What To Expect When You Quit Dipping

What To Expect When You Quit Dipping

So you want to quit dipping and you would like to know what to expect when you do. We’re not going to pull any punches around here, it’s tough. That’s why we’re all here. This timeline has been put together over the years with the input of THOUSANDS of quitters. It has been shown to be remarkably accurate from the time you STOP USING NICOTINE.

Days 1 through 3 – Pure hell. You will walk in the fog. Nothing will seem real. Your brain is wondering where the hell its fix is and it is going to punish you until you come up with it. 72 hours, that’s all you need to get the nicotine out of your system. This is where you start to deal with the physical withdrawal associated with quitting dip. Drink lots of water. Read, post, read and post. Don’t take your anger out on your loved ones. We always tell everyone………Make this quit about YOU. If you quit for your wife, girlfriend, boyfriend, kids, mommy or daddy, you will resent them during this period. Quit for yourself and come in here to rant. Yell at us. Bitch at us. We can take it. We’ve been there.

Days 4 through 20 – Here comes the mind games. The nicotine is out of your system now. You will still have some physical things to deal with.

  • Cravings
  • Irritability
  • Insomnia
  • Fatigue
  • Inability to Concentrate
  • Headache
  • Sore throat
  • Constipation, gas, stomach pain
  • Dry mouth
  • Sore tongue and/or gums

Yep, you have this to look forward to. Your brain is rewiring itself. It isn’t used to being in an oxygen rich environment. Your body is responding in kind. Everything is a mind game now. All the cravings you have are actually due to triggers. Triggers are events where you are in a situation you would normally dip in. Mowing the grass, playing poker online, playing golf, working on the car………you get the picture. Keep drinking water, use seeds, the fake stuff, whatever you need to keep the dip out of your mouth. Remember, oral fixation is part of our habit, something you will eventually need to break. For now though, use all the tools you have.

Days 20 – 50 – You’re winning. Life isn’t great, but you probably had a couple of nights where you actually got some sleep. You might notice you’re going to bed earlier than you normally do. Not staying up to get in that last dip. You may notice some sores in your mouth. You’re thinking, “great, I quit dipping and now I have cancer.” You almost certainly don’t. Your mouth is healing itself. Tiny ulcers you’ve had for a long time are healing. We recommend you visit your dentist around the 30 day mark. Don’t be a pansy, just do it. He or she will be very supportive and they can explain the sores much better than we can. Don’t let your guard down. Don’t go out drinking with the fellas or the girls. We also recommend that you don’t drink for at least the first 50 days. Drinking is a huge trigger event and it weakens your resolve.

Days 50 – 70 – Cruise control. Life is really good. You still think about it, but this is good stuff here. Some people may suffer anxiety attacks during or a little before this stage. Some doctors say we dipped to relieve anxiety anyway. Some people can push right through this, others need a little help. Talk to your doctor before you quit or immediately after you quit. They will know what to do. Some give Wellbutrin or Lexapro. Lots of people in the support community take or have taken these medicines and can help you with the affects. Don’t wait till you get to this stage of the game to talk to a doctor. You’ll cruise through this stage much easier if you know how to take care of the anxiety or at least know it’s coming.

Days 70 – 90 – Late term craves, the doldrums, the blahs, the blues. Some people end up feeling like they are right back at day 1. The fog, the haze, the craves. It can be a tough time. You need to let people in your group know this is happening. Time to circle the wagons to get through it. It usually only lasts a few days. Fight through this and make sure your order your HOF Knife or Coin. Here are a couple of articles about this time period which we refer to as “The Funk”

Days 90 – HOF – Houston, resume the countdown. Enjoy the hell out of these last 10 days. You will be celebrating with your group as you all enter the HOF. It is a great feeling and an accomplishment you should not take lightly. Do something special for yourself and your family. They put up with your sorry ass for the last 90 days and they deserve something too.

100+ Days – Stay vigilant. Use the tools you have, to continue beating back any cravings or urges. You will still experience dip dreams and longings, but you are fully qualified to beat them down. Continue to post roll with your group. Get into the newer groups and help somebody out. Pass it along. Live the dream.

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8 years ago

Day 58, I pray for this day to be good and tobacco free for my brothers and I. Amen!

8 years ago

Thanks for your encouraging words guys jayp, jeff, Rich and Steve. Good God steve you are truly going through the biggest test of them all and you still took the time to give us courage. You have my respect sir. Hang in there, we will keep you in our prayers, right guys? Good.
Day 57

8 years ago
Reply to  Deepydeedont


8 years ago

Another day comes to an end and that marks day 56 for me. Today, I had a busy day, but also attended my friend joe’s funeral. Not really a happy moment in my life and all kinds of triggers and fire alarms were going off in my brain to start dipping again, it felt as though a thousand demonic creatures would prick, pry, slice and stab onto every fabric of my being to try to get me to dip again. As a matter of fact a big bright huge gas station sign was shining right outside of the funeral home. Unbelievable, but its true, just waiting there and making it so available for me to go and purchase a can right when I was feeling down. The thought crossed my mind, but somehow I managed not to go down that road again, instead me and my other bud joe (funny how there are many joes) decided to go and have a beer. We had 2 and then headed home. I decided to get in here and tell you guys and girls my close encounter with the dreaded snuff.

Rich S.
Rich S.
8 years ago
Reply to  deepydeedont

Sorry for your loss, Deep, but big-time kudos on your abstinence. Trust me, there will be serious “tests” along the way, but if you stay strong and keep the ultimate goal at the forefront, you’ll be able to laugh at those “demons” as you’re stronger than they. I wish you peace and comfort during these challenging times…you will prevail!

Rich S. – 400+ days QUIT

8 years ago
Reply to  deepydeedont

Sorry for your loss deepy
I hope everyone is doing well here I’m still fighting cancer so I’m not able to check in as much as I would like but I couldn’t miss today. The fight is tough but I’m focused.
One year dip free!!!
Thank you to all the helped me get to this point, I appreciate the help you gave me!!
Day 365!!!

PS chemo is way worse then quitting, so stay strong in your quit

8 years ago
Reply to  Steve

Stay strong and congrats on 365!!!

8 years ago
Reply to  Steve

Hey Steve, good to see you back on here. Congrats on one year free. Glad to hear you are in treatment for that and pray it will help eradicate it from your body!

8 years ago
Reply to  Steve


Good job on one year! Hang tough brother
Day 455

8 years ago
Reply to  deepydeedont

Way to fight off the demons DDD. The toughest times of the quit, are the moments when you are faced with stressful events. Getting through them, without the aid of nicotine, proves how strong and committed you are to it. Keep up your fight, we’re all here for you.

jayy634 none
8 years ago

Up late tonight, just wanted to leave some words of encouragement. Stay on the path, the path you know in your heart to be the right one. Stay strong my friends.

8 years ago

Another weekend comes to an end, but this time I am on day 55, past the mid mark to a 100

Dan Reck
Dan Reck
8 years ago

Day 4 here, couldn’t be more right about the cravings. Altoids have been my best friend.

8 years ago
Reply to  Dan Reck

Hang in there Dan, you made it through the 3 days of Hell.

Rich S.
Rich S.
8 years ago
Reply to  Dan Reck

Hang in there and stay the course….first week sucks but it will get better. You’re still going through the Nicotine withdrawal phase which usually takes a week or so as well. Before you know it, you’re going to feel real good about yourself and your quit.

Rich S. – 400+ days Quit

8 years ago

My day one quit is tomorrow I’ll be back when I’m pissed off…..

8 years ago
Reply to  Rob

Good Job Rob, We’ll be here. Day 53 for me.

8 years ago

Continuation of this morning post, I’ve just been informed that my work bud, has died tonight at 7:30 P.M. May God Rest his soul. He served and honorably discharged from the Army and obtained his degree from college, left behind a Daughter and an ex-wife whom he maintained an amicable relationship. In retrospect, he left us all behind since he is already on the other side where pain no longer exists. REST IN PEACE.

8 years ago

There are 10,950 days in 30 years, out of those last days I lived I’ve been quit for 53 big ones.
Though this is a tiny fraction of my life, the amazing part is that my body only needed that tiny amount of days to recover, to restore my health back. Absolutely amazing. just goes to show you that these old hides were designed to withstand anything (Divine Creation? Evolution? ET’s? I choose the first) In any case all we need is to give them proper maintenance or an overhaul every once in a while, in our case just quitting to push that toxin into our bodies will do the trick. without getting too philosophical or opening the statement for counter-arguments, i will now bore you with some mathematics.

10,950 days x 3(more or less I will accomodate with an average price) = $32,850

That has been my contribution more or less to the Tobacco companies, Do I hear a thank you from them? No, instead I am offered with the probability of destroying my life in a very painful or non aesthetic way.

Well Thank you very much, I give you the tobacco companies a splendid, robust and well deserved ONE FINGER SALUTE.

My contribution is hereby rescinded, How about ya’lls?


8 years ago
Reply to  DeepyDeeDont

Sorry 52, got too excited to get to tomorrow, but the math more or less is about right.

8 years ago
Reply to  DeepyDeeDont

I’m happy you came back to reclaim your quit. If new quitters don’t forget feel moved or motivated by some of your messages out here, then they are without a pulse.
Great job & keep climbing, we’re with ya!

8 years ago
Reply to  DeepyDeeDont

DDD, Great statistics,,,I also dipped for 30 years+. As I’m typing on the keyboard I recall always looking at my right middle finger and right index finger and seeing tobacco stains from all the years dipping, always being aware not to touch anything light colored and stain it. I know it’s a weird observation but it’s noticed regardless. I am so thankful for the support and advice from other quitters. Day 121 now and still trying to get used to life as a “non-dipper”. So statistically speaking, I’ve been quit the last 30+ years 0.01105023% of the time. It’ll take awhile to “re-wire” the ol synapses in the cranial region before I get used to it. However, without rambling on any further, I’m so f**king glad I’m quit…

8 years ago

Day 52. To everyone following my saga. I am glad I can bring a bit of insight and inspiration. Jayp. Jeff and shiva know me from a while back. We started around the same time. I caved in, but they continued they have my respect. To those that don’t know me I started dipping in high school like most of us here. I wish I never done it. But yes for about 30 years I dipped, it started slow and sporadic. But The addiction grew in quantity and timing. Experimented with different brands, flavor and grit. Started only at parties with the guys to alone at night dipping late at night. Pathetic. Never really tried to quit until last year. I should be up in my numbers like the guys I mentioned, but I humbly came back 52 days ago and here I am. Help me out and share your stories. There are other guys reading these things. Who knows you might inspire someone to quit.

8 years ago

Went 35 days girlfriend left me back to where I was 36 days ago woo hoo..

8 years ago
Reply to  Matt

Matt, ??? What’s up? Are you saying you caved and need to start over again? Do you have a quit group and have you been posting? Remember Bro, If you caved, it was because you caved, not what your girlfriend did to you. I know quitting is emotional enough…Stay strong for you, not anyone else.

8 years ago
Reply to  jgw1964


don;t let a woman be the reason you go back! I did the same thing. I have tried quitting multiple times over the years and have gone a couple weeks here and there, but between last July and March I went 8 months without a dip. Had a 3 year relationship end in March and I did the same thing. Hated the fact that I let that happen. Got over the breakup but surprise surprise, kept chewing because now I was back in the rythm. And here we are 7 months later and finally I decided to quit again. I’m just over three days right now. Lotta seeds and Grinds coffee pouches these last few days but going through with it. You made it 36 days once, you can do it (and more) again. Don’t use tobacco as a crutch because of her, I just did the same thing and it turned into 7 months of chewing after 8 months of quitting. Try to help you learn from my mistake. Glad I finally decided to look online about quitting though rather than just do it. This site has a lot of good tips and it helps to read other people’s experiences!

8 years ago
Reply to  jgw1964


I like your rationale there. Stay Strong for “YOU” and not anyone else….truer words couldn’t have been said. Its the most greediest thing one can do, quit chewing tobacco. I mean its all about YOU and no one else. I didn’t quit for my dentist…my career or my family….I quit for ME and nothing or anyone else. You guys are kicking ass on this board, keep up the fight men!
1 year, 106 days quit

8 years ago

Continuation of this morning, After posting my message, there was quite a commotion at work. I found out later on that my co-worker who works a few feet away from me, had gone to break room to get a soda and suffered a massive heart attack, I had just seen him and said good morning, I saw the paramedics working on him frantically, not a pleasant sight. it aint nothing like you see on tv. After that I started thinking about our own mortality, that can happen to any of us, why add more detriment to our health. I am staying quit.

8 years ago
Reply to  Deepydeedont

DDD, awesome job posting and leaving encouraging thoughts. Your right, you think of mortality more when you see stuff like that. After dipping for 30+ years my younger brother (fellow ex-dipper) had growth found in his throat. We quit together July 1st and didn’t know if he had cancer or not for 21 days. It was f**ked up. Thank God he’s good now and him and I are 120 Days clean. Keep it up, your helping me and many others.

8 years ago
Reply to  Deepydeedont

Right on! I just quit 5 days ago.

8 years ago

Day 51 feeling gr3at, I had forgotten how healthy it feels to be without tobacco in your system. How free it is to be without having to depend on a pinch of deadly dust from your back pocket, how re-assertive it is to look at people in the eye without them looking at your cheek and they’d be wondering if you have a tooth ache, or having to sneak around people to put one in, the absence of stains in your clothes, the disappearance of dried up snuff everywhere in the jeep and cars, the list goes on and on, I don;t have to tell you. It is a good feeling to be a quitter. 49 days until HOF.

8 years ago
Reply to  DeepyDeeDont


Just wanted to chime in and let you know how great you are doing. Not just with your progress but also in helping out fellow quitters.


8 years ago

I made it to Day 50. I am on cruise control fellow quitters. I was here before last year. This time I am wiser, much more careful, know what to look for and also have spent time and money into this quit, ain’t no way in hell I am going back. That piece of tin or plastic can cannot defeat me and cannot defeat you guys either. Remember that, you are the master of your quit, no one can force you to dip except yourself. The devil can tempt you all and myself, but he cannot make us do it. He will try like hell to use every trick in the world to get you to do it, but you are stronger than that you have a more powerful ally on your side.

8 years ago

Today is the end of day 2 for me and I can say I’m a rip roaring bitch. I Have worked out 3 times today screamed my husband’s ear off and I’m ready to walk up to the gas station near my house and buy a tin. However, I know I’m stronger than chew so I’ll put my wintergreen ChapStick on and gum in my lip and clean. It’s strange to go from a tin a day to nothing. I have no headaches no physical issues from withdrawal just anger and bitchyness. 90 days is a long time but if I make it that long and get cancer anyways I will go buy all the chew I want.

8 years ago
Reply to  ahmrwlm

ahmrwlm, Did you make it to 3 days?

8 years ago
Reply to  ahmrwlm

Day 1 3 hours after my last dip

8 years ago
Reply to  Daisy

Hang in there Daisy, this is one of the toughest challenges of our lives.

8 years ago

Day 48, only 2 before half way to Hall of fame.

8 years ago
Reply to  deepydeedont

Hell yea. You are doing awesome DDD

Day 445

8 years ago

Thanks JGW it sure feels good to hear an “atta boy” from the longer quitter brothers as I call them. And you are right, it sure is nicer to wake up and not have dragon breath.
But tonight I wanted to reach out to those that come here and lurk around, being stealthy and reading all of our posts. I was like you, wanting to quit, but not really ready. Imagine that, in your mind you justify this behavior and allow yourself to keep doing it. I totally understand it because I was there, in fact all of us that are here posting were there. We all get our turn on quitting, one way or another you will quit, it’s just a matter of time. Getting addicted is easy, getting clean is very hard, but if you continue, you will have to deal with the consequences, you are gambling with your health in the future, please take a moment and think about what you are doing really hard, Man up and take that first step, remember the size of a man is the measure of the greatest challenges he has overcome. Be that great man in our own way, like the rest of us in here.

8 years ago

Thanks Jeff, its good to be back and kicking some virtual ass. Day 45, feels good to be getting up there in the numbers. Glad you guys stuck to your guns and are way up there in yalls quit. BEST REGARDS.

8 years ago
Reply to  deepydeedont

DDD, you and Alton are doing great. I’m Day 114 of my quit. It’s funny, had a few drinks last night with friends with no urge to dip. I had a very small headache this morning and felt a stiff cup of coffee would help. Made my wife and I a cup and just when I was handing my wife her coffee, I remember the stench of Copenhagen breath in the morning and was very pleased I don’t suffer from that anymore…Trust me, you may not realize it now, but your family and friends do. Keep it up…The longer your away you realize how nasty that shit was.

8 years ago

Day 5….I see what you are saying about mind games. Luckily I am in NYC for the next 2 weeks. It won’t be as easy to get tobacco like in Texa

8 years ago

Day 44, getting closer to the new stage. Mouth sores are disappearing, the Disgusting stench of morning breath is gone, my teeth are actually getting whiter. With all the positive proof, how strange it is that the cravings still surface to bring me down. They are fewer I must admit that, but seems like the number has decreased and just waits to come up as one big one. Strange addiction.

8 years ago
Reply to  DeepyDeeDont

DDD. Keep kicking ass on your quit! Waiting for your HOF….

jayy634 none
8 years ago

I was walking downtown earlier and I noticed myself thinking, “Man, it feels GOOD being a non-smoker!” (or non-dipper too) The liberation from having to duck out for a smoke or a dip, the lingering odor on clothes, bad breath, etc. These kinds of affirming thoughts are very powerful in my recovery from tobacco addiction, I can’t recommend them enough.

8 years ago

Another weekend over and now I am up to day 42. Ya’ll take care.

8 years ago
Reply to  deepydeedont

Great Job DDD…watching your progress one day/post at a time. Keep up the good work!

8 years ago

Many people are praying for you, feel the power when you’re feeling weak. Keep knocking on the door when you pray and ask to be free from slavery (Matthew 7:7)Sleep, Sunflower seeds, Atomic Cinnamon Fireballs and Fake chew are the physical things helped me the first few days and weeks.
Ben H (day 142)

8 years ago
Reply to  BenH

I’ve been dip free for 14 days but are having sharp stomach pains. Anyone else have this problem?

8 years ago
Reply to  John

Digestive issues? Yes. There are so many different side effects from cessation of smokeless tobacco. I even started having stomach acid issue that I take medicine to combat. I never seemed to have them when I dipped.
I’d say if it gets too much for you, go see your doctor. Let them know what you’re up to.

8 years ago

Will do and push thru. Life is better each big ass day of quit in the mirror. Stay strong one day at a time.


8 years ago

Made it to day 40. 220 frog skins saved.

Austin Al
Austin Al
8 years ago

Day 1. It’s hard as hell. Been dipping for 19 years and it’s time to quit, pray for me

8 years ago

Day 39. Today the dentist cleaned the side of my mouth where I used to place the dreadful dip. She tore the shit out of my gums, saw her struggling and took a lot longer than last time on the other side. She finally said. “There I am done. It finally looks good in there” music to my ears, but now anesthesia wearing off and I can feel all the digging done, scrapping, water blasting between gums and teeth etc, etc. I am glad I am done with that.
This time the cravings are there, but now I have a point of reference to fight them back, you see when I get one I immediately think about the dentists chair, the drills, the blasting water in my mouth and splashing everywhere, the smell of blood gushing around and those stupid posters on the ceiling, that quickly puts an end to those cravings
Thanks for reading fellow quitters, keep up the good work.

8 years ago

guess I was in a bad mood yesterday. Day 38 and no dip. Got a dentist appointment tomorrow. Fun. Stay strong Bros. We can do it.

8 years ago

Life sucks again, but I am on day 37. Fuck yeah. Bring it motherfuckers, what else can go wrong to get me back on the nasty shit suck again? I read a whole mess of postings of some dumb asses saying that dipping is allright. Some of them quoting experiences of of ancestors doing it for a long time, others quoting studies and statistics, and some other dumbfucks even actually philosophizing on the right to make choices on dipping. The fuck is wrong with these people? How can you justify any defending argument against anything so offensive as this bad habit? How? Rethorically and philosophically you can make an argument against anything, but when you know that simple logic tells you that whatever you are defending is wrong then there is where the argument ends. It’s not a matter of winning, but to uphold righteousness period.
Driving a car can kill you, what the fuck? We all going to die sometime, you fucking dipshit what a horrendous way of living your life that is and knowing that these people are out there is frightening.
I get that trolls infilter and distort the dynamic of the forums, so I wanted to unload on those bastards, because some of them actually get paid to do that, I understand we all got to eat, but when you do it to poke fun of the poor carcasses like myself that are trying to rise up from the funk and be a normal person, then that deserves a tiny piece of my mind party on trolls we all get our call.

Ben Hardister
Ben Hardister
8 years ago

No pain no gain. On day 138 after chewing cope for 35 years and the pain now is 9,000 times less than on day 1 to 4. Look at quitting as a new work out routine, it’s much harder at first to train you’re muscles to do something new but with time the training allows you to do things with you’re body you could never do before. This new workout in this hell gym you are in now will train you and then allow you to live your life strong and free with no guilt or fear for what’s coming. Ask Jesus to help you, He said He’d be with you always and He’ll keep His Word. (Matthew 28:20)
Ben H

8 years ago
Reply to  Ben Hardister

Im Starting day one today and this post right here is amazing. Thanks Ben

8 years ago

Stay strong brother! It’s hard but it’s worth it. Don’t need the Nic Bitch in your day! She doesn’t help. One hour at a time my man

4 days and climbing

8 years ago


I’m on day 3….hell day from what I can tell and read from u guys! The urge is damn strong. I will not give in this is my quit! I think I have spent 180 bucks on cranberry juice sunflower seeds and gum in 3 days! And I’m eating like a friggin pig.

So ready to be completely free…one day at a time . Back to work tomorrow and new triggers


8 years ago
Reply to  Dipbegone

Well first half day of work down. So far so good. Drive in was nerve wracking; and urges pop up but it was real wise to be past my 72 hrs away from here…work outside and could chew at will. Triggers galore! So far so good. Will never put that shit in my mouth again!!

4 days and climbing one at a time

8 years ago

Nothing new to report. 35 days. 180+- bucks saved.
My blood pressure is back to normal.

I guess I am at that plateau where nothing much happens, I have much time on my hands now, but strangely enough the cravings are weak enough that in order to start I would have to make a conscious decision to take that first dip. I am not going through this again.

Rich Synek
Rich Synek
8 years ago
Reply to  Deepydeedont

Atta boy, Deep….full steam ahead. The worst is behind you and the best is ahead!

Rich S. – 383 Quit

Ryan Baldwin
Ryan Baldwin
8 years ago

Day 3 Nic free. Surprised the physical hasn’t been terrible but mental…man! Keep reminding myself it’s a mind game and I can whoop this bitch. I will not EVER put nicotine in my body again. This part may not be fun, but thanks to a ton of reading on these posts I am confident life is wayyyy better without the nasty weed running my life!

When in front of computer tomorrow will figure out the roll call; can’t seem to lick the techno on I phone!



8 years ago

I have a Job Interview Today 10-9-2015, if you know how to pray, say a few good words for me, I need it.
As for My quit, I am day 33, the exact number of years of My Lord when he went out and completed his Mission. (In no way I can compare of course, humble)
I Went back to the Gym and when I was doing some heavy bench pressing I looked up and saw this sign on the wall “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” How appropriate. anyway I think I’ll apply that knowledge for My Quit, My Fitness and my Interview today. Stay Strong Quitters.

David Mace
David Mace
8 years ago
Reply to  DeepyDeeDont

Amen brother! He is the King of kings and Lord of lords, He will help us with everything that is just, right and holy! Hoping your interview goes great.. Keep me in prayer, i’m on day 2 – going strong! Sunflower seeds by the bag.

King David

8 years ago
Reply to  David Mace

Today is day 1 for me. I need a ton of support. I’m a baseball player who has been dipping way too long. Time to quit.

8 years ago
Reply to  Kc

This Post was 3 days ago KC, I hope you are still quit.

8 years ago
Reply to  David Mace

Thanks David. My interview went awesome. We’ll see what they say later. But oh man, you are the one that is going through those first days of hell like all of us did. I was up to day 100, got tempted and fell so I had to start all over and that is why I am here. Going through this hell twice made me realize it is stupid to go back to where you know sooner or later you’ll want to get out and to accomplish it you’ll have to go through great deal of uncomfort so this time I am more centered and wise from the hellish experience. Though it out. You only have a few hours until you are out of the worse part of your quit.

8 years ago

Thanks Chewie, those numbers are very encouraging. You guys keep up the good work.

8 years ago
Reply to  DeepyDeeDont

Hey guys. Today marks two years tobacco free for me. I started chewing at age 15 and quit at age 42 (3 can a week habit). I almost can’t believe it’s true. I just want to say thanks to everyone on this site for inspiring and motivating me to do something I didn’t think was possible. I couldn’t have done it without this site and all of you. I’ll be praying for all of you on this same path!

8 years ago

You guys that been here long enough gotta help me out on this one. Does it seem that the amount of Dudes trying to quit has diminished? I have been here again for the last 31 days and not really sure, but seems that about a year ago when I started my quit there was a lot more activity with people joining in to quit?
I guess if one of us makes it to freedom, this site is well worth it. Great idea you guys had to start a site like this. Not clinical, Not forced upon you, not legalistic in any way, just a bunch of people sharing the experience of quittin the dreadful gunk.

8 years ago
Reply to  deepydeedont

Hey DDD,
Just to follow up on Chewies comment, you probably get most by signing up and posting in groups. I never did it like that, I did sign up, but never roll called. I couldn’t figure it out and I just felt that commenting here on this post was enough. I did venture around to a few posts, hell, I even wrote a couple reviews on the fake stuff. But it did quiet down a lot. I hung out after my 100/days to be sure a few others made it, but would.pop in here and there to more than less “check in” on others, offer advice, even to argue with a few idiots that think nicotine is cool.
I say, the site is only as much as you make it. In hindsight, I sorta wished I had found the group on my start date, but I was busy enough here. Met up with you, Jeff, Shiva and later, Rick & Steve. All good peeps on a mission like me. This place has been a GOolD send to me and my quit. I will always be in debt to it and the quitters I met/meet here.
I’d say, just use it as much you can, reach out…what I still try to do when I can. It does get quiet sometimes. I still read the comments, just might not always respond. Still very solid in my quit!!
I got you at day 32? Keep up that fight my friend!!

8 years ago

31 Days, still quit and loving it. My Mouth still trying to heal, Got another Dentist appointment for next week. She should be proud of me now,Deep clean, flossing listerine and coconut oil pulls. Never been healthier. Keep up the good work.

8 years ago
Reply to  DeepyDeeDont

I am at 23 days cold turkey. It is getting better but still have rough times. Reading everyones comments has helped for sure. Thanks everyone for sharing.

8 years ago
Reply to  Lank

Great Job on 23/days free Lank! Keep up the fight!!

8 years ago
Reply to  Lank

23 days (now 25) is impressive. Stay quit. Rough times ahead for sure, but nothing you can’t handle. Never go back to days 1-3.

8 years ago
Reply to  vinjay82

23 days (now 25) is impressive. Stay quit. Rough times ahead for sure, but nothing you can’t handle. Never go back to days 1-3.

8 years ago

Today I hit the 30 day Mark, I feel much better. Thanks to this site and you guys and of course the Good Lord, I did not cave in my Darkest hour. I hope all of you are doing well.

8 years ago
Reply to  DeepyDeeDont

Congrats on 30 days free! Good to hear you are doing well and most important, didn’t cave.
Keep up the fight DDD!

9 years ago

Thanks guys, today has been horrible, everything hits me at once and I am being tempted to get a can, I would dip when I was depressed to get me going.

9 years ago
Reply to  deepydeedont

I definitely would pop one in too when inwas stressed about something….was a trigger for sure. Just have to stick to your guns. Retrain yourself the use exercise or meditation (both things I’ve added to the tool box) to get thru.
Keep rolling DDD!

9 years ago
Reply to  deepydeedont


Sorry if it’s a cliche. Popping one would not help improve your situation anyway and it definitely will not make you feel any better. In the end, it will make you feel even worse. Sorry fr sounding philosophical but been there seen there :(..
Let us take life as it comes and not with the magical mirage of nic demon.


9 years ago

My Grandma passed away this last week and my Girlfriend left me, Damn it, Life sucks. I almost caved in.
Day 27

9 years ago
Reply to  deepydeedont


Sorry to hear the bad news… But, stand tall in your quit. All I can say DDD. It’s hard enough to quit without any drama! Hang tough


9 years ago
Reply to  deepydeedont

Sorry about the loss DDD. Those certainly are triggers for the poison….STRESS!
I had a lot of shit going on at the beginning of my quit, family.stuff I’d rather not bore the board with, stuff that continues today. I agree with Jeff, you just have to stand by your quit during this whirl wind. I’m sure Grandma I’m sure would be proud you made it thru this without that junk. Stay strong!!

9 years ago

Hey shiva I remember you. Jayp and Jeff already welcomed me back. I hope Rick is still around. He was just starting when I dropped off.
Day 26

Dan O
Dan O
9 years ago

I’m over 200 days in & I still think about it, ALOT. But to go back now would disappoint me to no end. I quit one time for a yr or so 15 yrs ago, so no matter the time, you can get sucked back in if you get weak. I felt bullet proof then, being 44 yrs old, I don’t anymore. I have a dentist that never gave me a hard time about dipping, he just told me to not keep it in the same place all of the time. I tried not to, but we all know you get that comfortable spot & it’s hard to change that. He never gave me a hard time until I went & saw him when I had a spot on my gums back in February. He said he didn’t think it was anything. He asked me how long I had been dipping, I told him I had my 1st dip when I was 10 yrs old. He simply said, “Don’t you think it’s about time you quit?”. He then said the words that echoed thru my ears, “Oral cancer normally won’t kill you, but it will certainly ruin your life.”. That’s all it took, have not had a nicotine laced dip since.

9 years ago

Went to dentist today. Deep cleaning they call it. Four shots they give you in your gums to numb you, that’s how deep they go. Thanks to years of tobacco use they had to dig deep.
Flossing, mouthwash and brushing 3 times a day it’s not enough if you dip. Doc said there’s no oxygen flowing to your teeth. They are dying, so deep they had to go.
I know some people are tough and say it ain’t no big deal, it don’t hurt, that may very well be, but I can think of a thousand things I’d rather be doing than a deep cleaning.

23 days quit

23 x 5.5 = 126 greenbacks saved which is what I used to pay tor that deep cleaning torture.

By the way Jeff and jayp glad I could help you guys during those first days.

9 years ago
Reply to  Deepydeedont

Hey DDD, good to see you posting out here. I was told myself by my dentist that she was extracting dip kernals every time I went in too. But not these past few times! Makes you feel good getting a hold on your health! That’s only one of several benefits of quitting, the $ you outline is yet another!
You certainly did help me (Jeff too) get to that 100 day mark. If you remember, things do get a little easier around then. But you still have to beat down those cravings.
Speaking of cravings, I am 1 year and 80 days into my quit, but for some unusual reason, the past week, I have been “thinking” about tobacco again. Not to a point that I am going to pop in a dip, but I suppose romanticizing about it, if there is such a thing? Just curious if any other quitters, veterans at their quit longer than me, have ran into this??
As stated, way, WAY too much work invested at this point to turn back now, but strange those feelings come back even this long in the quit.
Got a little off subject there DDD, but you keep punching away. I know, deep down in you, there is a quitter. I can tell you “got it”. Just keep at it! I’m in and out of here all the time, reach out if you need to.

9 years ago
Reply to  JAYP

Jayp, DDD

I had the same feeling yesterday about a big fat dip; I am an addict, so I know at times I still need to fight the nic bitch: I am on day 418, and it shows that I still need to fight the bitch: we are so lucky to have this site to help all of us, the newbies to the veterans. Speaking of which, where the hell is shiva?

Did the dentist myself back on day 90 or so, DDD as usual, ahead of the game: keep kicking ass my man


9 years ago
Reply to  Jeff


I’m still out there and going good:).. And anytime I see you guys post I smile knowing my fellow brothers are going strong. It’s completely normal to get this once in a while “funny” feeling. After all our brain doesn’t rationalize memories and the repressed ones deep in our memory comes out without any reason. It will go away soon.


Not sure if you would remember me. Please read Allen Carr’s easy way to quit smoking and it will immensely help in fighting the mind games.

The physical withdrawal in the first 3 weeks though it was brutal was more tolerable for me than the mind games. But the trick with mind games is that once you start realizing inside you it is nothing but a mirage you will better deal with that but that comes with a bit of practice. This is where Allen Carr’s book was very helpful. It speaks about smoking but the addiction in both are same nicotine.


I’m glad you are fighting back bro. I have personally failed countless times before now.


Keep us posted on how things are going at your end. Hope to see you better soon.


485 days

9 years ago
Reply to  Shiva

Thanks to you too for posting your thoughts Shiva,

Good to see you here as well. And as you predicted, the feelings do/did pass. It was strange just to have them again. Although they are very faint, like a whistle across a canyon. \
No way I will go back now, I am well on my way to year 2 and beyond. If I really, REALLY want a dip, I would take a fake one just to get me by…which I have. I take one of those maybe once a week to 10 days…if that. But it just doesn’t even feel the way it used to…meaning I do not enjoy it like I once did. Just feels strange to have something in there. Still love the sunflower seeds, but that has went from a bag a day down to one every 3-4 days. I do feel the oral fixation beginning to diminish. I suppose if its completely gone a year from now, I will be a happy man. I am sure the thoughts will remain…we’re addicts, its expected. You take care Shiva and pop thru when you can!

9 years ago
Reply to  Jeff

Hi Jeff,
Well, I am glad to hear that even you are still thinking about that shit. Yes, I am an addict too, I get that. Just was strange I was having those “romantic” thoughts about that nasty-ass shit again!! LOL! “a big fat dip”…Yup, I feel you man, I feel you. I know I am well qualified now just to roll with the feelings, they pass. \
Good to see you out here now and then Jeff, keep punching away!
! year 80 days today, I was off 2 days on my previous post!

9 years ago
Reply to  Deepydeedont

You hanging in there DDD? Hope so!!

Mike E
Mike E
9 years ago

I’ve never been a “big” chewer, but get the urge at certain times or in certain situations — stress, fun, etc. That’s been my difficulty. I cut it for 10 months and then — “what the heck! little dip!” And the cycle is back to Day 1.

Mike E
Mike E
9 years ago

After 25 years, what was the breaking point for you???

9 years ago
Reply to  Mike E

I chewed Skoal for 30 yrs and when I went to the dentist f9r a teeth cleaning he said my gums were healthy. All the more reason to quit chewing. Cold Turkey is the only way to quit nicotine. Grow a pair and get it done!!!!

9 years ago
Reply to  Mike E

My end was….I honestly just got sick of it. Tired of being a slave to the can, tired of paying $5+ a can, tired of spending every waking hour popping a dip in, hell, even falling asleep with that shit in my mouth. Tired of all that lukeoplkia shit in my cheek….knocking over spitters in my house, all the loose shit in the carpet of my car. I set a date, July 14th, 2014….that evening, I took my last dip. I did buy another can the next day, but the look I received from the man selling it behind the counter (he knew I was going to quit on the 15th) pissed me off so bad, I didn’t open it. It was a “you will never quit, I got you” look. I happen to stumble across this site about 2 weeks before my quit date. I was googling “quitting dippind” and the link to here popped up. I owe a large part of my quit and remain quit, to this site. It was like opening a new chapter in my life. I have met a ton of quitters here and have found a wealth of knowledge within it. My advice, spend some time here, reach out to people, help others, it all empowers you and will propel your quit!
Good luck!!
1 year, 78 days quit

9 years ago
Reply to  JAYP


I remember the day I quit… I didn’t plan it at all… I woke up that august day and said. Fuck it, it’s time for me to end this habit. My wife had no idea that quit( awesome wife )

I found this site after 7 days of fighting myself… This site get the credit!


Dan O
Dan O
9 years ago
Reply to  Jeff

No doubt Jeff, this site & the tough love got me through it, over 200 days quit myself.

Dan O
Dan O
9 years ago
Reply to  Mike E

When you’re 20 yrs old, seeing how much of that crap you can fit in your face, you don’t give a dam. I’m 44 yrs old, have 2 kids, one severely handicapped, & a wife that needs me around. These facts & a scare of a spot on my gums caused me to. Kill The Can, haven’t looked back or regretted it since.

Mike E
Mike E
9 years ago

I need a harder approach to cutting this out! Gradual is not the answer for me….:

Jimmy Cantrell
Jimmy Cantrell
9 years ago
Reply to  Chewie

Have you ever got upset to the point of tears over the thought of quitting

9 years ago
Reply to  Jimmy Cantrell

Hmmmm, I think the last time.I cried was being pulled from the womb…lol! J/K.
No, I never had that, but there certainly is an emotional attachment to it, for sure! I think that’s why people experience anxiety during the early part of the quit. So I can see someone going through that…almost a state of depression. But I know that the symptoms you experience are so worth the freedom.
1 year, 81 days quit.

9 years ago
Reply to  Mike E

Mike E…there is no natural or gradual approach to quitting. You just need to sack up and take the plunge. Gradual would have never worked for me either. People say “I will cut back” or “slow down” none of that works…it only prolongs the habit.
Not trying to talk like some quitter from the hidden temple of badasses…but more of my opinion. You just got to take the plunge! This coming from a 25 year abuser who is currently 1 year and 77 days removed. As Chewie outlined, one day a time and yes, I take my quit very serious! Get started today!

Dan O
Dan O
9 years ago
Reply to  Mike E

Mike E, get fake dip, seeds, candy, I used everything to stay quit, post here, we all have been through it. It F ing sucks, BADLY. But you know what? I promise you, it does get better, get that crap out of your system 1st. Get it done bro, you can do it.

6 years ago
Reply to  Dan O

Do you still use fake dip

9 years ago

Day 50 here. Was a tough road but I am glad I did. Mouth feels great. I have a teeth cleaning coming up. I was going through 3 cans of chew a day. It controlled my life. If I can do this, anyone can do it. I am still a little short with people but my loved ones are hanging in there for me. Sunflower seeds and gum worked for me.

9 years ago
Reply to  Billy

Great job Billy…50/days is awesome. You’re halfway to 100!

9 years ago

Day 10 and am going through almost every single one of those symptoms. Damn me for even starting chew.

9 years ago

Thanks Anthony…on day 20 now and still jones for it every day at least once…thankful for the fake stuff

9 years ago
Reply to  Bill

I’m 4 days from 120 after dipping for 40 years. My son quit and asked me what was my excuse. My mouth doesn’t bleed when I brush my teeth and some of the yellow is going away. Barrett’s esophagus is going away also. It’s way worth it to not be owned by a $5 can of ground weeds.

6 years ago
Reply to  Jim

I was diagnosed with be did stopping really help it. Did you use fake dip

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