What To Expect When You Quit Dipping

What To Expect When You Quit Dipping

So you want to quit dipping and you would like to know what to expect when you do. We’re not going to pull any punches around here, it’s tough. That’s why we’re all here. This timeline has been put together over the years with the input of THOUSANDS of quitters. It has been shown to be remarkably accurate from the time you STOP USING NICOTINE.

Days 1 through 3 – Pure hell. You will walk in the fog. Nothing will seem real. Your brain is wondering where the hell its fix is and it is going to punish you until you come up with it. 72 hours, that’s all you need to get the nicotine out of your system. This is where you start to deal with the physical withdrawal associated with quitting dip. Drink lots of water. Read, post, read and post. Don’t take your anger out on your loved ones. We always tell everyone………Make this quit about YOU. If you quit for your wife, girlfriend, boyfriend, kids, mommy or daddy, you will resent them during this period. Quit for yourself and come in here to rant. Yell at us. Bitch at us. We can take it. We’ve been there.

Days 4 through 20 – Here comes the mind games. The nicotine is out of your system now. You will still have some physical things to deal with.

  • Cravings
  • Irritability
  • Insomnia
  • Fatigue
  • Inability to Concentrate
  • Headache
  • Sore throat
  • Constipation, gas, stomach pain
  • Dry mouth
  • Sore tongue and/or gums

Yep, you have this to look forward to. Your brain is rewiring itself. It isn’t used to being in an oxygen rich environment. Your body is responding in kind. Everything is a mind game now. All the cravings you have are actually due to triggers. Triggers are events where you are in a situation you would normally dip in. Mowing the grass, playing poker online, playing golf, working on the car………you get the picture. Keep drinking water, use seeds, the fake stuff, whatever you need to keep the dip out of your mouth. Remember, oral fixation is part of our habit, something you will eventually need to break. For now though, use all the tools you have.

Days 20 – 50 – You’re winning. Life isn’t great, but you probably had a couple of nights where you actually got some sleep. You might notice you’re going to bed earlier than you normally do. Not staying up to get in that last dip. You may notice some sores in your mouth. You’re thinking, “great, I quit dipping and now I have cancer.” You almost certainly don’t. Your mouth is healing itself. Tiny ulcers you’ve had for a long time are healing. We recommend you visit your dentist around the 30 day mark. Don’t be a pansy, just do it. He or she will be very supportive and they can explain the sores much better than we can. Don’t let your guard down. Don’t go out drinking with the fellas or the girls. We also recommend that you don’t drink for at least the first 50 days. Drinking is a huge trigger event and it weakens your resolve.

Days 50 – 70 – Cruise control. Life is really good. You still think about it, but this is good stuff here. Some people may suffer anxiety attacks during or a little before this stage. Some doctors say we dipped to relieve anxiety anyway. Some people can push right through this, others need a little help. Talk to your doctor before you quit or immediately after you quit. They will know what to do. Some give Wellbutrin or Lexapro. Lots of people in the support community take or have taken these medicines and can help you with the affects. Don’t wait till you get to this stage of the game to talk to a doctor. You’ll cruise through this stage much easier if you know how to take care of the anxiety or at least know it’s coming.

Days 70 – 90 – Late term craves, the doldrums, the blahs, the blues. Some people end up feeling like they are right back at day 1. The fog, the haze, the craves. It can be a tough time. You need to let people in your group know this is happening. Time to circle the wagons to get through it. It usually only lasts a few days. Fight through this and make sure your order your HOF Knife or Coin. Here are a couple of articles about this time period which we refer to as “The Funk”

Days 90 – HOF – Houston, resume the countdown. Enjoy the hell out of these last 10 days. You will be celebrating with your group as you all enter the HOF. It is a great feeling and an accomplishment you should not take lightly. Do something special for yourself and your family. They put up with your sorry ass for the last 90 days and they deserve something too.

100+ Days – Stay vigilant. Use the tools you have, to continue beating back any cravings or urges. You will still experience dip dreams and longings, but you are fully qualified to beat them down. Continue to post roll with your group. Get into the newer groups and help somebody out. Pass it along. Live the dream.

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Coty S
Coty S
9 years ago

Turned 31 last month. Have dipped since I was 15. Got all the way to the point where I was dipping two cans a day. Havnt had an actual dip since Feb 1st. I have broken down three times and had a pouch but kept it in very briefly and didn’t even feel it. This is pure tortutre

9 years ago

I am in the Army and don’t even think about dipping when I am off duty but as soon as I put the uniform on it’s like a dip is part of my uniform. I started dipping the day after I quit smoking.

On weekends and holidays my cans of dip stay in my uniform pocket but when Monday comes around it starts all over again.

I love to dip Cope black only nowadays so I look to use the fact that it is seasonal as a way to cheat as far as quitting when they stop selling it.

I hope to quit eventually! I can bust through a door knowing that I’m about to be shot at but I can’t say no to a can of Cope.

9 years ago

Day 6 and I think about it constantly. The headaches have been tough and now have developed the mouth sores.

9 years ago

Day 5 and I want to punch something, 2nd day of the “fog” which is very annoying. My tounge has developed small sores nothing I haven’t experienced before….every outdoor activity requires a dip….so the yard needs a mowing, the truck is filthy, i have a fridge full of beer and baseball is about to start up F $#&#. All for my wife and baby boy. Wish me luck!

9 years ago

I have been dipping since I was around 14 years of age. I turn 50 this year. I am an avid hunter and fisherman, and I have come to the conclusion that my grandchildren come before this ole dip. I am officially giving it up, with the date being February 22nd. I am going to need some help doing this. I thought about an alternative dip that isn’t tobacco and had no chemicals in it. Can anyone of you guys give me a little insight on how to kick this dang habit? Thanks

9 years ago

Day 6. I’ve been chewing since I was 14. So 10 years I hadn’t realized it’s been that long. For the last few years I’ve been doing a can and a half a day. But the price and the effects on my health just are to much. 24 is to damn young to have to take blood pressure medicine. I keep catching myself trying to rationalize why just one more can will be fine and won’t hurt anything. But so far I’ve kept strong. Thanks for listening to my ramble.

9 years ago

Im on Day 2 also buddy. Day started out easier than Day 1, but Im feeling it now that its drawing towards bed time. The Beef Jerky dip helped because its fine and felt firm against my gums.

9 years ago

Day 1, is it normal to feel completely off and a little chest tightness (probably anxiety)??

9 years ago

Goodluck first 3 days are hell. Chewing will be all you think about for a week. Than it gets easier. Just hang in there. Buy fake dip….chew on candy toothpicks anything that will help.

9 years ago

Just decided to quit tonight. Been dipping 8 years I’m about to turn 22. Girlfriend doesn’t like it and I don’t either. So here it goes. Life is going to change drastically without it. I’m starting now. No relapses.

9 years ago

Awesome dude !!!! Keep up the good work.

9 years ago

OK-just quit tonight. It’s been approximately 13 years, I believe I took a year off in there somewhere, but I’m sure for the last 8 I’ve been a solid can a day of Copenhagen. I literally am at the point that I don’t even like dipping anymore….but I need it…fill in excuses as you see fit. So tonight’s the night and I can’t find any 2016 groups to join, I should be May. Any suggestions as to how I find those.


9 years ago

I am on Day 2.. It seems terrible so far. I have dipped for 15 years and I am now 28. I want a dip so bad right now, it’s not funny. I am dipping smokey mountain but it’s not helping much.. Any pointers? After day 3, is it easier?

9 years ago


Ya’ll can do it. Head over to the forums when u get a chance (I believe ud both be in the May ’16 group with me). I’m only on Day 4 at the moment. Woke up after an hour of sleep to a huge craving and my heart pounding. Came on here to pass the time until the craving went away. Just find yourself something simple that you will do EVERY time you get a bad craving…and do it until the craving goes away. Browse/post to this site and the forums, make a phone call, start doing sit-ups, whatever. Just pick something and stick to it. Best of luck!


Kevin Jones
Kevin Jones
9 years ago

Ive dipped copenhagen and skoal straight longcut for 34yrs. My blood pressure has went wild so i quit tonight..im 54yrs. Old..hopefully i dont get anything bad from it..god bless all you brothers out there..a.k.i.a.

9 years ago

I’ve dipped for the past 16 years and now almost completed Day 2. This is been extremely hard, but I know I can make it. I’m a Panthers fan and went through that entire Super Bowl without one, so now I know I can make it.

9 years ago

Quiting chew after 4 years. 18-22 years old. I want to do it for myself and for my amazing girlfriend who hates it. I know I can do it. Day 1 starts now.

9 years ago

End of my first day. I started chewing Grizzly in Afghanistan 3 years ago, I’ve chewed a can a day ever since. It was mostly for stress, a quick way to “control” something in my current situation. But now it’s gotten way too out of hand. My buddy that I shared my first dip with just recently died from kidney and testicular cancer, I can’t say the chew killed him, but I also can’t say that it didn’t either. One thing that got me through the day is constantly working out and carrots. I haven’t been this active in a long time.

9 years ago

150 Days Boys!!! Still Kicking Ass.

9 years ago
Reply to  DeepyDeedont

This times gotta work I’ve quit more times then I can count and I’m just a few hours in and already hating it and myself for ever starting back all the times I quit before

9 years ago

Today is day 20. It feels like I can see the light at the end of the tunnel and I’m no longer remotely close to white knuckling it through the day. I definitely get a craving or two to manage each day but it is getting easier. I’ve started chewing on sunflower seeds…seems to work better for me than gum. I was going through gum way too quick. For what it’s worth, I followed the suggestion of not drinking during the 1st 50 days…it is prob helping as well.

9 years ago

end of day 4 for me. had some dang tough cravings today and tonight; especially after dinner. If you don’t buy it, ya can’t chew it…

9 years ago

I used smokeless tobacco for over 35 years, 18 days ago I said enough is enough! My body is thanking me in soo many different ways its unbelievable! I will do this, not only for myself but my wife and kids! I owe it to them, too many years of hearing “please quit”… Wish me luck…!

9 years ago

its my second night with nicotine. i cant sleep.. not getting sleep at all. watching tv. and feeling like i should take the dip.. or i will die without.

9 years ago

Morning of day 2. Last night sucked. Chewed a shit ton of gum. That helped with cravings. Actually more productive at work because i am not taking dip breaks in the toilet. Last night while gaming with friends I was really jonesing. I hope I can be strong enough. One day at a time.

9 years ago

Here is the navigation to our group:
Navigation KillTheCan.org Online Community → Community → Quit Groups → Pre-HOF March 2016 Group. Come on in post roll post a question or strike up conversation get to know us, and our insanity. I’m in there as well.

9 years ago

That’s a good idea WEPDOC. Probably better than driving myself and/or my friends and family up the wall.

9 years ago

Thanks for the replay and congratz on day 110. We just need to take it a day at a time, and let our bodies and minds heal.

9 years ago

Your right in the same quit range or group as me. I’m 52 days today. We have actually been discussing the whole anxiety issue. Your more than welcome to join the forum and jump in the group lots of good info floating through from people in the same boat as you

9 years ago

Any anecdotal information about how long the heightened anxiety may last in the 50-70 day range? I’m on day 46, and during the last three days I have been almost as anxious as the first week. Besides anxiety most of the other withdrawn symptoms are gone and I have very few cravings anymore so I should count my blessings.

9 years ago

Today I begin day 15, and I’m feeling pretty good. I started dipping Skoal when I was a college freshman, switched to Copenhagen within 3 years and have dipped mostly continuously ever since. I’m 55, so I guess it’s been 36 years. I once quit for nearly a year and then started back up again. In retrospect I can’t believe I was so stupid but that experience has me respecting the threat more this time around. My weight is up by my skin is not all dried out and it’s nice to smile without worrying I have tobacco in my teeth.

9 years ago

hello everyone, today is my 5th day i am also trying to quit chew tobacoo.daily i drink more water,i prefer hot water it reduce my craving,also i eat dry fruits like fig and raisin.hope i will not slave for this bad habit

9 years ago

Day 18 and counting. The amount of gas coming out as burps and farts is ridiculous. Best of luck to all and your quits!

9 years ago

That’s great news Steve! I am happy to hear that, I was wondering how things were with you. I am glad things are going well and I hope to see you more in the future.

9 years ago

Hey fellas,

Hoping to get back on here soon again, it helps to keep you quit.
Cancer update: the chemo worked well, I had surgery this morning (RPLND) and according to the preliminary pathology reports the nodes were cancER free. All looks good.
Quit date 11/3/14, day 450 ish

9 years ago

Don’t be a stranger. Even though I am not posting daily, I am very much following this message board. I am glad you decided to come back and finish what you started 140 days ago…you really don’t know how awesome it is to see another warrior make it through this fight.
Regarding chat rooms, I did the same, could never figure it out. I wished I had joined my quit group from the start, but I do feel this board right here, which is just a fraction of this awesome website, Offered me the same thing it does for you. A place to vent, chew the fat and just connect with people fighting the same thing I am.
Don’t be a stranger, I will.drop in once in a while myself. You new guys are doing awesome.
Wepdoc, haven’t spoke much with you, but I do notice you out here trying to rally the troops, I commend you on your efforts there. And great job at keeping quit, you’ll be at the first floor (and beyond)before you know it.
Take care you all!
Day #562 free of that shit

9 years ago

Sorry you couldn’t get the forum thing to work. I must however caution you even at 140 days you might be winning, and have developed tools to combat craving. You ARE an addict, not WERE, the cravings will come always, your body and brain remembers it’s easy source of dopamine and will ask for it at the most unexpected times. Don’t let down your guard.
Joining the forums is pretty straight forward. Go to the community tab, click forum registration, sign up, sign in, then go to quit groups, find the group with your quit dates and start posting, if you can’t figure the copy paste thing so what. Chat ask questions, vent… It doesn’t matter. Someone will respond. If no one connects to you in that group start talking in another. The whole point is numbers and support. Not doing it alone. And committing daily to someone not to use nicotine, and being accountable to them….
After I started my quit I was told my wife of 23 years wanted a divorce, my group has had my back…without which I would have gone back to dip. Somethings you can’t face alone and win. My intro has a full story of what I’ve faced in this quit…it’s not been easy but with support do able.

9 years ago

One Hundred and Forty days, I think I am defeating this habit. In the last 30 something years I have not gone this long without the dreaded juice. I am so proud of myself and have this site to thank for. A couple of guys here have responded to my posts and giving encouragement once in a while. I could never figure out a way to join groups and post attendance or whatever. As a matter of fact I ventured out to the chat rooms once or twice and was received as an outsider, everyone stopped chatting and left the room, it was a rather cold encounter after that I thought, I don’t need anyone, this fight I have to fight on my own, no one can fight it for me. And so I did.
I am not saying chat rooms and posting attendance do not work because obviously they do, I believe Chewie has quoted a 20,000 number of people being helped. All I am saying is that I couldn’t figure it out and posting here allowed me to vent and maybe help others a little. Posting here everyday allowed me to provide insight of my painful journey and at the same time perhaps bring encouragement to others following these posts or perhaps these words went out to emptiness, who knows, but that was my contribution to this site. I think I bored enough people with my junk and I feel that I can fly on my own now.
I may jump in here once in a while like the older brothers do. All of you who are starting though, keep coming in here and post, post attendance, talk to each other whatever it takes for you to make it, this battle is to death believe it or not, you are fighting for your life.
Anyway enough crap from me.

You all take care.

9 years ago

Great job on the 18 days, the stories here really do help keep focused. But maybe it’s time to take the next step. Join the community pages and get connected with other quitters how are where you are at. My group has helped my butt on more than one occasion, they are truely my brothers and will be yours too. You don’t have to do this alone.
Cope slave
All thought there are many ways to approach quitting, Eventually you have to put the can down all together, the best is to stop come to your brothers for support and face the nicotine demon head on. Weaning will just prolong the withdrawal. If you are truely ready to quit then do it. Weaning off is still flirting with nicotine and romancing it.
Both of you should join the community and read the introductions. The quits of some people will amaze you, and give the strength to quit yourselves!!!!

9 years ago

Day 18 and feeling great! The fog seems to be as strong as ever though. I can’t even concentrate my mind is so foggy at times, any suggestions to help curb this? Reading the comments here helps me stay on track so thanks guys!

Cope Slave
Cope Slave
9 years ago

Just found this page after a google search on trying to quit dipping. Looks very helpful. I’ve dipped daily for 25 years. The last 10-12 years have been at an embarrassing rate. Worst thing I did to assist this disgusting habit was to “upper lip dip” Damn! I can leave a dip in the “upper shelf” for hours and rarely have the need to even pit. All this did was fuel the craving and addiction. I’m at a point now (and have been for 6-7 years) where I have a dip in my upper lip every waking moment of the day. I only spit it out when I eat or sleep…. AND THAT’S IT. The last couple days I’ve felt sore gums… checked it out in the mirror and noticed a couple white spots. Enough is Enough! I know now I need to quit. How do I even begin when I can barely go 15 minutes without a fricking dip???? I guess the plan should be to start tapper down the dips huh? Several years ago I tried a product called “Back Off” It really helped. Was down to just 3-4 dips a day. That may be helpfully again too. Anyway….. any advise to a newbie? I need to make this happen!!!!

Thanks! Sure hope I’m leaving a testimonial message here in roughly 101-110 days!

9 years ago

Had a few Brewskies this weekend, that was a major trigger for dip, but it went away as soon as I rationalized it away. Felt bad though, like if your best friend calls you and you say no, can’t hangout with you anymore. We’ve been together through thick and thin, but it’s time to go. Don’t romanticize your quit someone said in here one time, but that’s what it feels like, and if you can’t vent here where can you do it? So there you have it.

Day 138 and proud of it.

9 years ago

Day 18!! Feeling great, wanting to grab a chew is slowly going away. After 28 years of dipping it feels great to go every day without one!!! Gum is my friend right now!!! Keep it going fellas!! Remember, only pussies quit if that helps you!! HUA!!

9 years ago

On my 3rd day tobacco free. Been dipping 18yrs. Have tried and failed to quit 3 times before this time, but some sores on the top and sides of my tongue in the back of my mouth says I will be successful this time around. Making a dentist appointment today to get it checked out. Hope it’s not to late.

9 years ago

I nailed a can, can and a half myself for about 20 of the 30 years I dipped. I also kept my last can I bought, still have it in the cupboard. I think I’ve opened it maybe 4-5 times since I’ve quit. The smell alone would knock a buzzard off a shit wagon…nasty ass shit! And I LOVED that stuff too. As time goes on, you start to wonder why something so nasty was such a big part of your life, I don’t least.
But I kept that can to remind me of the smirk on the man’s face that sold it to me. Call it ballsy to keep that old can around, but the t has never tempted me once. And now….over 550 days quit….I ain’t ever going back.
Proud of all you new quitters, DDD, good to see you still Motivating these new guys.
You all keep on keeping on!

9 years ago

2 cans a day, dude!. Anyway, weird how it works, I also kept my last can after I quit, I still remember it, it was 3/4 full and kept thinking about it all the time. It somehow brought relief knowing it was there. I did cave in though, after 99 days, I reached for it and took just one dip that turned into another year of slavery. After getting a medical scare, I decided i had enough. Still think about the dang stuff, but it gets less severe with time seems like. Good Luck!

Day 135

9 years ago

Day 14 and it has been tough, getting much easier but has been tough. I must have chewed over 100 pieces of gum so far, everything hurts from the gum!!! I left a can of cope hanging in the house because not having any caused me to panic, at least I know I have it so now I don’t panic. Every time I think of dipping I grab a piece of gum, hence the 100 pieces!! Stay strong fellas, I dipped for 28 years, 2 cans a day, on day 14 and it feels great! Felt great on day 7 and gets better every day after that!!

9 years ago

I think to self assess my attitude as poor would be giving myself far too much credit. I cancelled out of a commitment with a church committee b/c there was no way I wanted to be around any of them tonight. Today is day 5 for me. The good news is I’m fighting every urge. I keep reading “what to expect” on my quit and had to laugh about the description of getting urges when doing things I used to do with Copenhagen in my mouth – yeah, that would be damn near everything except sleep. The bad news is that I’m pissed off about everything. At least my wife is on business travel.

9 years ago

I asked my wife (who has wanted me to quit chewing for several years) to help me successfully quit.
She found this site and suggested I check it out. All of your comments are remarkably supportive and helpful. I am on day 7 and finding I have as much of a habit as I do addiction. The cravings are compounded by so many triggers.
You are all wonderful on helping me understand I’m not alone or unusual. We WILL win together. I believe conquering this “demon” will make us better in all aspects of our life. Thanks for all you do!

9 years ago

Thank you.
Day 7

9 years ago

Quitting Tobacco, means to stop the nicotine intake altogether, simply switching from dip to cigarettes or patches its not really ceasing. The habit of having a ball of turd in the mouth maybe going away, but not the nicotine habit and the purpose of this site is to stop tobacco in any form along with all the carcinogens included with it. Good Start though, keep posting until you are completely free of it.

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