do is continue hiking and running. ( which me and my wife are leaving now, 70 degrees)

Have a great weekend, everyone… Ohh. My first thanksgiving nic free in many years!!!


10 years ago

Rick sorry to hear you are going thru the withdrawals again, they aren’t fun but fight thru them man. Damn 3.19 a tin, that’s what I paid in 1999-2000, amazing.
Does anyone on here remember around the three week mark feeling off? I feel really weird like sometimes I will feel numbness and sometimes really lightheaded/dizzy. It’s very odd, I figured this stage would be over by now. Past couple days it has been in the morning and I feel better at night. I feel fine working out and I usually do that in the morning.
Steve -Day 18

10 years ago
Reply to  Steve

I think you said in an earlier post that it feels like quitting comes in waves. That’s what it was like for me after the first week sometimes it was really easy and took no effort and other times I just wanted to curl up into a ball and cry Cuz of the cravings. I think your doing great! It helps me to see your success

10 years ago
Reply to  rick

You just got to get mad at that shit Rick. I know what you’re saying about the waves,then the “curl up and cry” stuff. Its depression that you may not ever do it again. I will share what I shared during my first 100 days. I was talking a shower and suddenly felt a wave of a “depressed” state come over me when I thought to myself “you are done dipping, you will never take another dip again in your life”. I seriously began to feel a strong, depressed feeling when I thought that. But then I got angry at myself and said “you had 25 years of that shit, its time for a change, you’re done with it”. I actually got angry about the thoughts I had….suddenly that wave of depressed thoughts began to roll off my like the water and down the drain.
That is one real strong moment I had during the 100 day stretch….probably was one of those moments that defined my quit. It was a moment that I knew I could beat the cravings, depression….whatever….I was stronger than the habit. And I have to admit, it was awfully dam empowering. I look back on it today….it WAS my turning point in my quit. It was like saying goodbye to my grieving.
So, this is what I think it takes to quit and remain quit Rick. Commit to it and get pissed off! Its what I did, I know its what Jeff and this DDD guy who went AWOL/MIA did and appears the way Steve is moving. Get angry….and say goodbye to the poison!

10 years ago
Reply to  Steve

Hey Steve, I’m at work and was trying to respond to you earlier on this. I was going to tell you it “might” be anxiety and it will go away. I had that shit hanging around forabout 40/60 days . It does go though. I was going to suggest either getting thru it without anything (what I did) or going to see your doctor. I had anxiety about 2 years ago. Was on some meds for about 18 months. Lost some weight, started exercising and eating right and it cleared up and I got off the meds this past spring. Then…I quit chewing in July. I was about where you’re at now, that I began to feel those familiar feelings I was experiencing for 18 months! I thought I was coming back down with that anxiety shit (which I was, but only temporary). I fought through it….and it lifted with that fog around the 50-60 day mark. So what you got going is 100% normal. As one of the owners of this site said “doctors claim we dipped to cure our anxiety”….which has some truth. The “calming” element of nicotine is what’s missing in your brain. Stay the course my man, it’ll lift…PROMISE!

10 years ago
Reply to  JayP

JP, thank you for getting back to me on this. I thought I was having a heart attack to be honest, which would be strange since I exercise, eat healthy, etc. but I didn’t know how else to explain it. So I took the Xanax (.25mg) and felt better so now I know it is anxiety and will be able to fight thru it when it decides to come back. Looks like I have another 30-40 days of it so I better learn some management techniques now. I’d rather have the night sweats come back to be honest, it is a weird feeling. Honestly I didn’t even feel anxious or worried.
I went to my doctor before I quit to discuss side effects, etc. I did a lot of reading too, (first time quitting so I wanted to do it right) I guess I just never bothered to look up the symptoms of anxiety. Not to mention today was the first day that I didn’t either lift weights or train boxing or krav maga. I’m sure that had something to do with it.
Thanks for helping me get thru this, any advice on techniques will be greatly appreciated. Good thing about this episode is that I rationalized if I’m having a heart attack no way will a pinch of Kodiak help me out, so thru it all I had no desire to run to the store. I find doing that (rationalizing) during craves helps me get thru it. For example, throwing in a kodiak won’t help FSU come back in the second half…again.

-Steve, 18 down 82 to go

10 years ago
Reply to  Steve

Steve…I never found any techniques really worth a shit for anxiety. They have this thing called A.W.A.R.E. that I read about….I tried it, but unless you practice it and perfect it, its about as worthless as a tits on a bore hog! What I found was exercise was KING to fighting anxiety. Staying away from sugar was also huge. They say breathing techniques work….concentrating on your breathing and quieting the chatter in your mind….I had 18 full months of that garbage. And let me be the first to say, if youre rolling with a full blown anxiety attack, “relaxing and breathing” techniques are tough. Like i said, impossible, no, difficult, hell to the yes! I heard Yoga was solid too, havent bought my pants yet, lol! None of those techniques seemed to work except the exercise and eating right. Meds helped….but like you, I feel they are just a band aid for the problem, not a solution. I certainly don’t frown upon the meds, I certainly needed them at the time to get grounded. But after a while….they just felt like a crutch. I wasn’t hip on taking them in the first place and wanted off them ASAP. But here I go again…in novel mode, lol!
You’re doing all the right things Steve. Exercise and eating food will help you after this fog and anxiety passes. I’d say take the prescript if you need it….but continue what you’re doing here and with your exercising and eating right…you’re doing good!

10 years ago

Steve I was an ‘any kind’ guy. Though i loved Kodiak! Supposedly the highest nicotine content per can out of all of them. But I chewed anything except fine cut. Chew is freakin cheap around here. 3.19 for a can of Kodiak at the tobacco store. I know I keep saying it but Smoky Mountain wintergreen is an awesome substitute For wintergreen. I have nicotine withdrawals again. Looks like just one CIG is enough to wake up the receptors. But 72 hours is almost up so I am Getting there. I just went through this last month.
You guys keep it up. Your all doing great

10 years ago

Rick, You got this!! How can we help?

10 years ago
Reply to  Steve

Hey Steve thanks man. Just by coming on here your helping me and all of us out. I’m good today-back on track. I just had to delve a little deeper into the website. The chat is cool because if your getting the urge you can go on there and talk it out. So I’ve been doing that. Jayp good to hear from you again!

10 years ago

Smokey mountain classic is kinda like cope. I found the wintergreen to be very helpful for me .Unfortunately its hard to replicate the feel of shredded tobacco leaves in your lip . just gotta find one you can “deal” with. For me just the feel of something in there helped. Even today. Hang in there.

10 years ago

Hey guys, hope everyone’s day was well!! i need an alternative (like the fake stuff) to dipping. I have tried a couple (jakes and hooch) but they just fell apart too easy…i need something more along the lines of Cope Longcut

10 years ago
Reply to  Samantha

Samantha I tried a bunch, bacc off, golden eagle, smokey mountain and one other that must have really sucked because I can’t remember the name. I like smokey mountain but I was a kodiak user, nothing like the real thing but it helps. I liked the texture of golden eagle better so when I had some of that I would mix it with smokey. Remember you just want something to get you thru not something to fall in love with. Try a bunch and see what takes.
Good luck

10 years ago
Reply to  Samantha

Hi Samantha, I’ve tried a lot of them myself. All the Hooches, BaccOff, Holt, Smokey Mountain, All the Jakes, Elicit and Triumph. By far, Triumph is the best one I’ve had. Elicit is a strong second, but its a really, REALLY, fine cut (like cope). And I guess the Smokey Mountain was my 3rd. I don’t use anything but Triumph now. I was a Skoal Wintergreen Long Cut guy….for about 18 of my 25 year stint. Nothing ever replicated the Skoal. What I did is what was said above, found one I liked and could live with. While I was a wintergreen guy and Triumph offers it, the classic, which is suppose to replicate a classic flavor is my favorite. And it doesn’t taste like a classic, its got a strange but very good taste to it. It doesn’t dry out quickly like many do. Its base is mint leaves, like Baccoff, Jakes and Elicit. It really is good stuff. This is just an honest opinion from someone who has tried a lot of them. I’ve written a few reviews on them on this site. Triumphs Mint flavovored stuff is THE BEST mint flavor I’ve had, hands down. If Skoal Wintergreen was my love, Skoal Mint was my second choice. They also have a cinammon one that is a little different, but good. I am not a big “flavored” chew guy, but this cinammon one is worth a try (they all are). They offer a sample pack (all 4 flavors) for like $12. I would buy one of those first and decide for yourself. They are located in Montrose Colorado and ship their stuff free. Give it a whirl, fast shipment too….2 days at the most!

10 years ago
Reply to  Samantha

Oh! And I agree with Steve, Classic Smokey Mountain DOES taste “close” to Cope. I have a can of that sitting up with my Triumph.

10 years ago
Reply to  Samantha

Sorry….it was RICK! Not Steve that said Classic Smokey Mountain tasted like cope….my bad…..

10 years ago
Reply to  JayP

Good Afternoon,

I also FAILED to mention, both Triumph AND Elicit offer their fake tobaccos WITH and WITHOUT nicotine in them (Full Strength, Half Strength and Zero Strength).
I guess this is where I should state, I only use Non-Tobacco and Non-Nicotine products…so I only buy the zero strength ones. I know this is sort of a captain obvious thing, since we are all nicotine addicts here, just thought I would mention this.
Hope you all are remaining quit today!
Day #128

10 years ago

I will give it my all guys. Chewing smokey mountain cherry as I type. I’m going toe to toe with Skoal again gonna take it down!

10 years ago

Rick. Thanks, no get back on the horse… I am staying here until I read your HOF speech


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