What To Expect When You Quit Dipping

What To Expect When You Quit Dipping

So you want to quit dipping and you would like to know what to expect when you do. We’re not going to pull any punches around here, it’s tough. That’s why we’re all here. This timeline has been put together over the years with the input of THOUSANDS of quitters. It has been shown to be remarkably accurate from the time you STOP USING NICOTINE.

Days 1 through 3 – Pure hell. You will walk in the fog. Nothing will seem real. Your brain is wondering where the hell its fix is and it is going to punish you until you come up with it. 72 hours, that’s all you need to get the nicotine out of your system. This is where you start to deal with the physical withdrawal associated with quitting dip. Drink lots of water. Read, post, read and post. Don’t take your anger out on your loved ones. We always tell everyone………Make this quit about YOU. If you quit for your wife, girlfriend, boyfriend, kids, mommy or daddy, you will resent them during this period. Quit for yourself and come in here to rant. Yell at us. Bitch at us. We can take it. We’ve been there.

Days 4 through 20 – Here comes the mind games. The nicotine is out of your system now. You will still have some physical things to deal with.

  • Cravings
  • Irritability
  • Insomnia
  • Fatigue
  • Inability to Concentrate
  • Headache
  • Sore throat
  • Constipation, gas, stomach pain
  • Dry mouth
  • Sore tongue and/or gums

Yep, you have this to look forward to. Your brain is rewiring itself. It isn’t used to being in an oxygen rich environment. Your body is responding in kind. Everything is a mind game now. All the cravings you have are actually due to triggers. Triggers are events where you are in a situation you would normally dip in. Mowing the grass, playing poker online, playing golf, working on the car………you get the picture. Keep drinking water, use seeds, the fake stuff, whatever you need to keep the dip out of your mouth. Remember, oral fixation is part of our habit, something you will eventually need to break. For now though, use all the tools you have.

Days 20 – 50 – You’re winning. Life isn’t great, but you probably had a couple of nights where you actually got some sleep. You might notice you’re going to bed earlier than you normally do. Not staying up to get in that last dip. You may notice some sores in your mouth. You’re thinking, “great, I quit dipping and now I have cancer.” You almost certainly don’t. Your mouth is healing itself. Tiny ulcers you’ve had for a long time are healing. We recommend you visit your dentist around the 30 day mark. Don’t be a pansy, just do it. He or she will be very supportive and they can explain the sores much better than we can. Don’t let your guard down. Don’t go out drinking with the fellas or the girls. We also recommend that you don’t drink for at least the first 50 days. Drinking is a huge trigger event and it weakens your resolve.

Days 50 – 70 – Cruise control. Life is really good. You still think about it, but this is good stuff here. Some people may suffer anxiety attacks during or a little before this stage. Some doctors say we dipped to relieve anxiety anyway. Some people can push right through this, others need a little help. Talk to your doctor before you quit or immediately after you quit. They will know what to do. Some give Wellbutrin or Lexapro. Lots of people in the support community take or have taken these medicines and can help you with the affects. Don’t wait till you get to this stage of the game to talk to a doctor. You’ll cruise through this stage much easier if you know how to take care of the anxiety or at least know it’s coming.

Days 70 – 90 – Late term craves, the doldrums, the blahs, the blues. Some people end up feeling like they are right back at day 1. The fog, the haze, the craves. It can be a tough time. You need to let people in your group know this is happening. Time to circle the wagons to get through it. It usually only lasts a few days. Fight through this and make sure your order your HOF Knife or Coin. Here are a couple of articles about this time period which we refer to as “The Funk”

Days 90 – HOF – Houston, resume the countdown. Enjoy the hell out of these last 10 days. You will be celebrating with your group as you all enter the HOF. It is a great feeling and an accomplishment you should not take lightly. Do something special for yourself and your family. They put up with your sorry ass for the last 90 days and they deserve something too.

100+ Days – Stay vigilant. Use the tools you have, to continue beating back any cravings or urges. You will still experience dip dreams and longings, but you are fully qualified to beat them down. Continue to post roll with your group. Get into the newer groups and help somebody out. Pass it along. Live the dream.

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Malcholm Sanders
Malcholm Sanders
8 years ago

I dipped for 22 years. I have stopped for a month or two here and there throughout those 22 years. I need my 3rd back surgery, and the neurosurgeon said he would not do the surgery if I was still using nicotine. So, I cold turkey dropped the 2 cans a day and 1 pack a week cigarette habit I hav…had. Its been a few days over 3 weeks now. I can’t really remember what day I quit. I have a few questions for long term users/quitters. My blood pressure is sky high now, and it used to be fairly low and normal. I seem to be retaining fluid (swelling) all over my body, and my arms, from my elbows to my finger tips are experiencing some type of nerve pain, and feel “asleep” when I wake up in the morning. I wonder if any of you have had similiar symptoms. I feel like a big bag crap right now. haha.

8 years ago

Hey all, I’m on day 30 or so. I’m 26, been dipping since I was 19. I had been trying to quit for a long time. I did pretty well last fall until later in the hunting season. I have always been a “manly man”. I’ve been struggling a lot though, mostly from anxiety. I’m so terrified that I have or will get cancer! Ive had a few crazy mental break downs and have been feeling quite depressed. I’m not sure if it’s from the nicotine dependence or what. I’m not feeling so much like a big proud man anymore lol. I’ve only been married a couple years and my first child is on the way. I really want to live a long healthy life and be able to see my kids grow up… One thing that really helps me is my faith in God and knowing He has a plan for me. If y’all believe, please say a quick prayer for me. I will be praying for y’all too!

8 years ago
Reply to  Kyle

Congratulations on day 30! I am only on day 6, since this is not my first attempt at quitting I get the anxiety it can really deflate a person. I’ll send up a prayer for you! Stay strong! Congratulations on the baby as well.

8 years ago
Reply to  Kyle

Congrats and Keep Swingin’!

Guys — I’ve never posted, but have been subscribed for quite a while… I am happy to report that after several “false starts”, I haven’t dipped since Thanksgiving! And it’s getting easier and easier! The hardest part for me was the “social” temptation — which is how I started chewin’ in my 40s!!! (still in my 40s) ….

But this site and all you guys are important support!

Thank you all and Keep Swingin’!

8 years ago
Reply to  Kyle

Hey Kyle,
I am also day 30 and every single word you wrote I personally have lived the past 30 days as well. I have been married for past 6 years and have a 2 year old son right now and cancer has been in my mind as it has yours. From talking to others in the Quit Groups I have learned that this is totally normal though process and will get better. The most important thing is to stay Quit. One thing that has helped me is that I have gone to my dentist and told him I recently quit and am afraid of cancer so he did oral cancer screening then and there and cleared me and also told me that more lesions will pop up in my mouth and if they concern me then i should come right in and he will check them for me. Needless to say I have seen him twice so far in the 30 days. I will keep you and your family in my prayers as I ask you to keep me and mine in your prayers. We will all get through this quit together. If you need anything please message me and I will get right back to you

8 years ago
Reply to  Kyle

Im on day 3 again and it stinks. I remember being so disappointed with my father who tried to quit smoking so many times and i always wondered why he couldnt do it. I hate smoking but have been dipping for many many years and now i get it. When my son asks me why i do it i remember myself thinking that about my dad. I always go a coyple weeks and then think i really dint want to stop. Then i start back up. I really want to do this but it sucks and i feel like i day dream alot. Anyways random talk I guess. Good luvk to everyone.


8 years ago

Yo guys,

It’s 19th day of quitting a dip.. feeling great…clean…but little sleepy…I don’t trust myself and always remind me to “not to take a dip for today only” instead of keeping long goals. This is the thing which is keeping me away from a dip.

Life is nothing but a moment….present moment…..live it….it is in your hand…

8 years ago

I was dipping almost 2 cans of Red Seal a day for 14 years. I quit cold turkey 88 days ago. For the people that are planning on quitting and reading this; it was a lot easier than I expected and easier than the last time I tried quitting 3 years ago. This time I had 4 rolls and told my self that when I was out, I was done, so I had time to “sike” myself out and plan for “the worst”. There was some times that I almost just got a can just because I didn’t think quitting should be as easy as it was. I just got out of the dentist and for the first time ever was excited to actually go and hear how proud he was of me. If you have your mind set and have a support system to stand behind you and motivate you, what seems like the impossible is actually a lot easier than you expect. This website has helped a lot and is spot on, on what to expect.

I read some comments of others saying they didn’t even like it anymore. That was me, it had gotten to where I didn’t even like dipping anymore (hard to explain the feeling).

8 years ago

Very confirming reading these posts. Am 47, started chewing the bear my first year in college. Quit for 3-4 years in my early 30s and restarted for some reason.
Always been close to a can a day. Had two skin graphs in 20s and soon as stitches were gone – I’d be back at it. Amazing how addictive that stuff is. Just reached a point where I again said I’m done, and it’s day 11. Just went cold turkey. Agree that you have to kind of get pissed at yourself, that’s all I’ve done. Said I’m not taking it anymore. Tired of hearing all the excuses and listening to them. First two days were very difficult, no question but obviously not impossible. Now I feel I’m in the clear. Yes there’s still temptation, always will be some – just get that first 2-3 days and then your first week. Gets easier from there.
Good luck to each of you.

8 years ago
Reply to  John

What does it mean “your comment is awaiting moderation”?
Keep knocking out the days – it’s all habitual, creating new ones. Had been fooling others I had quit for years, so am doing this all on my own. Mentally flipped a switch and an trying to march through it machine like. So far I’m winning the battle, today was better than yesterday. The first 2-3 days are a complete battle – gets easier after a week.
Good luck everyone

Jeff Clark
Jeff Clark
8 years ago
Reply to  John

Day 1 for me. I like the “get pissed at it” strategy. I’ve been super jittery all day. My normal bedtime was 3 hours ago, can’t settle down without my bedtime dip. 30 years old, can a day since 15. How fucked up is it I can’t control my own body? Fuckin stupid. Thanks for the tip brother.

8 years ago

I quit 3 weeks ago. I think my breathing is getting better and my wife is not nudging me as much due to deep snoring. In addition, my blood pressure is returning to normal after running high for years. I don’t miss going to the gas stations and stores to pick up a can.

8 years ago
Reply to  Jay

Hi Jay I chewed for 30 years had a little scare now it has been over a month
Some day easy and some hard never knew the stuff was that bad all the years i used it never even thought about had my little scare to my blood pressure and pulse was through the roof and that’s what it took for me to give it up good luck everyone .????

8 years ago

Day 100! Keep up the good fight guys!

8 years ago
Reply to  Todd

Congrats on 100 days free Todd!
This is a wonderful milestone to hit…the first floor of your quit, you rock!
I promise, if you stay on this path and never return to nicotine, it will only become easier and easier to reach the next floor. Keep up the grind!
Day #620 free from the Poison

8 years ago

Started when I was 15, I turn 18 next month and I’m 5 days dip free, and I’m going to stop wearing a nicotine patch tomorrow.. the anxiety is bad and the dry mouth is killing me , but I donat want absolutely anymore nicotine in my now or ever again.

J A Carpunky
J A Carpunky
8 years ago

I quit February 2nd cold turkey after chewing for 32 years , ( 2 cans per day of Kodiak ) this is now March 20th and still have not chewed. I have to say that drinking is my biggest menace , after a beer, I really crave a chew !

I am sure that i will make it now because, I quit for me, i really got tired of spending that money everyday and while i was chewing, i never even liked it , if that makes sense !

Good luck all


8 years ago
Reply to  J A Carpunky

I never liked chewing either but when you are hooked man you are hooked!

8 years ago

Day 1 here, went thru a box of tic tacs, half bag of sunflower seeds…. I don’t care much for the roll call on this site, so if anyone wants to be accountable via texting, send me a message on here or facebook.

Larry Dale Bates
8 years ago
Reply to  Travis

I’m on day one too

8 years ago

I’m right there with you Larry. How did it go?

8 years ago

My name is Gary, I am 23, as you see it’s 7:30 in the morning I have been up all night can’t sleep and with a sore throat it does not help, It’s quite aggravating but I know it’s part of the deal with quitting and in the end it’ll all be worth it, I thought I was finally over the irritability but the sore throat just came outta no where, I have only been quit for 8-9 Days so I know I’ve got a long way to go, Does anyone have tips to help with the sore throat?

8 years ago
Reply to  Gary

Great job on the 8-9 days. Stay strong it will get easier. I am on day 81 I did four cans a day and dipped for 25 years. Sore throat sore teeth are all things I experienced and learned was pretty normal.

8 years ago
Reply to  Gary

It should last like 2-3 days. Mine felt like strep throat but it wasn’t.

8 years ago
Reply to  Gary

Stay strong Gary. My apologies for being a little late to reply. My throat felt like strep as well and lasted 8-10 days. I used ice cold water to help numb and reduce swelling. I also took ibuprofen to help with the pain relief/swelling. You might gargle with hydrogen peroxide to help heal wounds faster. Local honey can also help to coat your throat and soothe for eating times. There is also a bunch of natural antibodies in local pure unpasteurized/unfiltered honey that can help boost your immune system. I am on day 87 and I am finally coming out of my second fog. Holy crap is nicotine toxic. I sleep so much better. I can control my anger so much more. I actually don’t have depression like I thought I did-it was just the damn nicotine. My bank account has been getting bigger. A lot of my ADHD symptoms have been getting better. What helped me at hard times was anger although I’ll admit I am quite a loose cannon to begin with. I would get so pissed at myself for starting in the first place. I thought of all the money I had wasted. I thought of how I abused my body. And I thought I am not going to go through this detox sh*t ever again. Done with it! Go pump out some curls or go on a quick speed walk when pissed or feeling the cravings. Get back to enjoying life to the fullest. Don’t waste another moment being fooled by that crap!

8 years ago
Reply to  JeffK

Jeffk…over 600 days into my own quit, but admit your post fired me up. Everything you did thus far in your quit is exactly the approach I took in my own….anger definitely got me through the first 100. After reading your post it reminded me of why I wanted to quit in the first place….to get away from a toxic chemical that was running (and ruining) my life.
Thanks for the motivation!

8 years ago
Reply to  JAYP

JP – glad I could be of service. I am on day 99 and I am still mad at myself. When I was chewing, I loved it. It was my own little dirty secret that I could control. What a load of sh!t. I was a b!t$h to that can and I hated every minute of it. I kept telling myself lies, like I was trying to deceive myself along with my family. All of those lies to my family and wasted selfish minutes being a slave to Big Tobacco while I was paying them for it!!!! I tried adding up how much wasted time I had spent with Big Tobacco instead of my family (not to mention all the money). It was a lost cause once I added up a solid week of time (no sleep included-it was a straight 170 hours) wasted in just a four month time frame. All of this makes me so pissed. I turn 37 this year and I am just now beginning to learn how to live. Hit me up guys if you need some support. I will be glad to help out. It does get much easier like everyone says. It is so worth it-you guys are better than that can. It does not define you.

8 years ago
Reply to  JeffK

Tomorrow(Sunday) Will mark 3 weeks still free but depression from work being slow and not alpt of money kills but I know thats my part, Another issue is my anxiety and I feel like Im always checking my heart rate n I feel like Im sore but Im not, I’ve gained in weight 3-7 pounds but I know I eating right n I know that comes with just wish this stuff would stop #NicotineSucks

8 years ago
Reply to  JeffK

Hey JEFFK… I have dipped for 40 years… I quit once for 90 days or so and another for 6 months … and countless vacations I have quit because I thought if I don’t take it I won’t have it… not only did I stay miserable but I am pretty sure that my wife and two kids couldn’t quite appreciate my mood swings because of not having it … none of them know how long or that I have still been dipping up until the day before yesterday … won’t be long and hopefully when I live to see 9:30 AM I will be at 48 hours quit time… I already was dealing with a sore throat and thought that it might be an opportune time to just live through the natural sore throat and at the same time the quiting induced throat issues too… more to come in the future … when I read back over what I just typed I become so very, very angry with myself… NEVER AGAIN! … that’s my personal slogan! thanks for reading and keep posting please …

8 years ago
Reply to  JeffK

Gargling with hydrogen peroxide can lead to death. I would advise against it.

8 years ago
Reply to  Coadiak

I never read anything dangerous regarding the gargling of peroxide…please point us to the source you are referencing.

8 years ago
Reply to  Coadiak

I also would like to know your source regarding the link between hydrogen peroxide and death. My dentist was the one who told me about it in the first place. As long as you spit most of it out, there shouldn’t be any problems. If anyone is concerned, please Google “gargling hydrogen peroxide” to find more information to make an informed decision.

8 years ago

I turn 50 this year in November. I’ve been dipping (mostly Copenhagen) for at a minimum 35 years. If you have been dipping that long, you finally end up hating it every time you put one in. Over and over you ask yourself “when am I going to quit this nasty habit”…

My insurance from my job had recently sent out one of those “change your insurance things” that was mandatory to fill out and it didn’t just say “Do you smoke?” on it. It asked if I used “any” form of tobacco. It was the perfect time for me to stop this disgusting habit.

Just after the insurance thing, I took a trip to Cabo San Lucas with a couple of buddies and I bought a roll for the trip since it’s sorta expensive and hard to come by there. I told myself this is the last roll/can, and that I’ll dip this on the trip, come back to the states to finish the last of it off and never dip tobacco again. On December 24th, 2015 I had a very small last dip that was left…

I hadn’t dipped since. It is very hard as you all know. There are ups/downs all over the place and this site explains things extremely accurately. So I’m going through the “fog” right now. Seems worse at times and whatnot but I know I can make it. Smokey Mountain has been my friend too. I didn’t even try that until like a month into having nothing.

Associating things along with the dip is where the problem is for me and I think most folks out there that dip or smoke. I know this crap is out of my system but the mental problems this stuff gives you is why nicotine is the DUMBEST drug you could ever do. Does NOTHING for you except “shut you up” until the next time you hadn’t had it in a while. Ridiculous as hell in my book. It’s not even like you get a buzz after being on it a week or so, just a “ok, this has now shut me up” for no reason feeling. So ridiculous. And in fact, a good motivational topic to help quitters quit. It’s so damn DUMB to dip because once hooked, it doesn’t even “put you out” or “get you high” or anything. Just fixes the crave and the cycle goes on over and over. Horrible!!! I have seen it mentioned many times on this site as “It’s a LIE”… IT IS!!!!! So sick.

Bless all of you that are out there trying and to those who are succeeding as well. This site is awesome too, created out of the will to help others because “someone” knows what we all have gone through.

Good luck to all. If you screw up, start again. It’s all we can do.

Read what happens during the 1st 100 days and also after the first 100 days. So accurate. It’s really nice to hear someone else that has been there fill you in on what is going on with yourself. It’s a real motivation to keep on track and beat this ridiculous DISEASE!!!

Amen to http://www.killthecan.org!!!

8 years ago
Reply to  Scott...

Amen I’m trying to quit now I still have alil in my can . But I’m about to throw it in the trash. I am and have definitely not been myself for about 8 years I’ve been chewing for 10. Over this garbage

8 years ago
Reply to  Nate


It’s still been since 12/24/15 since I last dipped!

Is it easy? HELL NO
Are some days harder than others? YES
Does it get easier though? YOU BET

Knowing this crap IS GARBAGE, IS A LIE, COSTS you a FORTUNE, makes other people almost PUKE it’s so gross and ROTS YOU from the INSIDE OUT sure does help.


8 years ago
Reply to  Scott...

16 been dipped 4 times.. gums are already reducing this shit is not to be fucked with… does anyone know how long it takes for gums cells to renew themselves?

Scott G
Scott G
8 years ago

Just hit day 7 of my journey to quit. Was going through a can a day of skoal pouches cause they were easier to hide at work and at home. Still have the foggy brain going on and quite a dry mouth. I’m trying regular gum(not nicorette) and some hard candies. Its been ok, but I will tell you when I was working on stuff at home my mind was trying to tell me I couldn’t do it because my chew was not in my mouth. I just blew it off and kept going. Keep up the good work guys its going to pay off.

8 years ago
Reply to  Scott G

Ha, I’m at dau 31. Took my wofe on a weekend trip last weekend and the 3 hour drive to our destination was a huge struggle. After 30 uears of dipping, getting into the car, putting a dip in was natural.

As for anxiety, its been crazy. Times I’m ready to break down in tears. I’m not stopping. Stay strong everyone

8 years ago

Well Fellas, hit day 21 today (3 weeks), Wanted to check in with my brother WD, Keep going and stay strong.

8 years ago

I’ve struggled quitting dipping off and on for about 6 years now, being 22 and starting at 16. I’ve tried every trick in the book to kick this nasty habit, and there’s times where the gums itch for it so bad you subconsciously find yourself driving to the gas station. However, I’m on Day 20. One habit I’ve used to replace dip is excellent dental hygiene. Brush your teeth 10 times a day if you have that many violent cravings. One trick that has worked wonders for me lately is keeping toothpaste in my desk drawer. There’s times at work where I start getting some heavy withdrawls (mouth dryness/screaming for a dip, irratibility, headache), so I take the toothpaste, put a normal amount on my finger and pull my lip out, rubbing it everywhere I used to throw dips. Leave it in for a minute and spit it into the trash. I’m telling you it actually curbs the craving and keeps your mouth feeling fresh instead of like shit after that dip you shouldn’t have taken!

8 years ago

Turning 24 next month, been chewing since 13… I’m ready for the change, mentally and physically. tomorrow is going to be day 1. finishing my tin and starting fresh. ill be back on here for a while. good luck to you fellas and i hope ya know i think this is really going to help me.

8 years ago

Today is week 6 of no chewing, with the help of family, friends, coworkers, chantix and a whole lot of gum. I’ve spent my whole adulthood chewing, started at 18 and I turn 32 next week. All I’ve known my whole adulthood was nicotine. This is a whole new ball game to learn. It’s hard. It’s not easy. But it’s all worth it. My 4 year old daughter asked me last night, “dad, are you all done with icky chew now?” That was worth quitting all together. If your struggling to quit, remember to find something in life that is worth quitting for and use it as your higher power to quit. If I can do it, anyone can. Just willpower through.

8 years ago

3rd day on the 6th floor….day #603 free from nicotine. Life is good!

Barry D
Barry D
8 years ago

Day 11 of Chantix, which isn’t saying much considering I chewed like crazy till 11:59 pm of day 7 knowing I couldn’t chew on day 8. Been a long habit , started at age 13 and a can a day at age 44. I like to chew all times before I eat and immediately after I eat and right up till I go to bed and soon as I wake up . This will be day 4 without been 20 years since I’ve gone this long but gonna get er done✌

8 years ago
Reply to  Barry D

I’ve heard of people putting toothpaste where they used to put their dip, but I use decaf coffee grinds. It may help you. Only thing is you can’t have it in too long and you gotta brush your teeth after because it could stain your teeth

8 years ago

John and Martin here is the link to join the online community http://w11.zetaboards.com/QS_Xtreme/register/ from there you can go to the quit group with your start date. Posting roll can be tricky….the best way to explain is go the last page in the forum….go to the end of the page to the last posting…..in the lower right corner is a quote button click it. Then in the middle section will be a bunch of text with recognizable phrases highlight the entire section of text and right click CUT….then go the the first section that is blank and right click paste. Almost done scroll the text down and you will find the part where people have been putting their name and days in add yours to the bottom of that group and then click post. You just posted roll call

8 years ago

Enjoy reading the new posts here, you guys are my heros, keep on keeping on!

8 years ago

Day 7 of the big quit after 10 years of 2 cans a day and somehow not counting the first 3 days has been a cake walk. Minus the sore throat I developed today once the nicotine is out of you’re system in 3 or 4 days it’s just mind over matter. If you start getting bored and thinking about it, then damn it man.. just man up and quit thinking about it.. that’s atleast how I get past those few times a day

8 years ago

Wepdoc thanks for the info, Actually registered with the site, but unable to post, states user group not permitted to post or something like that, Anyway 9 days in AND still going strong. Good luck to everyone.

9 years ago

Just wanted to say thank you to everyone who posts and having this breakdown of what to expect. It’s been spot on. I’m on day 73 now and starting to get the cravings again. Without this site I might have given in. Thankfully I knew this rough patch was coming. I’d been at it about 12 years. Basically grew up dipping, was just a way of life. That’s been the toughest part of this. But reading y’all’s comments has helped me continue to at it. And I just wanted to finally post on here and say thank you. Good luck to everyone fighting the good fight. Newbies keep at it, it’s tough at first but well worth it. Trust me the urges go away, you just gotta get over the hump. 27 days to go until 100!

9 years ago

My name is Bryan, as well. 20+ year dipper. “Stopped” several times but I have finally QUIT. I fully understand that breaking point, been there, but if we can hold on we can have a BREAK-through. Just to tell you the truth, when I have ended my “stops” in the past (3-5 times / 2-3 months at a time), that first dip was amazing, but then…It was all shame, pain, anxiety and guilt because I had once again let myself, and my family, down. It feels HORRIBLE! You stopped for a reason, and that’s good, but quitting this shit FOR GOOD is the goal. Hang in there. And keep me accountable, too! This is incredibly hard but we can do it!!!

9 years ago

Sounds good brother.Im def right there with you.Im always looking to reach for the can…after food,after coffee,after sex hell we all know what im talking about.I had a log i bought before deciding to quit that i leave unopened and i look at it and tell myself i dont need it.Its worked so far.I cant be bothered with the fake chew or gum so i just tough it out and try and stay busy.We can do this brother.Stay strong.

9 years ago

WD good job on the first week, an no one ever said it was going to be easy just worth it.
John same to you good job on the first week.
To both of you I can only say that these pages out here under the your quit are just the tip of the ice berg. Go to the community tab create an account ( it’s free) and find a whole group of people in the quit groups who quit at the same time as you. There is strength in numbers lord knows I’ve used the strength of my group in times on need. I’m nic free yesterday, today, and I’ll make that pledge tomorrow to my group currently completed day 77 at 1600 today.

9 years ago

I officially made it 7 days at 1;30 this afternoon, My brain fog has lighten up quit a bit, thank goodness, but find myself subconsciously reaching for the can quit a bit. Can’t dip if I don’t have it with me, so not carrying it with me helps, The triggers, these guys here are spot on, that’s also a tough part to get through. WD, I noticed you are a day ahead of me by reading your posts. Since we quit about the same time. I think it would be a good idea to be an inspiration to one another, Hang in there. Also , a thanks to Jayp…..Here’s to another week of kill the can

9 years ago

WD Glad you are still hanging in there bud. Don’t sweat it, I too had the white patches after I quit and it totally freak me out and ran to the dentist, turns out is nothing more than healing skin, gonna shed off all the dead skin from those places slowly, leukoplakia, I think they call it. Go see a dentist it will put you at ease, after I quit, I had all kinds of cleaning done to my teeth, now at day 168, I m glad I am done with that. I still get craves and all, but its less intense than in the beginning. Hang in there and real soon you’ll be at day 100.
Good to hear from you JayP

9 years ago

It’s not easy, if it were, then we’d all be quit!
One of the (if not the) toughest things I’ve did in my life, but also one of the most rewarding.
Your lip is healing, totally normal…hang in there, you’re doing awesome!

9 years ago

On day 8 struggling with urges and my gums are looking lighter in all the areas i dip kinda whitish and its freaking me out!!!!!….i have not dipped and im trying to stay strong….Anyone who said this is easy lied, but i will not give up.

9 years ago

I’m doing great buddy, keeping at it. I too have taken a little break from here, just popping in here and there to try and help. Glad to hear you’re nearing the 2nd floor….all a breeze from where you’re at now.
I agree, this habit is pure HELL to quit, but so worth it after you get through the storm. You guys just keep chipping away, IT DOES get easier each day, hang in there.

9 years ago

I am a frequent chewer 2 cans a day (Grizzly wintergreen long cut) been chewing for 9 years, I have been cutting down the past three days o ly taking a pinch on my breaks at work and one when I wake up witch is a huge decrease from my normal intake but I really don’t know how to just stop I’ve tried gum, hard candy etc etc but nothing I literally do not even feel safe if I don’t have my can on me I know that’s weird but If I don’t have a can on me I freak out

9 years ago

JayP, How is it going bud?, glad you popping in here and helping out with the new Bros. I had taking a little break, but I am back and will try to post more often, I am 167 days into it and proud of it. I hope the other guys we started with, show up sometime too. You all take it easy, seems like you gonna die at the beginning, but you don’t just your disgusting habit dies, that’s all. Hang in there, be tough, show it who’s the boss. Don’t let that little can beat you.

9 years ago

And I don’t subscribe to the patches or Gum…the longer you use nicotine (in any form), the longer you are addicted to it. You just have to fight (with every ounce of warrior inside) through each craving.
I do believe in using the fake stuff…and seeds. Seeds were my main go to for about the first 250 days free. After you get that nicotine bitch under wraps, you still deal with that oral part of the habit. Using the fake stuff helped as did the seeds.
These days, I take a fake one every now and then….seeds are done and I chew gum here and there. The oral thing lasts for a while…I hear up to 2 years after a quit. It’s slowing down these days…

9 years ago

Bryan & John,
Keep at it guys, Bryan, 20 days is awesome, relief will be coming soon, hang in there…been there.
John, I had 2 more years on you with the habit, about the same amount of tobacco each day. It’s a terrible habit, that you will realize the longer you’re away, hang in there!!
Day #589 free of the poison

9 years ago

I highly suggest buying the 21mg nicotine patches from CVS. After the first 5 days, cut them in half (helps save money and they stick better than the 14mg patches). Huge cravings became tiny, manageable cravings. After about two weeks, I forgot to put the patches on. I should mention that the first two days are still very hard.

Start a new workout routine, sweat the toxins out. Enjoy the possibilities of your new life.

Exdip Ohio
Exdip Ohio
9 years ago

Day sixty feeling great. Loving the new life dip free. My teeth are ver very sensitive to hot and cold and sometimes feel very sore. Any advice on how long teethe may be sensitive for? Or what I can do or take?

9 years ago

I quit on February 3 at 11:35am. 20 days in. I am still really struggling. Not sure I can make it much longer. I’ll go hours without even thinking of getting a dip, but then the urge comes on and sometimes it is just too much to handle and I find myself walking or driving to the store. I think I am gonna break.

9 years ago

At the time of this post. I’m at 103 hours of tobacco free, Today seemed a little better, What’s really tough on me is this brain fog. I’ve been dipping for 28 years, averaging 2 cans per day for god knows how long. Glad I found this place. Reading others posts help, Good luck everyone, I know how hard this is

9 years ago

49 years old, been dipping for 29 years. Day 12 of quitting cold turkey and actually feel great. The first 3-4 days were pure hell. I will win this fight!

9 years ago

i just said f it im going cold turk…woke up in sweats last night feeling like my heart was gonna come outta my chest…walked to the bathroom splashed a little water on the face took a few deep breaths…back to bed…..i refuse to lose….not using any bullshit fake dip not using any gum…i just stopped and thats it…gonna be a warrior and stay strong for the long haul this time. thanks for the reply bud.

8 years ago
Reply to  WD

I went cold turkey myself. I’ve been free about one month! I couldn’t do it any other way!!

9 years ago

Hey WD, congratulations on your quit. Those first 3 days are Hell, no 2 ways about it, but it gets better. For me it worked better just doing it cold turkey, but some folks in here use the fake chew in the beginning, I believe Chewie, one of the organizers of this site, recommends you read the page dedicated for that purpose, Here is the Link and good luck.


9 years ago

Day 1… enough said

9 years ago

i quit last year lasted 3 months and fell back on the horse.I am now 24 hours into quitting again.I wanted to know if there is a way to safely taper down and wean myself off as opposed to cold turkey because i woke up in sweats feeling like i was gonna have a heart attack 2 nights in a row last time and i dont really wanna go thru that again. Either way i want to be done with this shit for good…im 29 and been dipping for about 8 years…its time to stop.

9 years ago

I am only on day 2, long way to go but have been planning this for some time…i have tried and now use as my crutch, Grinds. I find that it keeps the oral fixation away, and has a little tingle as it is pepermint in flavor. All it is are flavored coffee grinds. Good Luck Man

9 years ago

Hey Mark, yes, we all those incredible fears, bumps and pains, but Don’t worry most of the time they are normal kicks from your body to make you stop. Check with the dentist and you’ll have peace of mind. The most important thing is once you find out you ok, Don’t start again. Good Luck.

9 years ago

162 Days Boys, You guys can do it too. Get her Done!!

8 years ago
Reply to  deepydeedont

Congratulations man!

9 years ago

Stick with it! Been dipping for 20 years and am now in my 4th week without it! Feeling great as I post this but will be sweating in 5 minutes for a dip!

Mark V
Mark V
9 years ago

Hi thanks for this website. I have dipped for about a year and a half and averaged 2 cans a week alternating between long cut and pouches. I usually put the dip in the same spot. I read some stuff on Sunday to make myself quit, but after reading I have been panicking about oral cancer. I have small bumps (not colored) on my gums near where I put the dip. I feel like my jaw and neck hurt but only after I read that those are symptoms. I’m planning on seeing a dentist soon. But does anyone have experience with this? I’ve been losing sleep and feeling incredibly stressed – a combination of stopping dipping and concert about cancer. If anyone could help I’d really appreciate it! Thanks

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