What To Expect When You Quit Dipping

What To Expect When You Quit Dipping

So you want to quit dipping and you would like to know what to expect when you do. We’re not going to pull any punches around here, it’s tough. That’s why we’re all here. This timeline has been put together over the years with the input of THOUSANDS of quitters. It has been shown to be remarkably accurate from the time you STOP USING NICOTINE.

Days 1 through 3 – Pure hell. You will walk in the fog. Nothing will seem real. Your brain is wondering where the hell its fix is and it is going to punish you until you come up with it. 72 hours, that’s all you need to get the nicotine out of your system. This is where you start to deal with the physical withdrawal associated with quitting dip. Drink lots of water. Read, post, read and post. Don’t take your anger out on your loved ones. We always tell everyone………Make this quit about YOU. If you quit for your wife, girlfriend, boyfriend, kids, mommy or daddy, you will resent them during this period. Quit for yourself and come in here to rant. Yell at us. Bitch at us. We can take it. We’ve been there.

Days 4 through 20 – Here comes the mind games. The nicotine is out of your system now. You will still have some physical things to deal with.

  • Cravings
  • Irritability
  • Insomnia
  • Fatigue
  • Inability to Concentrate
  • Headache
  • Sore throat
  • Constipation, gas, stomach pain
  • Dry mouth
  • Sore tongue and/or gums

Yep, you have this to look forward to. Your brain is rewiring itself. It isn’t used to being in an oxygen rich environment. Your body is responding in kind. Everything is a mind game now. All the cravings you have are actually due to triggers. Triggers are events where you are in a situation you would normally dip in. Mowing the grass, playing poker online, playing golf, working on the car………you get the picture. Keep drinking water, use seeds, the fake stuff, whatever you need to keep the dip out of your mouth. Remember, oral fixation is part of our habit, something you will eventually need to break. For now though, use all the tools you have.

Days 20 – 50 – You’re winning. Life isn’t great, but you probably had a couple of nights where you actually got some sleep. You might notice you’re going to bed earlier than you normally do. Not staying up to get in that last dip. You may notice some sores in your mouth. You’re thinking, “great, I quit dipping and now I have cancer.” You almost certainly don’t. Your mouth is healing itself. Tiny ulcers you’ve had for a long time are healing. We recommend you visit your dentist around the 30 day mark. Don’t be a pansy, just do it. He or she will be very supportive and they can explain the sores much better than we can. Don’t let your guard down. Don’t go out drinking with the fellas or the girls. We also recommend that you don’t drink for at least the first 50 days. Drinking is a huge trigger event and it weakens your resolve.

Days 50 – 70 – Cruise control. Life is really good. You still think about it, but this is good stuff here. Some people may suffer anxiety attacks during or a little before this stage. Some doctors say we dipped to relieve anxiety anyway. Some people can push right through this, others need a little help. Talk to your doctor before you quit or immediately after you quit. They will know what to do. Some give Wellbutrin or Lexapro. Lots of people in the support community take or have taken these medicines and can help you with the affects. Don’t wait till you get to this stage of the game to talk to a doctor. You’ll cruise through this stage much easier if you know how to take care of the anxiety or at least know it’s coming.

Days 70 – 90 – Late term craves, the doldrums, the blahs, the blues. Some people end up feeling like they are right back at day 1. The fog, the haze, the craves. It can be a tough time. You need to let people in your group know this is happening. Time to circle the wagons to get through it. It usually only lasts a few days. Fight through this and make sure your order your HOF Knife or Coin. Here are a couple of articles about this time period which we refer to as “The Funk”

Days 90 – HOF – Houston, resume the countdown. Enjoy the hell out of these last 10 days. You will be celebrating with your group as you all enter the HOF. It is a great feeling and an accomplishment you should not take lightly. Do something special for yourself and your family. They put up with your sorry ass for the last 90 days and they deserve something too.

100+ Days – Stay vigilant. Use the tools you have, to continue beating back any cravings or urges. You will still experience dip dreams and longings, but you are fully qualified to beat them down. Continue to post roll with your group. Get into the newer groups and help somebody out. Pass it along. Live the dream.

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5 years ago

Day 11.. days 9 & 10 were a breeze but finding really difficult today.. had some personal stressful situations today and started having one big craving after other. Other than occasional cravings, I am feeling a little empty.. kind of not knowing what to do and end up not doing anything at all and just lying down in bed :(…. don’t know how long it lasts… really longing for that calm mind…

5 years ago

Hi!! Am into mid 90s! I have already prepared my 100th day post!! All is in the depth of the mind! It has been a fight for the battle of 25 years! OMG! Its so much of relieving these days!! loving the life like afresh! Your words & experiences were so much encouraging & inspiring, though I joined few days after I quit on my own.

5 years ago

I am the same Shiva, I looked back into your posts and you are DDD :)… Very happy to see you here..I remember vividly JayP, I and few others quit around the same time as you.. I also remember JayP, me and few others were trying hard to help you out when you were going down that time.. sorry we couldn’t get you out of that hole then.. but so glad to see you now that you are truly free :).. you are my inspiration..

Long story short, everything was going beautiful and I along with JayP & few others were going fine.. until I had to relocate from US back to my Country.. It was a very stressful period.. Somehow, once back I did something very foolish.. the old memories enticed something and had couple of smokes in places where I used to smoke when I was young.. One thing led to another and I was back to both smoking and dipping in few weeks :(.. Soon, I lost all the good memories of my quit and only junkie thoughts were left.

To all the ex-dippers / ex-smokers, don’t want to discourage you but please please never ever put back that nic bitch back into you. It doesn’t matter even if you were quit for 5 years, it will drag you even before you realize.

I was ashamed to post back again with my original name but I want to be ashamed and thankfully OZ1 noticed me :).

After 4 years, it is start of day 8 for me. Days 6 and 7 were the most terrible so far, not in terms of physical withdrawal but in terms of psychological withdrawal.. I had no emotion on day 6.. I felt empty.. I could not feel happy when pleasant things are happening around me nor I was feeling angry. It was empty…
Day 7 … I was feeling angry the whole day… bursting out with even slightest provocation..It was the other extreme of emotions I felt from the previous day..

Day 8.. I am having a bit of calmness so far and it is probably the nearest to normal.. hope it lasts..

Y’day my wife told me I smell like a Chem Lab :).. Don’t know what these devil chemicals were doing to our bodies :(.

5 years ago

Day 5: I’m 22, I’ve been dipping since I was 14. I started dipping heavily more in college due to studying and stress. If I didn’t have to study it would be tough, but I could get through it I believe. I keep dozing off while I’m studying… any ideas to stay alert or awake? And be able to concentrate

5 years ago
Reply to  Cade

NoDoz and coffee, were my friends in college along with Levi Garret and Red Man, instead of depending on those, I wish i would have enjoyed my college years more. You see once you start working, sometimes you wish you were still back in school. Enjoy your school days and stay off the NIC, you don’t need it.

5 years ago

Need some help. My husband quite chewing about 2 weeks ago and it’s been extremely rough. He has been going off for no reason and picking fights. I’m really trying to be supportive but I do t know what to do. I have never gone through addiction so I don’t know how to be there. Any pointers?

5 years ago
Reply to  Kmvet

KMVET, unfortunately I do not have much information for you other than to be patient, I do not know what others around me felt when I started my quit, but I do know what your husband is going through. I read that nicotine is as addictive as heroine and just as tough if not more harder to quit. Hang in there and good luck to both of you.

5 years ago

Day 5 – done and dusted. It was one brutal day… as bad as day 1… :(.. things were improving progressively well from days 1 through 4 but took turn for worst on day 5.
Having said though feeling very good for the last 1 hour. the same blissful feeling you get after a severe migraine goes away. don’t know how long it lasts but enjoying the calmness immensely..

5 years ago
Reply to  Shiva

Hey Shiva, weren’t you here about 4 or five years ago when I started my quit too? or is this your first time posting?

5 years ago
Reply to  Shiva

Hi Shiva, I read your response to Oz1 (DDD), nice to hear from you. Sad to hear the nic-bitch came back along and got a hold of you again. I am proud of the fact that you are back dropping this habit again. Yes, it is a reset, but it takes a lot of courage to face this habit (and all of us again) and begin the journey again. I understand stresses in life can change things, hopefully next time they come, you will not turn to this stuff to combat them.
I commend you on coming back and admitting you caved and warning all the quitters how easy it is to go back.
I hope everything else is good with you and yours, keep up the good fight….This Too, Shall Pass!

5 years ago
Reply to  JAYP

Thanks a lot, JayP. I am so happy to see you still going strong…
Day 11 today… days 9 and 10 were a breeze but day 11 feels like day 1… there were personal stresses today that is not helping either…
There was a certain calmness in me yesterday which is not today… this mental state is kinda fluctuating..

Wino Rhino
Wino Rhino
5 years ago

I’m seventeen weeks and two days, don’t remember the days, I just keep track by counting Fridays, lol. This is the best I’ve felt in years. I’ve noticed I’ve been chewing less gum here lately, and finally quit using the smoky mountain here the past couple weeks. The smoky mountain probably kept me from doing the real stuff, but it’s time to kick it too being a close simulation to the real thing. Thanks for all the support on this forum and good luck to the rest of you quitters.

5 years ago

Day 24 – still quit even though I miss it. Can go most of the day without thinking about it, sometimes even an entire day. I bought a calendar when I started and have been putting a big black X on a day when I make it to bed without a dip. I kind of look forward to it and it helps me give myself a little more credit when I see three weeks worth of Xs on my wall.

Biggest issue I’m having now is the ENDLESS TEETH GRINDING. It’s giving me massive headaches and I’m even doing it unconsciously throughout the day. Absolutely brutal. Hoping this is just the oral fixation fighting back and that it will get better as I get further into my quit. Guess my dentist can help figure it out when I get the courage to go back there.

5 years ago
Reply to  CB

Hang in there Bro. I grinded my teeth and bit the insides of my cheek, it slowly went away, but yeah it’s all part of the quitting mind games. Hang in there.

Mr. B
Mr. B
5 years ago

I am at day 70. I quit two days after my dad died of Lung Cancer. I dipped Cope. I truly hate tobacco!!!!! AND my hatred is pure…PURE!

5 years ago
Reply to  Mr. B

My Condolenses about your dad. Congratulations on your long journey towards tobacco free. Keep up your good work.

5 years ago

I recently just quit dipping and I’m wondering if any of yalls gums got worse when you stopped ? I’ve never really had problems or marks on my gums. It’s been almost a week without dip and the marks are on the side I used to dip on , not the current side I was . Should this pass soon ?

5 years ago

I’m on day 30 and for some reason it’s been a rough one. Stressed out, angry for no good reason and am really craving a Copenhagen snuff. Have been doing well but today just sucks.

6 years ago

It’s now been 24 hours since I had a dip. I’m 34, and I’m pretty sure this is the longest I’ve gone without nicotine since I was about 21. At least a can a day since then. Started seeing blood when I brush my teeth. Hell, this sucks. Just got divorced a few weeks ago, going through training for a promotion and all I want is some friggin dip but it just ain’t worth it anymore. I haven a history of heart disease in my family, and this stupid friggin drug will literally kill me. Please pray for me gentlemen

5 years ago
Reply to  Jeff

Absolutely, we all needed and remember, God First.

6 years ago

On day 8 now. The first week was tough. But I tried to stay really busy and it helped a lot. I dipped about 3/4 can a day for 10 years. I also think how I weaned off helped. I think that the hardest transition was going from long cut to pouches. This is my first serious quit and I’m determined to actually quit. The hardest part is that most of the people I’m around dip and just having to smell it all day is rough.

Month 1: Switched to dip flavor. I always dipped straight and hated the taste of wintergreen, so I switched to wintergreen hoping it would help me quite.

Month 2-3: I switched from long cut to pouches. I still kept using my least favorite flavor. I started with 3-4 pouches then slowly got down to 2 pouches/dip. I actually think that switching to pouches was harder than going from pouches to nothing.

Month 4: Quit completely, have just been eating a lot of mints and chewing gum

6 years ago

Day 4. No dip at all been using nicotine patches and the fake stuff. Seems like it’s been getting a lot easier to get along without dip longhorn was my everyday dip I desided to quit after I looked at what it could do to your mouth and I don’t want that. I’m going through some of the withdraws but the nicotine patches and fake stuff is helping. But the dreams I’m having are hella weird lol and my eating has increased or snacking another habbit I’ll have to break now.hopefully I can stick to this don’t want to be a Dipper the rest of my life. Been dipping since I was 13ish now I’m 28 soon to be 29 .

6 years ago

Day 17 – clearly in a place now where there are more good times than bad. I see tangible improvements in almost every other part of my life.
It’s amazing that after nearly three weeks the “fog” can still blindside the hell out of you. It’s this odd sensation telling you that you are lost or bored or confused and all of a sudden it seems like the only solution is to slam an entire tin of skoal mint at once. But it’s not. Thankfully it goes away faster now than before.
Eating whatever I want, whenever I want, without judgement has been really helpful. Crushing hard candy like a 10 year old on Halloween a few days a week. That’s an addiction I know I can beat easily, once I get past this other monster.
Also – I got drunk and smoked a Juul after a few days into my quit. HUGE MISTAKE. The next day I was 100% back to Day 1. The anger, the cravings, the fog, the headaches, the sleeplessness. All back to square one. Don’t feed the beast. At all.
I’m going to a bachelor party in a few months. My college buddies are already talking about packing lips on the beach. They weren’t addicted like I was/am. They are going to take it personal when I choose not to partake in one of our most hallowed past times together. Super not excited for dealing with that, especially when drunk. They’re not bad friends, before anyone gets that impression. I just think they genuinely can’t see that I am climbing Everest and their quits are more like climbing that hill in your backyard. Should be fun. Hopefully by then my slowing growing willpower will turn to good ol’ American Steel.
Thanks for letting me ramble here guys, reading and posting has been helpful. Hell, just typing this out has shaken off my morning fog.

6 years ago

I started with copenhagen when I was 14, then switched to skoal. Changed to grizzly when the price got so high. I’m almost 41. I’ve tried quitting twice. The first was a deal with a girl that I’d quit if she quit smoking. I did and found out 3 months later she didn’t. I started back. The second time was a surprise for my then new wife. After about a week she was ready to leave me. I told her why I was so angry and she asked me to start back.

I came down with the flu Friday and stayed in bed for two days without eating or dipping. After 2 days I thought if I can make it 2 days, I can make it 3. I still wasn’t eating, which is my biggest trigger. I’m closing in on 120 hours without a dip and just ate my first real meal in 5 days, so I’m jonesing pretty bad. My norm is 3 dips a day, after each meal. They are big dips (1/4 of the can) and I keep them 3 or 4 hours. When working in the yard on the weekends I might keep the same dip 7-8 hours.

I don’t really know want to quit and probably won’t. I was digging around online hoping to find something that would scare me, like “heart disease 10x more likely with smokeless tobacco” or “new study finds dipping just as harmful as smoking,” but none of that is out there. I go to the dentist every 6 months, I’m not overweight (same size since high school) and I don’t struggle to pay for it.

In my search I found this support group and the breakdown of the different stages. I had never heard it took so long. At 5 days in, I thought the worst was almost behind me and it would start to get much easier. I thought the pain in my jaw, neck, teeth, etc. was from the flu and it would go away with the flu. Looks like it’s really withdrawals. I know it’s just another excuse, but I’m under too much stress at work right now to let this drag on for another month – I almost fired 2 people yesterday for relatively small mistakes.

I’m going to keep dipping but am glad I found this source. Maybe I’ll get to a point in the years to come where it makes sense to quit and I actually want to quit. Even though I’m not ready to take the dive, I’ll still refer to this board to see how others are handling it and maybe that success will help shame me into quitting. For now, I think I’ll try to start shortening the length of my dips and maybe start with a 2-hour time limit.

I didn’t intend to type out this much. As they say, it helps to talk about it. Even though the conversation is one-sided and I don’t know any of you, it’s good just to know others struggle, fail and get back up. If anyone actually reads all of this, thank you.

And, if someone can point me to some credible information on some real health risks associated with dipping that would be great. Right now it looks like people who don’t use get mouth cancer at the same rate as those who do use.

Any suggestions for the oral fixation? I’m not big on candy and I spit too much with seeds (I don’t spit a lot when I dip).

6 years ago
Reply to  John

The fact that you are seeking out help and advice is a bigger step than it seems man. I haven’t chewed for as long as you (~10 years) but there were huge periods of time where I had no interest in quitting. Good on you for taking the first step.
Biggest thing that’s helped me so far…. build a plan. Pick a date. Get every oral fixation tool around and keep them all over the place. Some times candy will do the trick. Other times a toothpick, seeds, fake chew, gallons of water, etc. I tried to make it hard for me to fuck it up. I went completely overboard, but so far so good.
I’m no expert (only on Day 17) but posting here also helped me a ton. Especially trying to support strangers. That part is oddly satisfying.

6 years ago
Reply to  John

Hey man, I’ve been in your shoes, I am on day 73 right now of my quit and it is terrible at first. For me to get through the first week or so, I would constantly chew sunflower seeds, sugarless candy, and chew like 6 pieces of gum at the same time for hours at a time. Surprisingly eating bland salads helped as well, due to not eating greasy food and then instantly wanting to grab a pinch. Exercising and drinking tons of water helped me as well. There’s no better time to quit than now…

6 years ago
Reply to  John

John, I am 52 years old, I’ve been an addict since I was 18. You do the math. I never thought about quitting until my health started deteriorating, that was when I hit my forties. The only thing I can tell you is if you are ready to quit, do it now, before you have to.
It aint easy, in fact, it might be the worst time you’ll have to go through in your life, but we all have to go through it if we want to be tobacco free..
Good Luck Sir.

john shores III
john shores III
6 years ago

Day 7, just I’m actually feeling my heartbeat and I’m so damn aggravated about everything.. literally. Nothing even seems fun now..

6 years ago

Hang in there!, the heart beat you feel is probably caused by anxiety, if you are worried about it, visit your Doc, we all had to do it at least once during our Detox time. I did it twice, went to the emergency room, but turned out it was just anxiety. Nothing severe, but sure is scary. Again hang in there and good luck.

6 years ago

I am beginning my cut back time. Going from almost constantly dipping to five or less a day. I am scared. I have always had a crutch to get me through. Just had a son eight months ago. I may come here to bitch. Thank you all in advance for the patience and support

6 years ago
Reply to  Xeetroprogen

Congratulations on your near quit, the first step in getting better is to realize you have a problem. The second is you gotta get mean mad at it, Do not let it get the best of you, it will attack you on all sides. We’ve all been there. It can be done though, just read all the stories from all these brave men going through it with you. Come in here and bitch all you want, I did, almost everyday. It really helped me out, also Congratulations on your son.
Good Luck to you Sir.

6 years ago

Day 3. I’m ready to lose my shit. Only dipping the fake stuff Smokey mountain. My mouth is screaming for nicotine

6 years ago
Reply to  Zach

stick with it brother! You’re almost through Hell. it will get easier over the next few days

6 years ago

If someone would sell you a dark powdery substance, bathed and cured with multiple chemicals and said here, this will make you dizzy, nauseated, stain your teeth, raise your blood pressure, mess up your gut, you will get addicted to it and possibly can kill you. Also, if you try to stop doing it, it will be one of the hardest things you will ever do in your life.
Will you buy it?
Not very many people go to the store and buys this stuff just to try it,
After many stories I’ve read here, it seems like the first bite is usually free.

Day 115

Milk Man Kuenzi
Milk Man Kuenzi
6 years ago

Today is day 20 for myself. The last time I made it two weeks w/o chewing I ended up at a friends house drinking and several buds had chew on them, well that was the end of that. Now (5 years later) I made it two weeks ended back at the same buddies house. But what I did differently was I took two blueberry cigars with me. I ended up lighting one for a few puffs the other I threw away. Now i’m At day 20, I never say I’ve quit, I always approach this with humbleness knowing that at anytime I could fall back into it. There is no day 100 and i’ve Made it. This is one of those things in life that perhaps deep down inside you may always have a small desire to do. Like a little demon inside of you that will never die but because you never give into “it” it lays there in its weakness hoping that one day you would stumble and fall.

I personally would never carry a real “can”around with me that would be a disaster! My grandpa told me he quit cold turkey smoking and always carried that last pack of cigs around in his pocket. So to each his own! But for me I know how weak I am.

What has given me the will power to quit this far is that chew to myself some where along the line became a masculinity thing. Which had made it even harder to quit. I watched a thing “stone cold Steve Austin” had on YouTube about how he quit. And that’s all I really need to remind myself that chewing doesn’t make you a “Mans Man”

I’m also having a son here in a few weeks and don’t want my boy thinking you have to chew to be a man!

Freedom Family
Freedom Family
6 years ago

Day 10 after 14 years of copenhagen. My wife doesn’t get it and my toddlers certainly don’t either. She said she genuinely questions my patience. She told me she’d rather see me start dipping again. I will not. I am sitting here at work (basically the biggest trigger of them all) not even wanting to be here.

john shores III
john shores III
6 years ago
Reply to  Freedom Family

Literally. Get. All. Of. That.

sean l
sean l
6 years ago

4 days in. weened myself off for the past month. Appreciate your guys stories

6 years ago
Reply to  sean l

Did the same thing weening myself off. Definitely helped. About to complete day 7.
Stay vigilant. I feel great right now but this morning I thought it was the end of time.

sean l
sean l
6 years ago
Reply to  CB

hang in there CB! I dipped kodiak for 20 years. The last 16 years were a can a day habit. on jan 14th, i put in my last dip. And by design went and got a roll of kodiak pouches with the intention of using those 5 cans over the course of the next two weeks. I still have a can of them left after a month and havent put a pouch in since last thursday. One day at a time but im feeling fairly confident

6 years ago

I remember keeping my Skoal mint can around just to feel safe during the first couple of weeks. A few more days went by and I realized that I did not need the temptation or reminder so close, so I finally threw away the can.
I got bored of the quit so I decided to order some fake stuff, I started doing it and everything was ok. I knew that the fake stuff was temporary and I would have to quit it also, so once I finished it that was it.
Some guys can keep a can around and never touch it or try the fake stuff and use it as needed to cope with the cravings, but for me, it is better to do neither.
Clint Eastwood once said in a movie, “A man’s gotta know his limitations” I say, keep your targets on those first 100 days.

Freedom Family
Freedom Family
6 years ago
Reply to  Oz1

I have always viewed fake chew the same as near-beer. It can function as a segway right back to square 1. Everyone copes differently, so if it worked for you great!

6 years ago
Reply to  Freedom Family

Yes Sir, 127 days strong.

6 years ago

Day 7
Been dipping Skoal for 11 years this month and I just decided I had enough. I’ve tried to quit a bunch of times before but always end up back on it, stronger than ever. My mouth was/is killing me. I live in high tax state so a dip habit costs a small fortune to feed. I was living my life around getting my next dip in. Avoided being out of my house for too long so I could get back on the couch and dip in peace.
Day 1 was bad. Days 2-6 I felt much better than expected. Ate a ton of food and getting a ton of stuff done that I have neglected for a while. Thought to myself “hey, this isn’t so bad.”
Day 7 is the day from hell. I’m not sure if I triggered something unknowingly but I am dying for a Dip right now. My mouth aches for it. I can’t focus. I’m rambling into this post as a distraction. I need to get more sunflower seeds but am afraid to go near a gas station. No idea how I’m going to get through this work day.
I know it will pass but man it has complete control over me right now. Well almost total control. Still hanging on.

6 years ago
Reply to  CB

Get the fake stuff like Smokey mountain/ baccoff. It really helps

6 years ago

Day 5. I worry about the weekend. I have quit before but not like this. This time I have not caved once. I know it is dumb, but I still have my can and it is 3/4 full. I wrote “NO!” on the front and back of it. I keep it on the table where I keep my keys. I always check for it before I leave the house (habit) and I make the decision to leave it every time. I think if I make it through this weekend to the seventh day then it will be a big deal.

6 years ago
Reply to  Mark

Don’t say IF i’ll make it, say you WILL make it.

Rich Synek
Rich Synek
6 years ago
Reply to  Mark

I’m with OZ1….not “IF” but “WILL”. Moreover, it’s not dumb of you to keep the can around for motivational purposes as I did the same thing and eventually laughed at that evil can of destruction. Stay the course, Mark…..you got this, buddy. Won’t be long before you’ll be loving yourself for making the best decision of your life! Keep us posted.

6 years ago
Reply to  Chewie

Stepped on the land mine. 🙁
I am back at day one. Beer. It will get you.

5 years ago
Reply to  Mark

Well, when you’re serious about your quit, you’ll know it.

6 years ago

Day 4. Well past the 72 hour point, it’s been exactly 84 hours. I feel like my vision has gotten worse. I woke up many times last night and I am dragging ass today. Honestly I didn’t think i’d make it this far. This trident gum is tearing me up. I dipped Cope snuff for 30 years. Have not gotten a nic buzz in a long time. I bet I would if I caved now. Cave is not an option. I think I will eat a lemon cookie now.

6 years ago
Reply to  Mark

Way to go Mark, those first 3 days are the roughest, Keep it up. Go for a week now, then a month, then your 100 days.

justin kuhle
justin kuhle
6 years ago

I’m on day 24 and feel like I want to peel my face off and eat it. Its misery. Last week was cake. The last two days blow goats. WTF?

6 years ago
Reply to  justin kuhle

Dude, hit the Gym, get a punching bag, eat crap loads of celery. Anything to keep you away from it. It gets better. If you go back to it, the next time you try to quit will be worse. DO NOT CAVE, you got this. I am on day 109 and know exactly what you going through.

6 years ago

I keep trying to quit. I go around 12 hours or so and I end up slamming one in. I’ve been dipping for about 8 years or so. My gums are always cut up and dip has been eating them. ?

6 years ago
Reply to  Zach

Dude, if your gums are receding that bad, your quality of life will be reduced tremendously, you don’t need that, Stay off it, no excuses.

Karthikeyan R
Karthikeyan R
6 years ago

Thanks for a site.. Am silent reader. .i didn’t post any comment over. .i dipped for almost 7 years.. Now I completed my 97 days.. But I smoke a cigarette last night.. How can I overcome that?

6 years ago

I am on hour 17. Been dipping cope for just over 30 years. Always said I could stop if I wanted to. Today I wanted to. So far so good. We will see how it goes. I feel determined.

6 years ago
Reply to  Mark

Cold turkey. Normally I roll out of bed and grab my can. Today, no can. I have watermelon gum.

6 years ago
Reply to  Mark

Still have not caved. This is a record for me.

6 years ago
Reply to  Mark

Hang in there Mark, you are at the Worst part of the quit. Post as much as you want in here, I did it daily, but during my first three days, I wanted to rip phone books. (I Don’t know if they are still around) We are all here for you.

6 years ago
Reply to  Mark

Mark, I stopped February 1st after my 30 year relationship with Cope as well!

6 years ago
Reply to  Don

Hang in there Don.

6 years ago

4 weeks in today!!! Huge achievement for me. Still one heck of a ride everyday. I dont want the stuff anymore but damn there is something just grinding away at me. These cravings need to start leaving me alone. Any idea on when they will let up?

6 years ago
Reply to  everen

Hey Everen, good job on your 4 weeks. I am on day 105.
I can’t speak for everyone, but for me the cravings slowed down after the fifth week, they never really go away, they rather take a lot longer to show up, when they do, be ready to focus on something else, put it out of your mind and the moment passes. That is my experience, but if others that have gone longer without it would like to chime in and answer his question, be my guest.

Rich Synek
Rich Synek
6 years ago
Reply to  oz1

Stay strong, OZ, you’re well on your way to a well-deserved quit. However, I do take exception to your opinion that the cravings “never really go away”. While it may seem so at this point in your quit, I promise that feeling will change in due time. I abused all forms of tobacco for 30+ years and now have absolutely no interest in any of that crap whatsoever. Join me…..you’ll be soooooo glad you did.

6 years ago
Reply to  Rich Synek

Thanks Rich, it is good to know that the cravings do eventually go away, in my short quit (106 days) they still show up, but very scarcely. Can’t wait until I complete 200 days, 1 year and beyond like all of you pros.

Rich Synek
Rich Synek
6 years ago
Reply to  everen

Hang in there, bud, and stay the course. Nobody in this forum ever said it was easy but is most certainly worth the effort. I would suggest that you alter your daily routine which may have included a dip. You’re definitely past the nicotine withdrawal (physiological) phase of your quit but seemingly still caught up in the habitual phase which is the tougher challenge imo. At this point, DO NOT resort to “safer alternatives” (i.e. fake chew, bacon bits etc….) as this will only prolong matters. Instead, keep rewarding/loving yourself for every minute and social situation you remain “clean”. You can do this and WILL do this. I’m 3+ years removed from 30+ years of regular tobacco use and have absolutely no further interest in that stuff whatsoever. If I can do it, anyone can…including yourself. BELIEVE!!!!!!!

6 years ago

100th. Day Chronicle
by OZ1

It is time for me to get up on the soap box.

Though I sometimes teach college courses and make public speeches, I find myself feeling a bit uneasy while writing these lines. Perhaps it is because when we talk about ourselves we know that sometimes we can hide the truth to others, but we can’t lie to ourselves and that is what this speech and journey is for, to be truthful, therefore, we have to speak from deep within and expose the real self leaving it vulnerable.

My vulnerability is tobacco. Until 100 days ago I would dip everyday like all of you reading.

I started during my Junior year in high school. A friend of mine introduced me to Levi Garret. I vomited violently that night when I tried it, but I wasn’t about to be less of a man than all those “cool guys” doing it and went back for more.
How Ironic were those thoughts because 32 years later I found out how much of a real man you have to be in order to unhook yourself from the nicotine yoke.

The addiction started as so much fun first, then turned lethal and slow like the grip of a python that once it had a hold of me, it proved incredibly hard to escape.

Continuing with my saga, I went to college with my newly found friend Mr. Levi Garret. I met Mr. Red man and the three of us would party on every day. I had no idea that others were looking up to me and following my bad decision to chew.

My younger brother and cousin started dipping because they would see me doing it. The good news is, they stopped right away, the bad news is that I continued, in fact I actually upgraded my addiction by trying Skoal mint, Skoal Wintergreen, Skoal whatever they had. I made the Skoal company a LOT of money.

Important things happened in my life, like I got married, my son was born, I went back to school to get another degree, full time and part time jobs, buying houses, birthday parties and so on. Life in general passing by with good things and bad things, the only thing steady and never changing was Skoal. It became the number one thing in my life. Unbelievable, but while you are dipping it becomes part of you. Even if you have a moment of sobriety and you recognize that this bad habit places everything else on hold, you usually shove those thoughts away to continue dipping.

I could go on with this same old exposé, but I don’t want to bore you people. I’ll sum it up.

I stumbled to this site and started reading y’alls stories. I started my quit and used to post as DeepyDeeDont (DDD), I did ok until I caved on day 99. I continued dipping for 5 years and wondered what happened to this site and all of the guys that were struggling to get off the addiction. So I quit again and by day 30 or so I decided to start writing everyday into this site. I was hoping somebody would see my journey and start their own.

I was asked “what is different this time?” and after thinking about it, all I could come up with was “I am ready to quit now”. No one can do this for you. It takes a lot of courage to redo your life, dedication and balls to negate temptation.

Thanks to all the guys that reached out to me, specially Chewie, I know that tough hombre is earning a special place in heaven for all the help he is providing. JayP, my bro that started with me 5 years ago and welcomed me back after I caved in. Bug Guy for his encouraging words and all the other guys in here helping each other.

One last thought before I step off the soap box. I learned that the second time I seriously tried to quit, the attacks and symptoms became more severe. I DO NOT want to go through it again.

I was born clean and when I leave this world I want to leave clean.

My tough Doctor told me once, “We all gotta die of something”. He is right, but at least for me, I WILL NOT die of my addiction.

Off the Box……

6 years ago

****100 days*****
I did it folks, today I quit with you all
Gentlemen, stay tuned for my HOF speech.
You all take care.
Sincerely Oz1 formerly DeepyDeeDont DDD

6 years ago
Reply to  Chewie

Thanks Chewie, I am on day 102 and writing my HOF speech, it should be done by the weekend before the game. I might also purchase my Coin pretty soon.

6 years ago
Reply to  Oz1

Congrats on hitting the first floor.
The goal now is 200 and beyond. As I mentioned, wouldn’t be surprised if you had some things come back to haunt you (anxiety, cravings, etc) but it won’t be as bad or as long.
I agree with Chewie, this is just the start, but t keep rolling and commenting and helping others get to that 100. Don’t cave, use the fake stuff if need be, no more nicotine! That chapter of your life is over, embrace it!
Good Luck and congratulations on 100 (101)

6 years ago

Day 99
My Last day, before achieving Hall of Fame status.
Stay strong, get here and continue on.

6 years ago

Day 12, this is brutal. I’m 25 and have chewed since I was 16, this is the last time I quit. As tough as it is, it will only get harder. I’m happy to be from Minnesota which charges $8.50 for a tin of Cope. I chewed two tins a week consistently and realize that this be nice having the extra $60-$80 a month! Wish me luck

6 years ago

Day 98
It seemed like I would never get to this point; only two more days to cross into triple digits.
During this journey I have experienced pretty much all the symptoms described in the list above and what others have reported.
The only thing I had not experienced was “Dip dreams”. I thought that could be possible since we spend a lot of time thinking about tobacco, but I had never dreamt about it until a couple of evenings ago. I dreamt I had a big cud in my mouth and was spitting away happily, but then i dropped the made up spitoon. The spit flew up onto a wall and left a big mess on the floor. That’s when I woke up and was glad it was only a dream. I am still quit.
Five years ago, I caved in on day 99, this time, I have no desire to use tobacco. I am done.

6 years ago

Day 96
Four more days fellows.
I crossed the stage to get a piece of paper that said I got a Master’s Degree once, that is nothing compared to a real life achievement like this. My health is much more important than anything; I learned in this lesson.
Ya’ll stay strong and see you at the FINISH/start line.

Bug Guy
Bug Guy
6 years ago
Reply to  Oz1

You’ve got this OZ1. No falling down this time, you will make it past that 99 day mark and then the 100 day mark. Stay quit and drive on!

6 years ago
Reply to  Bug Guy

Thanks Bug Guy, Hang in there, you will too cross that line soon.

6 years ago
Reply to  Oz1

How long does this anxiety last ?? I’m on day 4 and these posts scare me ! People have issues for a year after quitting !!

6 years ago
Reply to  Stevey

Dude, the anxiety attacks last as long as you learn to control them, I had never had an anxiety attack and had to learn what they were, once I recognized them I started learning how to stop them in their tracks. I wrote a while back in here, what technique I use, you may want to find your own or use mine. In any case do not let these attacks make you go back to chewing. All these symptoms go away in time, trust me, I am on day 99 and the attacks, cravings and all the other stuff are the exception and not the norm at this stage. Good Luck.

David Archibald
David Archibald
6 years ago
Reply to  Stevey

Steve, im a week behind you – quit Jan 27th. Stay strong brother.

6 years ago
Reply to  Oz1

I can’t find your 100th day comment out here…seems they are shuffled?
But congratulations on reaching HOF status. DontD be surprised within the next 20 days, things might come back again (anxiety, cravings, etc) they will not last long, maybe 2-3 days. If you remember the struggle it was to get to 100, you should have no problem fighting them off moving forward. Don’t go back. I promise you man, as a 30 year Dipper myself, there is a peaceful life without nicotine. The goal now should he 200 days. Pop in here and help others, it strengthens your quit to read the stories and remember your own struggles. But it’s rewarding to help others in need.
Take care and stay quit! Congratulations again!!

6 years ago
Reply to  JAYP

Hey JayP
I am usually quite the keyboard master, typing away and encouraging others, somehow my thinking cap is frozen, though I am not in the upper states. It is freezing up there, you all stay warm.
I am on day 102 and no inspiration for my HOF, I think I will wait until the weekend before the Big Game to finally post my stuff.
You and Chewie and some guy named Bug Guy kept me going, so I’ll make sure and mention you all.
Well, hell, if anything that’ll keep you coming in here and helping the other brothers.
Stay tuned………

6 years ago
Reply to  Oz1

Read your HOF it definitely coincides with my thoughts, experience and own demons. I printed off my 100 day journey and tucked it away. Sometimes I look thru it, less often today, but I find myself thankful I’ve stayed committed to my quit. I’m very thankful for this site and everyone who helped me along the way. It was a long journey, still is.
I’m blabbering…but agree with you, Chewie was the first person who reached out to me. If I heard nothing, not sure if I’d be quit today.
My point, 200 days free is your new goal. I can honestly say, once you get there, things begin to get easier.
Not sure if you use or used the fake stuff…I certainly do on occasion….yes, almost 5 years later. But I do not crave dip.the way I once did. You will get there too.
Stay true to yourself…you are the only person who can police you.
Proud.of you, you came back and climbed the summit….time to climb another, and give others a hand along the way!

6 years ago
Reply to  JAYP

Thanks JayP, I posted it here and refined it a little to Post it in the Hall of Fame Speeches area.
104 days done, looking forward to 200.

6 years ago

Day 95…..
Ninety five against the thousands of days spent chained to the nicotine. Today i enjoy another day of freedom with you all.
Freedom from Nicotine comes with a price, I say we can pay that price and tell ’em to keep the change.
Stay quit.!!

Trey W
Trey W
6 years ago

Been dip free for over a week now.. I’ve noticed that the nicotine gum has helped tremendously with weening off and the oral fixation

6 years ago
Reply to  Trey W

Dude, now quit the nicotine gum. Once you do that, you’ll truly be free from the addiction. Post here when you start.You can do this, you’re stronger than it.

6 years ago

Day 94
I quit with you all today.
Fight the good fight, Don’t give up.
We are bigger than this.

6 years ago

93 Days
Kill the Can!!
Stay strong.

Kyle Martell
Kyle Martell
6 years ago

Hitting the gym definitely helps.

Milk Man Kuenzi
Milk Man Kuenzi
6 years ago
Reply to  Kyle Martell

Yeah w/o the gym I wouldn’t have a chance in hell… i’m On day 2 using BACCOFF…. I weened myself from 1-2 cans a day to a can a week then went back full bore…. i’m Just keeping these baccoff cans with me and definitely not drinking around anyone who chewes that’s my downfall.

6 years ago

Day 92
This is it fellas, I am very close. Thanks for reading my crap during my cleanup days. It helped me out to post here. The countdown has begun for me, you all will be here too.
Kill the Can!!!.

Gregory Evans
Gregory Evans
6 years ago
Reply to  Oz1

Man I’m on Day 255. Day 100 is an accomplishment my friend but only the very very first step in a lifelong race. Don’t get too overconfident!

6 years ago

Day 89
One more day to start the countdown to HOF
Stay tough quitters.

Brandon Oliver
6 years ago
Reply to  Oz1

My first week was god awful. I could fight a bull if I’d wanted to. I’m going on 32 days nicotine free. And honestly, I haven’t really had any cravings as of late. Started a more holistic diet and taking supplements to clean out any remnants of addictive properties from the dip and I’ve been doing great. I wish you all the same success. My new addiction: bass fishing lures. Lol! Keep up the good fight guys

6 years ago

Quit dip 5 days ago after dipping for 4 years. Been tough and want to go get checked out. Should I be very worried?

Pat H
Pat H
6 years ago
Reply to  Max

If you have been going to the dentist regularly then you should be good. My dentist noticed stains on the backside of my teeth and asked if it was tobacco. If your guns teeth seem fine then stick to quitting and get past this. You got this.

Gregory Evans
Gregory Evans
6 years ago
Reply to  Max

Man I would say you should always get checked out if you chew tobacco and want a checkup. I’ve been to the oral surgeon 4 times for checkups. If it makes you feel better then do it. Doesn’t matter 4 years or 4 decades. Mouth diseases can pop up at any time if you aren’t diligent in recognizing the symptoms. I just stay vigilant. And stay quit!

6 years ago

Day 88
I did not post yesterday. Tough day!.
I received really bad news and wasn’t up to writing, however, instead of running back to the dip i simply continued my day.
Consciously, seems like i got it under control, subconsciously when situational triggers rear their ugly face, I am learning to deal with them.
I also seem to have a handle on the anxiety attacks that pop in. These are weird as I never had them before so I had to learn to recognize them and control them.
It seems that this thing is either properly engineered to attack you from all sides or just produces unfortunate side effects that we do not notice until we try to quit.
I wonder if the owners of these companies that produce these products know what destruction they are causing, or if anyone has pointed web sites like these for them to read what their product is doing to their customers.
I wonder if they mock our misery when we post our comments in here or somewhere else comparing symptoms and trying to help each other to stay away from their products.
How can you produce and distribute a product that is potentially lethal or at least addictive to most that use it?
How do you justify it in your mind that you are making money out of addicting people?
Here are some rough calculations.
I spent $10,000 on the last 5 years using their products, though I have been a user longer than that, I just want to focus on the last 5 year. Let’s say that other 100 guys used the same amount of tobacco like me, 1 can per day. That is about a million dollars. I do not know the exact number of users in the world, but seems like this is a very lucrative business.

Stay quit fools,

John Rowland
John Rowland
6 years ago

I’ve been Dip free for a month and nicotine free for 4 days…. I will say for me using the patch for 4 weeks helped with kicking the can. Then when I stopped the patch it was so easy because the patches dropped me to such a low dose of nicotine it wasn’t hard to do without. I recommend anyone having a hard time to try the patch and wing your self off. I dipped for 25 years 4 cans a day it worked for me.

6 years ago

Day 86
I read in one or 2 of the HOF speeches that when they got to day 100 it felt no different than any other day.
100 is just a number, you are not automatically cured, they say.
I see it as the first day of a journey living day by day and try not to count anymore after that date. While posting here though I will try to include the day number, who knows maybe that is a piece of information that someone may need some day to start their quit.
We all deal with this quit in different ways, for me, it helps me to post here.
Stay cool.

6 years ago

Here I go gonna give it my best

6 years ago
Reply to  Curtis

Did you start Curtis?

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