What To Expect When You Quit Dipping

What To Expect When You Quit Dipping

So you want to quit dipping and you would like to know what to expect when you do. We’re not going to pull any punches around here, it’s tough. That’s why we’re all here. This timeline has been put together over the years with the input of THOUSANDS of quitters. It has been shown to be remarkably accurate from the time you STOP USING NICOTINE.

Days 1 through 3 – Pure hell. You will walk in the fog. Nothing will seem real. Your brain is wondering where the hell its fix is and it is going to punish you until you come up with it. 72 hours, that’s all you need to get the nicotine out of your system. This is where you start to deal with the physical withdrawal associated with quitting dip. Drink lots of water. Read, post, read and post. Don’t take your anger out on your loved ones. We always tell everyone………Make this quit about YOU. If you quit for your wife, girlfriend, boyfriend, kids, mommy or daddy, you will resent them during this period. Quit for yourself and come in here to rant. Yell at us. Bitch at us. We can take it. We’ve been there.

Days 4 through 20 – Here comes the mind games. The nicotine is out of your system now. You will still have some physical things to deal with.

  • Cravings
  • Irritability
  • Insomnia
  • Fatigue
  • Inability to Concentrate
  • Headache
  • Sore throat
  • Constipation, gas, stomach pain
  • Dry mouth
  • Sore tongue and/or gums

Yep, you have this to look forward to. Your brain is rewiring itself. It isn’t used to being in an oxygen rich environment. Your body is responding in kind. Everything is a mind game now. All the cravings you have are actually due to triggers. Triggers are events where you are in a situation you would normally dip in. Mowing the grass, playing poker online, playing golf, working on the car………you get the picture. Keep drinking water, use seeds, the fake stuff, whatever you need to keep the dip out of your mouth. Remember, oral fixation is part of our habit, something you will eventually need to break. For now though, use all the tools you have.

Days 20 – 50 – You’re winning. Life isn’t great, but you probably had a couple of nights where you actually got some sleep. You might notice you’re going to bed earlier than you normally do. Not staying up to get in that last dip. You may notice some sores in your mouth. You’re thinking, “great, I quit dipping and now I have cancer.” You almost certainly don’t. Your mouth is healing itself. Tiny ulcers you’ve had for a long time are healing. We recommend you visit your dentist around the 30 day mark. Don’t be a pansy, just do it. He or she will be very supportive and they can explain the sores much better than we can. Don’t let your guard down. Don’t go out drinking with the fellas or the girls. We also recommend that you don’t drink for at least the first 50 days. Drinking is a huge trigger event and it weakens your resolve.

Days 50 – 70 – Cruise control. Life is really good. You still think about it, but this is good stuff here. Some people may suffer anxiety attacks during or a little before this stage. Some doctors say we dipped to relieve anxiety anyway. Some people can push right through this, others need a little help. Talk to your doctor before you quit or immediately after you quit. They will know what to do. Some give Wellbutrin or Lexapro. Lots of people in the support community take or have taken these medicines and can help you with the affects. Don’t wait till you get to this stage of the game to talk to a doctor. You’ll cruise through this stage much easier if you know how to take care of the anxiety or at least know it’s coming.

Days 70 – 90 – Late term craves, the doldrums, the blahs, the blues. Some people end up feeling like they are right back at day 1. The fog, the haze, the craves. It can be a tough time. You need to let people in your group know this is happening. Time to circle the wagons to get through it. It usually only lasts a few days. Fight through this and make sure your order your HOF Knife or Coin. Here are a couple of articles about this time period which we refer to as “The Funk”

Days 90 – HOF – Houston, resume the countdown. Enjoy the hell out of these last 10 days. You will be celebrating with your group as you all enter the HOF. It is a great feeling and an accomplishment you should not take lightly. Do something special for yourself and your family. They put up with your sorry ass for the last 90 days and they deserve something too.

100+ Days – Stay vigilant. Use the tools you have, to continue beating back any cravings or urges. You will still experience dip dreams and longings, but you are fully qualified to beat them down. Continue to post roll with your group. Get into the newer groups and help somebody out. Pass it along. Live the dream.

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9 years ago

14 hours and counting

9 years ago
Reply to  Ben

Keep it going man!!! You gotta want it. Imagine your underwater—-drowning. How bad will you want that next breath? You gotta want to quit as badly as you want to breathe.period.end of story.

9 years ago

Day one. Planning on being done after a tin a day habbit. Im spending over $250 a month. What’s the best alternative to make it to day 21? I work out 5 days a week and own a punching bag for the rough days but as far as gum, seeds, etc. thanks

9 years ago

Hi, my name is Hudson and this is day #1 of quitting for me

9 years ago
Reply to  Hudson

Im also 16 years old

9 years ago
Reply to  Hudson

Hudson, I never thought in a million years I would make it 28 days dip free. Read everything you can on this site and stay strong

9 years ago

Doing great Steve quit for 12 days now and it feels great ! For 15 years I chewed this shit and for the first time I don’t feel like a slave to skoal . Water and gum , gum and water and it’s getting easier everyday . I appreciate the support from everyone ! I think I finally quit for good this time!

9 years ago

I quit chewing this morning and I am already wanting to beat the shit out of something what should I do 3-9-15

9 years ago
Reply to  cjn711

Hit the gym, hit a heavy bag…the gym was crucial for me early in my quit. The first few days/weeks are rough so take it day by day or even minute by minute if needed. It’s not going be easy but nothing worth it ever is! Drink a ton of water, try to avoid triggers as much as possible, eat clean and work out all that helped in the first 60 days. Also get substitutes like seeds or fake dip, I was a kodiak guy and smokey mountain helped me out. Get in here and post, ask questions, bitch whatever you need to do.
Day 120-something

Cody N
Cody N
9 years ago
Reply to  Steve

Thanks for the advice man I went to the gym earlier and beat the shit out of the heavy bag and now I am feeling a little better do they make fake chew?

9 years ago
Reply to  Cody N

Yeah man bunches of different kinds. It’s not the real stuff but helps a ton with that part of the addiction. Smokey mountain, hooch are a couple brands.
Guys help me out here what kinds of fake chew have you used and what was your real brand.
I was kodiak and found smokey mountain to be a decent replacement.
The heavy bag always helps

9 years ago
Reply to  Steve

Smokey mountain wintergreen helped immensely at first. I got bored with that now I chew wild bills beef jerky in a can I add some water to give it some juice. Heavy bags are great for getting out that anger!

9 years ago
Reply to  Cody N

Just adding to the convo here, I tied almost every single one of the fake dips. Smokey Mountain is the most accessible one on the market. Most of your Tobacco Shops carry it, Walmart carries it and there is another chain here in Michigan that carries it. I went to the page here (Alternatives to Smokeless…help me out Chewie) and started ordering them. I ended up using the Triumph brand and still do today. I usually only take 1-3 a day now, but was hammering a can a day early in the quit. I am partial to the Triumph, just one that I enjoy the most. But I occasionally dabble with the Smokey Mountain too. Hooch is very close to tobacco, texture wise. I tried all their flavors as well. “Spitfire” was my favorite….that shit was HOT!
But, I will put this out there, NOTHING will “exactly” replicate the real shit you were using. The idea is to find something you can “get by” with until the habit slows down…and it will in time. I chewed for 25 years and have used fake stuff since day 1. The craves do slow down, I really only use the stuff now out of boredom, not because “I need one”. I agree with Steve and Rick, 2 veterans that have been committed to their quit, come here and post your beef, get out and get yourself some fake stuff, use seeds (I also use them, love them), get LOTS of water and exercise…the last one helps a lot and you won’t gain the weight that comes with the quit. I did gain weight, but have since carved off half of what I gained. it’s all a work in process, keep up the good work men (and the support Rick and Steve)
Day #240

9 years ago
Reply to  Chewie

Cody and Scotry, how’s it going?

9 years ago

Day two almost over quitting sucks but I’m sticking with it!!

9 years ago
Reply to  Scotty

Hey man hope your still hanging in there. No one ever said it was easy just grind through each minute if you have to. Quitting isn’t a decision you make one time. Every time a crave hits and you don’t use nicotine your saying “I quit”. I’ve said it about 100000 times keep with it!
Day 111

9 years ago

Day 2 sucks all I want is a dip

9 years ago

Already gave up

9 years ago
Reply to  DaveT

Tough habit to break from, I agree. I was a 25 year vet my self. Its a 100 day challenge to yourself….if you can get there, and there is plenty of help here, you will more than likely stay quit. As Chewie says, us badass quitters are here to help Dave….get your mind back on quitting and stay focused this time around.
Day #232

9 years ago
Reply to  DaveT

Don’t ever stop trying davet. Don’t ever give up. I tried every day for 2 years until I finally got it. Please try again. You can do it. Were are here for you man. I mean that. I’ll do anything to help somebody off of this vile shit.
Day 106

9 years ago
Reply to  DaveT

Davet it sounds like you weren’t ready, that’s one of, if not the most, important things to a successful quit. When you’re ready, we will be here. But damn less than 5 hours, that is a pretty epic fail.

I’m over 120 days now on my first attempt because I had my mind right before I started the quit. Granted that same mind fucked with me heavily for the first few weeks and still does from time to time but it was ready.

Those first few days of withdrawl are nothing compared to months of chemo and radiation, lip surgeries, etc.

9 years ago
Reply to  Steve

Agree, you have to be ready for the fight, all in! Nobody here said it’s easy. I’m a 30+ year cope user on day 18 and it’s constantly on my mind. Just gotta keep telling yourself that your stronger than this bull shit.

9 years ago

Today is the day, Its gonna be hard cuz I gotta sit in the car with the kids while my wife gets her hair done, and theres one can left in the freezer, but I’m seriously tired of chewing.

9 years ago

62 hours nicotine free. 1st time in the last 13 years I can say that.Still a bit foggy but just trying to make it through a stressful Monday. When should I expect some of these physical side affects to cease. I have meetings to run in the next couple days.

9 years ago
Reply to  Derek

Hey guys, I’m new here. After dipping cope for the past 30 yrs. I’ve been free for two weeks tomorrow. Lots of cravings today!

9 years ago
Reply to  shane

Nice work Shane two weeks is a great start but I’m sure it’s still rough right now. Remember the nic is out of your system. Let us know how we can help
Day 12

9 years ago
Reply to  Steve

Thanks guys. It really helps to read that everyone else here goes through the same thing. I’m ahead of myself, I posted below day 18, but it’s only day 17. Just ordered some hooch classic, hoping that helps.

9 years ago
Reply to  Derek

It gets better after 3 full days and much much better after a week. Hang in there bro you made the hardest step—–the first one. Stick with it man!! Come in here and bitch and rant!!! I want to hear it!
Day 106

9 years ago

Decided after 15 years to stop chewing yesterday. Have tried several times before, but like many of you posted above, it just seemed like the time is right. As many of you have written, the journey is not easy, but well worth it. Congrats to all of you that have already stopped and for those thinking about it, you can do it, start tonight when you go to bed, that will put you several hours closer to done when you wake up!

Dee rizzo
Dee rizzo
9 years ago

19 hours nicotine free, feel like I’m on shrooms. Pushin through though

9 years ago

Hey Kim
Like Alex said the quit is tough on the body but he’s been quit almost two months so he should be feeling better. Maybe he should see a Dr to get checked out? Has he always been lazy?

10 years ago

I quit Jan 6 2014. The restless nights, nightmares etc. I’ve been using Jakes mint chew lately, it seems to help. The stress level for me is at an all time high. Definitely don’t have the energy I use to, but at least my wallet is a lil heavier than the chewing days.keep it up guys! It’s a struggle even a year out!

10 years ago

My husband quit dipping on January 1st cold turkey. He’s doing great and I am super proud of him. But, he is lazy, tired and unmotivated. Is this normal?

Alex 1
Alex 1
10 years ago
Reply to  Kim

Speaking out of experience from the exact same situation (cold turkey on the 1st,) not only was I extremely worn out for weeks after I quit, but I’ve gained some weight and I didn’t start sleeping more than a couple hours at a time until recently, so I was constantly exhausted. He’s weening off doing a stimulant many times a day, and it’s definitely taxing on his body.

For reference, I was doing about a can a day for near 8 years. I’m starting to feel a lot better now, but he may just take a little longer to recover especially if he was doing it longer or more often than I was.


10 years ago

Day 200

Next day 365!

Day 200

10 years ago
Reply to  Jeff

You the man Jeff!
Welcome to the 2nd floor my friend.

9 years ago
Reply to  Jeff

Congrats Jeff, keep up the good work man and thanks again for helping me get to 100.
Day 116

9 years ago
Reply to  Jeff

Way to go man. Your a beast of a quitter ….a year isn’t that far off!!!
Day 101

9 years ago
Reply to  Jeff

Awesome Jeff.. great going 🙂

10 years ago

Man thanks so much shiva it means a lot coming from you. I’m going to stick around and support and encourage other people to give up this nasty addiction because you guys sure as heck helped me!
Day 101

10 years ago

Hearty Congratulations Rick :)… First of many 100s..


Cory Mclaughlin
10 years ago

Question: I smoke AND chew. Would quitting smoking before I try to quit dipping be smarter than trying both at once?

10 years ago

Cory, nicotine is nicotine. Had this Convo with my better half this morning. I still have the can I bought before my quit sitting up with my fake stuff. Its there to remind me of how hard it was to get away from it. I will dump it on my 1 year anniversary (July 15th 2015).
Any way…I showed it to her, cracked it open this morning and we smelt it. Have to admit, It did make my mouth water a little, but I will not fold, I’ve worked too hard and went through pure war to get here. But she said, its kind of like when you smell a cigarette and want one (I used to smoke only when I drank, back when I chewed, instead of dipping). I told her, nicotine is nicotine, doesn’t matter where it comes from…its poison. It would be like me smoking a cigarette and saying I’m still dip free….technically, yes I am, but the real goal of this site is to be nicotine free. I had a few friends that “quit dipping” but started smoking. Really? How have you quit? You substituted one form of nicotine for another. So I concur with Chewy, stop all the nicotine and start the healing today!
Good Luck!

10 years ago

I was one such person, Cory.. As JayP said Nic is nic.. but one difference.. Cigarette gives you an immediate nic hit and chew takes more time. but chew gives you a longer dosage.. I would suggest to give up all nicotine at once but if it seems to be overwhelming to you, quit cigarette couple of weeks before giving up dipping…
Enjoy 🙂

9 years ago

Do you dip or smoke more? I agree with quitting both together but I also had success cutting back at first. I did about 6 dips a day and weened down to 1 a day over 3 weeks before killing the can. I only dipped for the record. I’m guessing there will be different triggers too but the nicotine should be out of your body after a few days.
Train is pulling in, fire away with questions

10 years ago

After 32 years of a ‘can a day’ habit, I’m 2 days into this. There aren’t enough adjectives to describe the anxiety and irritability. Fun…

10 years ago
Reply to  Spartan

Allow every painstaking no you say fuel your quit. You need reinforcements, especially early on that this quit is the best thing to do. Stick with it – bitch whine and scream here where we know and understand- not at family/friends. Use this board – it helps

Day 17

10 years ago
Reply to  Spartan

Spartan, I hear you…those first 3 days….pure bullshit. I remember on day 2, picking up my dress suit from the dry cleaners and just feeling like turning that place up-side-down when the people “lost” my tag and couldn’t find my suit….they did end up finding it. But when I returned to my truck, all I could think about was going back in there and giving the owner some tips on how to run his business, lol! I remember that clear as day. That’s the nicotine leaving your body, give it another day or so and it will all be mental moving forward. You have 5-7 years on me, as far as how long you’ve done the habit…but I am a happier person today that I quit that shit back last July. You can do it too…I would use the quote “this too, shall pass”…it always did in the rough patches.
Keep quit and let us know how you’re doing!
Day #227

10 years ago

guys thanks so much I knew this moment would get here eventually if I just stayed the course. Jeff jayp Steve and Shiva thanks for all the support and listening to my rambling posts and stuff. I owe you all a beer and my life!
Day 100!!!!!!!

10 years ago

Haven’t been on the board in a while. Seems it gets awfully quiet when I don’t come by here. I hope everyone is still on their quit. I see a couple familiar folks here.
Jeff…on the dawn of his 200th day free….I’m really proud you’ve stayed on my heels through my quit….pushes me each day.
Steve, well over his century mark now, also a motivated quitter, but haven’t seen your HOF speech?
Rick, just joined the century club, hoping to see his HOF as well.
And of course the ocassional appearance of Shiva….he was here long before me.
Wish you all well on moving forward through tlyour quits, stay strong!!
Day #226

10 years ago

Congrats on 100 days Rick…hope you’ve prepared that HOF speech. We’ll be looking for you moving forward!

10 years ago


You did it!
Day 198

10 years ago
Reply to  Jeff

Yeah Rick, congrats man you’re a battle tested animal!!! I’m really happy for man, you’ve given this everything you got and got back up after you got knocked down. Glad I’m here to see your century mark

10 years ago
Reply to  Steve

I know I jumped the gun by two hours but I don’t know if I will be able to get on tomorrow
Day 113 I think

10 years ago
Reply to  Jeff

Jeff, congrats on Day 200 Hombre!
Proud of your success, hope you are well and enjoy the milestone today. We’ll be in touch.

10 years ago

28 days clean from a 11 year addiction. Cold turkey, got real sick with this past flu that’s been flying around. been thinking about quitting for awhile just took the opportunity to stop completely since I’d be able to sleep the first free days off. Cravings are kicking my ass. I’ve been eating alot of Cajun trail mix, sunflower seeds and mandarins.

Anyone have almost like jaw aches when the cravings are at their worse?

Alex 1
Alex 1
10 years ago
Reply to  Jack

I had jaw aches all the time, but I don’t really get them anymore. Just try not to think about it for a while and it will go away.

Day 51

10 years ago
Reply to  Jack


My jaw hurt the first few weeks because I was eating more. When I had a dip. It would last from one meal to the next, when I quit… Well. I ate. I was all over carrots, my jaw muscle was used more then it had in the last 10 years.

Should be ok, your just using the jaw more, it should pass..

Day 195

10 years ago
Reply to  Jeff

Holy hell Jeff 5 days to go to 200 your a beast man!!!

10 years ago


You have all of us waiting for day 100, your a veteran of many crave battles, I am like jayp, quitting. Staying quit takes a big man to accomplish. Finish up your run to 100 Rick
Day 193

10 years ago

It’s normal Rick, it is a small part of the brain that does this dirty dancing if you know what I mean :).. Just give it a week or two and you’d start laughing that you even thought like this..

Come on brother, we all are waiting for your first of 100s 🙂


10 years ago

Stay the course Rick. Don’t allow others to influence you into a bad decision. Feel great with every hell no you say today

10 years ago
Reply to  Kurt

Thanks brother!! I appreciate the support I’ll do anything I can to keep the demon weed on the outside…..

10 years ago

Shitfuck guys I’m having a tough day today. I’m gonna have to grind it out—-alot of tobacco users in the building right now. I feel like a damn junkie. I’d like to pull my brain out and kick it across the room telling me all these little lies–” you’ve proved you can quit anytime you want to, now how bout a dip fror celebrating?” The one thing that’s been saving me is the promise I made to you guys and myself that I wouldn’t put nicotine in my body. The option to use is off the table I guess jolly ranchers will have to do.
I came up with my own concoction—- 2 cans of wild bills beef jerky into one can then add a little water- its juicy and tastes good. Tastes a helluva lot better than Kodiak ever did.
Day 94

10 years ago
Reply to  rick

6 days to the 100 day mark, Rick, keep up your pace!! Who cares if those tobacco users in the building are still addicts. I look at dippers/smokers/E-vapers as weak people now, call me a hypocrite if you will, but it takes a MUCH stronger person to quit and stay quit.
I like your concoction, sounds tasty!
I forgot my fake chew the other day too and although I only take 3 a day, having that plastic can in my pocket just gives me security I guess. But I ended up chewing a little more gum than I usually do and had a few more handfuls of seeds…I got by until I got back home. You can do it too!

10 years ago

Moving into day 50 tomorrow! Man I have to say that I never realized how badly my gut was torn up while dipping. Kind of feels like I bought myself a new gut off the gut lot. Happy to see that this next phase as listed above begins with “cruise control”… I still have my sticky note on my dash that says “you buy a can, you lose sucka” with a picture of Mr. T pointing at me. I have already noticed the extra coin in my pocket from not spending the $14 a week.
Good luck everyone! You can quit….. just do it

10 years ago

Hay Kurt, 26 years here using Kodiak. Stopped before but was using again. 2nd day here. No problems except cravings which I’m beating off. With lots of water and keeping busy around the house. Good luck.

10 years ago
Reply to  Al

Good job Al- I’m over a week now. I’m letting myself feel empowered with every craving that I beat back. It’s helps in making the negatives of my quit a bit more of a positive. Stay strong and get stronger, start to enjoy your ability to say hell no

10 years ago

Good work Kurt. That is also one the many things I didn’t miss from my quit…the nasty ass cotton mouth. Keep up the good work and post your progress here…we’re all here to help.
Day #215

10 years ago

Day 3 for this 25 year Kodiak user. Doing ok – kind of nice not having cotton mouth 24 hrs a day. Gonna keep focusing on the positives

10 years ago


Congrats! 100 is awesome, you made it, now let’s get rick here, and we start to focus on day200


10 years ago
Reply to  Jeff

Thanks everyone for help getting to 100! Let’s go Rick you got this and that is an excellent quote. It seems like we’ve seen a lot of the newer quits fall off lately, that’s too bad.

10 years ago

Congratulations on Day 100 Steve and advanced congrats on many more 100s :).. Awesome news about your BP coming down. I am really feeling happy on seeing your post. I bet the journey was/is amazing :).. Way to go Steve.

Rick, waiting for your 100th…

10 years ago

Hope everyone is well and dip free! Yesterday was day 100 here so I wanted to say thanks to everyone that listened to me bitch and talked me down. Also thanks to the newer faces helping you helped me work myself thru craves. I looked at my first post yesterday the response was from Jeff talking about some “new guy” Rick going thru the same things as me, too funny.
Thanks everyone especially Jeff, JP, Rick the “new guy”, Shiva and Chewie. Rick you’re on deck now!
Also on day 100 I was able to come off blood pressure meds that I started 18 months ago, my doc said getting g off the chew contributed to it coming down for sure.
Day 101

10 years ago
Reply to  Steve

Congratulations on the 100 day mark (101) Steve!! What a journey its been. I’m proud of you. You’ve made it this far, so it will all be up to you from here to stay off the stuff. As mentioned, you will still get the occasional whiffs of a crave….they too will pass with a little will power.
Oh! And yes…amazing how f’ed up things happen to quit (blood pressure issues) when one quits the tobacco. I too had some medical issues that disappeared after killing the can….what a reward!
Congrats again Steve and welcome to the century club!

10 years ago
Reply to  Steve

Awesome Steve way to go man. Can’t wait to join all you at the 100 day train! You guys are all amazing. I learned a new quote the other day that I wanted to share with you guys.
“With experience you take the test first and learn the lesson afterwards”
Solid advice there!
Rick (the new guy)
Day 87

10 years ago
Reply to  rick

Less than 2 weeks Rick, we’re all waiting for you. Good quote, I can feel it.

10 years ago
Reply to  rick

Almost 100 dude! I told you I would be here at your day 100! Proud of you!
Day 190

10 years ago
Reply to  Jeff

Thanks brother! 8 more days staying focused on the prize! Thanks for your support man it means a lot.
I was thawing out frozen pipes when “that” thought crept in. It always seems to show up when I’m doing something hands on. I brushed it aside kept working and then showed up about 15 minutes later. The shit was coming and going all day. By themselves each instance was easy to deal with but when you them all up…….it was definitely enough to take notice. Annoying more than anything!! But hell I’m not tossing all this good work for a cheap thrill and a ride back to tobacco town..fuck that. I stopped about 100 hundred times before and you know what led me back? That “one” magical dip. So I could rehash old glory….or something. One dip led back to 16 hours a day dipping…..every time. I can’t control it. this is the only way to truly control tobacco.
Thanks guys
Day 92

10 years ago
Reply to  rick

Way to beat those craves back Rick! As you can see…they still are very much alive, even at almost the 100 day mark. Hell…even after the 200 day mark you have them. About a week ago, I had a big crave for a dip. Not even sure where it came from…or what in was thinking that brought it on. All I know is it was very much a real crave. Strong, but obviously not strong enough to wreck all the hard work I’ve put in the past 200+ days. I simply just thought about it…recognized it and it faded away after about 5 minutes or less. I made a decision….I’m done with that shit! And I’m not going back if I have a say!
Looking for your arrival on the first floor and beyond Rick, keep up your quit!
Day #218

10 years ago
Reply to  rick

Hey Rick, keep it up man almost to 100!! It’s crazy how it all works I posted right around the same day that I was getting some heavier than normal craves and Chewie pointed out that it is normal. I’ve been getting those thoughts, what if I had just one or would one every couple of days really be that bad for me? only problem with that logic is it would never stay at one for very long. Other issue is it is chemicals I’m putting in my mouth not a vitamin,
Stay strong you animal, you got this!!

10 years ago

I am on day 3, I am having trouble concentrating,I am at work and everthing I do is associated with dipping. It also doesnt help that everyone around me is a user. I appreciate being able to read these posts and to know that have gone through the same things I am feeling

10 years ago
Reply to  TJ

You aren’t alone TJ…we all went through those first few days…tough patch for sure!
I would recommend some fake dip, just to get you by while hanging around users. I quit smack dab in the middle of golf seasons….and those boys out there enjoy stuffing some HONKERS in their lips! I got through those days with some fake stuff….sunflower seeds were also something very helpful.
Please come back by and let us know how you’re progressing!
-JP Day#211

10 years ago

The first “72 hours. This is the only time you will go through physical withdrawal” leading into “Days 4 through 20. You will still have some physical things to deal with”.
Starting the article with a glaring contradiction is an interesting choice. It makes me doubt the validity of it, so I didn’t bother reading further.

10 years ago
Reply to  John

Wow….so a “glaring contradiction” is preventing you from reading further and possibly finding something informative, to help you quit?
I guess some people will use any possible, to continue their habit.
Hopefully you grow a pair and get a handle on your adduction. I will say a prayer for you Grammar Gangster.
Day #208

10 years ago
Reply to  John

Hey John I actually had some physical affects after day 3, I had night sweats for the first 10 days. Also, the plumbing was a little off for a week or so. I had trouble concentrating for a while but that can be considered mental I guess.
Day 100 minus 3

10 years ago
Reply to  John

John, if you are still reading the posts and continue to abstain…. You’d now know what Chewie means regardless of grammatical errors… Biggest mistake any person makes is to start going very analytical and say now 3 days I should be out of nicotine, now 21 days all the nicotine metabolites should be out and so on. Please understand every individual is unique and what clears in 3 days for one person might take 5 days for another.
The fact is that the moment you spit the last chew you have quit.. whether it takes 3 months or 6 months to get a good hold of your abstinence it doesn’t matter. You are quitting for yourself and you are not going to go back on your habit for perceived mistakes in the guideline, are you 🙂 ?

Good luck on your quit.

10 years ago

I got less than week till hitting the century mark and I’m noticing something I haven’t in a while, craves. Anyone else around this point get craves?

10 years ago
Reply to  Steve

They come and go Steve…but by now, you are well qualified to knock the crave.
One week to go, you got this!
To be honest….any craves I get any more, are for the fake stuff. I only take 3 a day. I should just quit those, but they are a treat for an ex-dipper. And I don’t have any issue(s) with chewing the fake stuff.
So maybe I no longer really crave with the aid of my fake stuff.
I am a little ornery currently, been trying to shed some of the unwanted LBS from thequit. I have slowed down the consumption of sunflower seeds as well….so not a lot of fun currently…..but “this too…shall pass”…..
Day #207

10 years ago
Reply to  Chewie

Thanks Chewie, That damn nic bitch

10 years ago

I’m new on here, 19 years old, and have been dipping for 2 years now. I am only 3 days sober of dip and trying my hardest! Lot of my friends are discouraging me from quitting but I know it’s the right thing to do. All the help I can get the better thanks a lot ladies and gents!

10 years ago
Reply to  Powers

hey you’re doing the right thing powers. Remember misery loves company and your friends are just mad because you have the balls to kick this horrible addiction and they can’t. no matter what anybody says you are kicking ass my friend is so worth it! best thing you could do for your life is to keep quitting you might not realize it now but life goes by regardless of what you do with it. You will be very thankful you put this thing down when you hit your thirties and forties.powers
Day 80

10 years ago

Any word from Stacy? She was killing it early on, I think last I heard she was at day 12

10 years ago

Congrats rooster!
Day 178

10 years ago

Hello every I am N this is my 24 hour … but have taken three pouches in last 4 days .

10 years ago
Reply to  N

Hello N, I am J…..P. congrats on 24 hours free….the goal…no pouches! Smokey Mountain makes some pouches, go grab a can of the fake ones and put down the tobacco for good!
Good LUCK!!

10 years ago

I just wanted to stop by and thank everybody on here for helping me acheive and pass by without even realizing it my 100 day goal! (I’m on day 102 now and didn’t even realize it!) That’s awesome because not dipping has become so second nature to me that I forgot to celebrate my 100 days dip free. And that’s after 27 years of dipping, I’m pumped!

I haven’t posted a lot but I have checked the site often and each time I did it helped me get through the tough times that I had. Especially Days 20-60 or so when I was a foggy iritated mess but I made it through with the help of everybody on here. Thank you all and keep up the good fight!

Nicotine is My bitch now instead of the other way around and that feels super Nice!

Rooster – Day 102

10 years ago
Reply to  Rooster

Congrats on 102 days of freedom…another successful quitter!
-JP Day#205

10 years ago

Hey quitters…
Day 177 and I must admit, chewing Copenhagen for years, now almost feels I never chewed. I have been busy with work, doing my 3 miles a day.

I am looking forward to August and my one year anniversary!

Loved the Super Bowl… Good job patriots, my broncos I hope can do it next year.

Rick. Almost to 100. I am so happy for you…

Totally agree with Steve , Laura, he must quit for himself,


10 years ago

Hey JayP that is awesome man, congratulations! Been a busy week but my Pats pulled it off again!

10 years ago
Reply to  Steve

Thanks Steve,
Yes, Brady got his 4th ring, happy for him. But I have to disagree with the MVP choice, #21, who intercepted Wilson, that’s who should of gotten that MVP and new truck….whatever, what the hell do I know? LOL!
Keep up the quit Steve,

10 years ago
Reply to  JAYP

JP I got to disagree and I’ve been hearing Butler should’ve got the MVP a lot these past couple of days. All I can say is Brady threw for over 300 yards and 4 Tds he completed 75% of his passes versus the best D in the league. Back to back drives down the field in the 4th quarter without Butlers pick never happens!

10 years ago

Hey jayp thought I replied guess it didn’t make it thru. Congratulation! You are a solid quitter and have helped me with your posts many times keep it going dude!
Rick day 78
Shiva Jeff steve hope all is well. Keep kicking that nic!!!

10 years ago
Reply to  rick

I think your reply got through, I have just been too tied up with work and life and haven’t had a good chance to reply.
I appreciate the kind words Rick, in fact I want you to know that it is quitters like yourself, who have committed to the quit, that actually keeps moving me forward as well. I am glad my posts help out others, and all of yours help me out too.
I wanted to reply to your comment about doing things you used to, without a dip. You mentioned you and your wife were doing some painting and you had a crave. They will still come and go Rick, but the “strength” of them are so much lighter than they were in your first 30. I am proud of you that your reply was “I don’t do that anymore”…this is exactly the phrase I used to myself along with, “this too shall pass” when I had a crave. They do pass and every time you get past one, it’s just another old ass whooping on that habit. I love the feeling of empowerment it gave me to say “NO!”, then listen to the crave, whine off. You keep us all going too Rick, 22 days are right around the corner, I can here you arriving at the first floor, Keep Quit!
Day #203

10 years ago

My boyfriend was the nicest, sweetest man on the planet,until two days ago.We have been together for two years, a very happy two years. He quit chewing very fast, because i was expressing my concerns. He said, “fine I quit”and threw the can at the wall. After watching him drive like a wild man and call innocent drivers,
m…f-ing c–k suckers…. I became scared and begged him not to quit the chew all at once, rather drop down to half (pouches) for a week and so on… Now he is getting a buzz when he puts the chew in and complaining of headaches. Is cold turkey better?…SOS……

10 years ago
Reply to  Laura

Hey Laura the key is it has to be his decision to quit, not pressure from you. Otherwise he may resent you during his quit or stop dipping around you.
In terms of cutting back that is an excellent strategy, have him taper off over a couple of weeks it worked well for me. Gym, seeds, gum, fake dip, lots of water and try to avoid foods that caused blood sugar spikes were all things I did for the first few months. Oh and posting, we know what he’s gping thru and people that haven’t quit don’t have a clue.
Good luck

10 years ago


Almost 200… congrats dude and awesome progress. Hello to Rick, Jeff, Steve and other new comers. Sorry couldn’t log in for a couple of weeks. First down with a viral fever followed up by strep throat. One after the other and I was out of work for 10 days. Very tired and exhausted now. Catch you folks later.


10 years ago
Reply to  Shiva

Thank you Shiva,

YES! Today is Day #200 for me. I cannot believe how fast time has passed since I put down that can of lip cancer and began my journey. I am now, seriously, in the process of carving this 40 year old body back down to what it’s suppose to look like. I didn’t let myself go, just enough to motivate myself to trim off the excess weight that my quit has caused…or myself…I’m blaming the quit, lol!
Sorry to hear you’re not feeling good Shiva, just roll with it, you’ll get through it. I got sick twice at the beginning of winter, working hard to not get sick anymore.
Hope All is well and appreciate the props Shiva!
Jeff, Rick, Steve and all the Noobies, STAY QUIT!!
-JP Day #200

10 years ago
Reply to  JP

Your the man JP. 200 days off of nicotine is an extraordinary accomplishment. I’m sure you smashed down about 2000 craves and you held the course. Its stuff like this that keeps me going.BTW me and the lady did some painting in the babies room and I had a flash of nostalgia- up until October I never did housework without a dip in. So that little voice started talking to me quietly. Shit it took about 3 seconds to smash that voice by thinking “I don’t do that shit anymore!”. However that thought seemed to hang around for awhile til I went for a run (in 30 degree weather) and it went away.
it just surprised me for a little bit because I haven’t had any major cravings in a couple of weeks. do you guys still get that little voice “suggesting” tobacco? More of an annoyance than anything but definitely there.
Day 75

10 years ago
Reply to  Shiva

Shiva I’ve been getting crushed since the calendar turned two stomach bugs, bronchitis, the flu and a sinus infection. Screw 2015 so far except the super bowl win. Feel better soon buddy

10 years ago


Almost 200. Congrats my friend!

10 years ago
Reply to  Jeff

Thanks Jeff, I am waiting for you at the 2nd floor my man, see you very soon!!

9 years ago
Reply to  Jeff

I quit dip for an entire year, a couple months ago I got weak and am chewing 1.5 cans a day again (long cut). I desperately want to quit for my family. Remind me of the easiest first step to quitting!

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