What To Expect When You Quit Dipping

So you want to quit dipping and you would like to know what to expect when you do. We’re not going to pull any punches around here, it’s tough. That’s why we’re all here. This timeline has been put together over the years with the input of THOUSANDS of quitters. It has been shown to be remarkably accurate from the time you STOP USING NICOTINE.
Days 1 through 3 – Pure hell. You will walk in the fog. Nothing will seem real. Your brain is wondering where the hell its fix is and it is going to punish you until you come up with it. 72 hours, that’s all you need to get the nicotine out of your system. This is where you start to deal with the physical withdrawal associated with quitting dip. Drink lots of water. Read, post, read and post. Don’t take your anger out on your loved ones. We always tell everyone………Make this quit about YOU. If you quit for your wife, girlfriend, boyfriend, kids, mommy or daddy, you will resent them during this period. Quit for yourself and come in here to rant. Yell at us. Bitch at us. We can take it. We’ve been there.
Days 4 through 20 – Here comes the mind games. The nicotine is out of your system now. You will still have some physical things to deal with.
- Cravings
- Irritability
- Insomnia
- Fatigue
- Inability to Concentrate
- Headache
- Sore throat
- Constipation, gas, stomach pain
- Dry mouth
- Sore tongue and/or gums
Yep, you have this to look forward to. Your brain is rewiring itself. It isn’t used to being in an oxygen rich environment. Your body is responding in kind. Everything is a mind game now. All the cravings you have are actually due to triggers. Triggers are events where you are in a situation you would normally dip in. Mowing the grass, playing poker online, playing golf, working on the car………you get the picture. Keep drinking water, use seeds, the fake stuff, whatever you need to keep the dip out of your mouth. Remember, oral fixation is part of our habit, something you will eventually need to break. For now though, use all the tools you have.
Days 20 – 50 – You’re winning. Life isn’t great, but you probably had a couple of nights where you actually got some sleep. You might notice you’re going to bed earlier than you normally do. Not staying up to get in that last dip. You may notice some sores in your mouth. You’re thinking, “great, I quit dipping and now I have cancer.” You almost certainly don’t. Your mouth is healing itself. Tiny ulcers you’ve had for a long time are healing. We recommend you visit your dentist around the 30 day mark. Don’t be a pansy, just do it. He or she will be very supportive and they can explain the sores much better than we can. Don’t let your guard down. Don’t go out drinking with the fellas or the girls. We also recommend that you don’t drink for at least the first 50 days. Drinking is a huge trigger event and it weakens your resolve.
Days 50 – 70 – Cruise control. Life is really good. You still think about it, but this is good stuff here. Some people may suffer anxiety attacks during or a little before this stage. Some doctors say we dipped to relieve anxiety anyway. Some people can push right through this, others need a little help. Talk to your doctor before you quit or immediately after you quit. They will know what to do. Some give Wellbutrin or Lexapro. Lots of people in the support community take or have taken these medicines and can help you with the affects. Don’t wait till you get to this stage of the game to talk to a doctor. You’ll cruise through this stage much easier if you know how to take care of the anxiety or at least know it’s coming.
Days 70 – 90 – Late term craves, the doldrums, the blahs, the blues. Some people end up feeling like they are right back at day 1. The fog, the haze, the craves. It can be a tough time. You need to let people in your group know this is happening. Time to circle the wagons to get through it. It usually only lasts a few days. Fight through this and make sure your order your HOF Knife or Coin. Here are a couple of articles about this time period which we refer to as “The Funk”
Days 90 – HOF – Houston, resume the countdown. Enjoy the hell out of these last 10 days. You will be celebrating with your group as you all enter the HOF. It is a great feeling and an accomplishment you should not take lightly. Do something special for yourself and your family. They put up with your sorry ass for the last 90 days and they deserve something too.
100+ Days – Stay vigilant. Use the tools you have, to continue beating back any cravings or urges. You will still experience dip dreams and longings, but you are fully qualified to beat them down. Continue to post roll with your group. Get into the newer groups and help somebody out. Pass it along. Live the dream.
I’m about 2 years in. And I made a terrible mistake last month. I started using the fake nicotine chew. Got about a can into it and then I got really sick from the fake nicotine chew. What I would describe as nicotine poisoning. Dizzy, shaky, racing heart, etc. Seems like they didn’t mix the can well or something and I got a highly concentrated dose of nicotine. It was terrible! Thought I was going to die! I told myself today, never again. The zero nicotine fake stuff is fine in my opinion, but beware of the nicotine fake options out there. It got me almost 2 years into my quit. This addiction is real. I’m not worried about withdrawal, as I never made it past a can of the fake nicotine chew. But mentally this addiction is still there. Any help would be much appreciated.
I got sick and now I can dip my mouth is watering and I’m not happy day 5
Day 2 no chew, I feel like I can hear colors and see sounds. Feel sluggish but surprisingly focused, go figure. I’ll take it. My lips feel odd. I can actually do this, I mean getting past one day was a big deal, half way through day 2. Focused, determined to not puss out.
oh, by the way, super pissed off at about everything, stapler didn’t work, threw it, I literally want to punch everything….normal????
We’re here for you!
Congrats I’m about six years out when I quit cold turkey three cans of dip a day for the past 15 years prior. I’ve read through this site and it seems to help people but more than likely more like my experience where if you can make it first three days it’s a cakewalk, don’t get me wrong. You will crave the hell out of dip for at least a year. The second year is more of you feel something in your pocket in your tap in it for something round. To this day I will still have a lucid dream every now and then that I have a dip in my mouth and I wake up feeling like I actually did have one in my mouth and I’m thinking oh crap am I hooked again it’s a lifelong process, but it’s well worth it and those first three days or he’ll but most of us quit because we have a fear of cancer, right? Good luck man no remedy is the same for each person, you just have to man up and mind over matter that’s all it is
Today is day 2 of quitting the chew. I have dipped the past 14 years and its time to quit the hiding, quit the lying, and quit the lip turds. The wife caught me and gave me an ultimatum, either pick the chew or pick her and my 6 month old daughter. I cried literally all day yesterday and let it be known im a cop. This is going to be a battle worth fighting. Wish me luck!
Regardless of how your quit started, congrats! No ‘luck’ necessary… you CAN do this.
Nice to see all the males in western civilization have their nuts in some womans purse somewhere. Ah, the new age feMALE.
I just cannot seem to get the ball rolling. I will go a few hours but then excuse myself with all kinds of bullcrap. Really pisses me off, and the crap part is I have no one to be pissed off at except myself. I have changed a lot of things in my life but this one thing I refuse to change. I just want 1 day at this point, just one freakin’ day with not being controlled by this punk
https://www.killthecan.org/discord <-- join us. And be prepared to get more support and ACCOUNTABILITY than you'll know what do with. You CAN do this and it sounds like you want it. Stop making excuses. You got this.
how long do you have to be off the chew before your body goes back to normal pre chew, ive heard 3 to 5 years
Depends on what you’re meaning when you say ‘normal’. If you mean how long will withdrawal last the timeline on this page is pretty accurate. If you’re talking how long before you’re metabolically like a non-dipper, yes, you’re in that 3-5 year range.
This article was modified from an article for smokers, but it’ll show you some of what you’re looking for (I think)
been off the chew now 6 years,have not touched it..one thing i learned you cant play with it you have to quit and never touch it again.i know i tried quiting every way you can think of and failed, until i just quit with the help of my wife too have not had one is 6 years now. now its funny i dont miss it at all anymore
Congrats on 6 years of freedom – well done!
I’ve been quit for 4 years. Good luck everyone.
good job DDD. Jayp and myself are at 8 years. Wow. How is shiva?
I am doing good Jeff. Hope all is well at your end. Will be completing 4 years in 4 months from now.
Thanks JeffJ, hope you and the family doing well and also congrats on your 8 years. How’s the classic car running?, last time we heard you’d finish working on it.
Hope JayP is doing well too.
Bravo DDD! Massive accomplishment! Honored to be quit with you.
Thx Chewie, couldn’t have done it without yous guys.
Awesome DDD. Congrats on the terrific milestone. It’s an honour to quit with you
Thanks Shiva, you’re trucking right behind me. I hope the newbies read these things and give them hope to continue.
Great Job DDD! Its crazy to look back and think how longs it’s been since I’ve had nicotine. I’m sure it’s the same for you. It’s like it’s something from the past now. You keep at it, at this point I’m sure you need no motivation. It’s all on you to just look at it as something of the past.
Have a great week, good to hear from you and Congratulations!
8 years and over 3 months Free
JayP great to hear from you. Yes, the Nicotine and all that garbage is now part of the past. Like you say, weird, as if it was a different life. Looking back though, that was a mighty battle day after day we endured. I pictured ourselves as mighty warriors going to the battlefield and fighting all day long, then come home and continue the battle. Day and night the Nic adversary attacking from every angle at any moment and having no mercy if we made any wrong movement. Shiva and I experienced that, we got defeated, but you and JeffJ kept swinging them swords and shielding them attacks. When we got our wind back and saw that you guys were still kicking ass, we picked up our weapons (Kill The Can) and joined the front line. There was no judging, it was more like welcome back, here, take my hand and get up, dust yourself off, dam good to see you back on your feet, and away we went. 4 years later (8 for ya’ll) that fight was worth it.
301 days over today since my last dip. Occasionally getting dipping thoughts, but successfully overcame so far.
Congratulations on 300+ days of freedom – AMAZING accomplishment!
How about this story. Couple weeks ago I got Covid and Dip tasted terrible. Used the opportunity quit a 10 year habit. First three days, I had terrible headaches, don’t know if it was the Covid, withdraws or both. After I recovered from Covid the craving to dip again pops up, but it is something I am currently handling.
Hello beautiful fellow humans,
35 days since last dip. First time decided to quit after dipping for 5 years in 2017. I would say it was successful and it was going great but unfortunately due to loneliness, got used to of chewing tobacco Beetle and to quit that again after 3 months, started dipping again and fell in the never ending trap. Now , last month I decided to quit again, though, Nothing was planned, I just threw the last pack out of my house and confessed to my girlfriend everything. Since then, not even a single dip. Now I have decided, even if someone force me to dip on gun point, I would rather prefer the bullet. Let’s do this 💪
Congrats on a GREAT decision to quit as well as a TREMENDOUS start to your journey! Honored to be quit with you today!
I just failed a 4 day impromptu quit. I have another addition that has less of a grip on me (porn/nofap) would it be wise to try back in a month after I have made arrangements to have more fake dip and something to invest my time in instead of just having idle hands every sunday. I have been in the habit of writing my goals down and working toward them and every time I quit I try to do everything at once and then get upset with myself for not being a new man over night.
I think it might be best to build my confidence by quitting porn for a month and buy some fake dip in the meantime. Maybe even get a side hustle and a gym membership to kill time on sundays. But I am not sure if this is me being a quitter and rationalizing keeping on it.
Hate to say it… but yes… this is you rationalizing your continued use of nicotine.
256 days over!!! Occassional cravings are coming up. But defenitely not like first few days. This is after 30 years since i dip first.
Congratulations Ram – AWESOME accomplishment!
I was a 20+ dipper and up to 2 and 3 cans a day of Copenhagen at times. Quit cold turkey 5 years ago. After the first 3 months things got a lot easier. I did Smokey mountain as well but haven’t touched that either in years.
it’s a tough habit to quit but keep up the fight it’s well worth it.
of course there are times I wish I could have a dip but I know that would turn bad so keep trucking forward.
Quite inspirational. Im on my 2nd day of quitting a 20+ year 1-2 can a day habit. Thanks for sharing.
10 days down without a dip. 104 days without a drink of alcohol
Congratulations on both milestones – both are HUGE!
6 years I quit drinking, 8 days I quit dipping.
Congratulations on both Tim!
Thank you! Side effects is kicking my butt
It’s been almost 9 months still hard but I’m doing it
Four days ago I didn’t have any cash in my pocket. I needed a can of snuff, and I was half in the bag from day drinking with the group. I went home. Spent the next day hungover and no chew. Decided I was quitting…..Somehow today is worse than that day….
Yep… days 3,4 and 5 can be some of the worst. That’s because the nicotine is 100% out of your body after 72 hours (3 days) and it’s PISSED. Get involved with our support community – https://www.killthecan.org/discord/ – its the best place on the web to get support and questions answered from people who know what you’re going through. Hang in there!
Made it through week one today, that was one rough week. Today is day 8 and so far my best day yet. Still have major cravings but the headaches are gone hopefully. Still can’t sleep much and I understand the fog now and had some pretty weird dreams. Had to fill up with gas the other day and just stared at the station debating what to do, it should not have been a tough decision but it was. I smiled when I looked in the rear view mirror and hadn’t went inside, I think after 40+ years of this that was my moment where it just seemed right. Sorry rambling on, thanks for this site and all everyone does.
This is my first time to post. I just found this site. I’ve been dipped for 20+ years and I recently had some heart problems. I decided to quit cold turkey. I’m 12 days in and I think it’s getting harder to fight running to the gas station for a can.
Congrats on 12 days of freedom! Get hooked up with our Discord server ASAP! https://www.killthecan.org/discord/
Been a long, long time since I posted. I just crossed 8 years nicotine free, on July 15th 2022. I was almost a 30 year dipper. Thanks to the support of this site and my family, I got away from this shit, for good.
But I won’t lie, I do have the occasional pinch from a Smokey Mountain (2-3 times a month), but it doesn’t ever make me want to return to the thing that had control obere all those years
New guys, start counting the days and posting here to rant with others.
100 day guys and above, encourage these new quitters to stay on path.
Veterans come back and visit occasionally to let these others know you have still conquered your demon.
Good luck and remember…
“This Too… Shall Pass” (my motto through the quit)
Quit 7-15-14
Been a long time for me also. August 14 is my eighth year since I quit cold turkey from Copenhagen. I was behind jayp, DDD, shiva, Rick. But we kept each other going, yes it’s hard and yes you can do it, just stick with it and each day without a dip is a victory.
I don’t even think about it anymore, my life without a dip is better then when I needed a dip
new guys, don’t give up… as we all say.. it’s hard. It sucks.. I embraced the suck and never gave up
Congratulations on your 8 years JayP and JeffJ, I am 2 months away from 4 years myself.
Like ya’ll, I am rarely in here anymore, but in the beginning, I was here almost everyday. It sure helped to read the stories of others and share my own while going through my cleanse.
25+ years of dipping against 4 years clean seem overwhelming time wise, but it makes a world of difference once you are off of it.
While going through my early days of the quit I would wonder how “normal” life would be without tobacco, well, here I am. Life still happens and it rolls simply without tobacco. Every once in a long while, I still get a mild crave, but fades away quickly. It is hard to explain until you live it, hence the response from other brothers when I would ask them, how is life without tobacco after a few years?. My answer now it would be, just live it. Keep going one day at a time and when you get a major craving think like our group did, “this too shall pass”.
Be strong fellows.
That’s awesome JayP. Congrats on the 8 year mark to You as well as Jeff. Congrats to you in advance as well DDD. You guys were my lifeline. I am still going strong , now a little more than 3.5 years. I have been very quiet for more than a year now. Covid hit us very hard and lost a close family member. Was down with personally more than twice. Life goes on.
All I can say is that, never once in my darkest days I felt any craving to smoke or chew. In fact, it never even came to my thought. Glad I am out of it. Newbies, this is for you. Don’t be scared thinking how you will handle life’s curve balls without nicotine. You will handle lot better without nicotine than with it. If you are still contemplating, just take the plunge. I can assure you it’s well worth it.
Until again, see you fellas.
Hey Shiva, sorry for your loss, I think we all lost someone or went through a very rough patch during these trying times. On the other hand, it is good to hear from you. As you can see JayP, JeffJ and I really don’t hang out here like we used to, remember? we were here everyday during the first days encouraging each other and all the others that started out with us.
Again, great to hear you are still quit, hang in there.
Regards to all.
Sincerely, DDD
Shiva, DDD, Jayp
always good to hear from the old gang.. shiva, hang in there man..Covid was a butt kicker.
it’s been 8 years.. hard to believe, and I am glad that you shiva, DDD and jayp helped me kick the shit out of the nic bitch. I owe you guys a big thanks. I want to do a round of golf with you guys on my 10th year
Good to see all you commenting out here Congratulations on 8 years Jeff
Glad you all stayed committed. I’dd be down to do a round of golf with all of you. Not sure how we could do that being scattered in this country
Hope you all are well!
Jayp. Simple. Southern ca in January when it’s a nice 70 degrees. That will get you out of the frozen tundra for a weekend. Haha
😂 I might take you up on that Jeff 👍
That sounds pretty good to me. In Texas we have about 2 days of winter though.
232 days over. Once a while thought of chewing comes up. But defenitely not like those deadly tough days.
Keep going, you’re almost a year done.
Day 1!
Way to go Dan! Congrats on a great decision! Would strongly suggest you join our DISCORD server if you haven’t yet – https://www.killthecan.org/discord/
Tomorrow is day 10 and it’s been amazing. Not sure how its been so easy this time around. Truly done with it!
Congrats on 10 days of freedom!
tried quitting before after 18 years. day 9 and I want to strangle a puppy. Stay strong brothers.
HANG IN THERE!!! You’re past double digits now… how you doing?
Today marks day 3 for me. Only slept for 3 hours. I don’t feel as bad as I did on day 1 but man does this suck! It’s times like these where you finally realize just how annoying and gay some people can be
it’s the nicotine rage, it’s not that the world is suddenly more annoying. It will pass. I’m at day 23 now and it’s already much much better, but some days I might still get cranky.
In a day or 2 it will get much better for you. Keep it up!
It’s 180 days over today! Been a long journey without tobacco..Now too once a while, mind is requesting for a one time dip!! Avoiding…How do you guys felt after 6 months of freedom?
Hey guys I am on day 5 and the cravings are hitting me hard but it’s not hard to manage those. what I am worried about and what is getting me is that I have an insanely big deadline coming due at work that not only affects my career but also REALLY impacts my coworker’s career. I can deal with the personal suffering of quitting but I am in the fog. I can’t focus, I can’t think, I can barely even bring myself to go into the office because of the fog. I want to quit and stay quit but I am super worried about how the withdrawal if impact my ability to perform and that my lack of focus and quality work could devastate my colleague’s career. I don’t want to use this deadline as an excuse to keep cramming the shit in my lip but part of me also thinks that I should put off my quit until after this project is done so that my addiction doesn’t negatively impact other people’s careers. But I worry that I will get trapped in a cycle of well this is just a bad time to quit let’s wait till after the next big milestone and then I just never quit because I always have a reason not to go through withdrawal.
Ultimately you have to do what’s right for you.
But I will say this… there will ALWAYS be another project, deadline, life stress. Always.
If you think you’re making an excuse… you’re probably making an excuse.
No Tim, These are just excuses, believe me. I have just crossed 155 days of my quit and i have undergone the same phase like how you are in right now. Its just an mind game and you must have strength to overcome this. Whenever dipping thoughts comes in try to jump to another thought . Tough but certainly possible. NEVER GIVE UP MY FRIEND. You are in right track
How did this go? Did you give in? Or did you make the deadline without falling in its trap?
153 days since I quit. Even now once a while getting deep craving. But sustaining so far. Will hit 200 days and come back to Forum.
Hey fellas! I looked on the calendar today and it’s been 33 months since I quit dipping. Dont miss it dont even think about it.. I dipped a can and half a dat for two decades. my trick was knowing every day was a success, progress towards a better life.. i work out 4 days a week, i eat better, I’m reading more.. Crazy how quitting a habit forces you to look at what else can you do to distract your mind from a craving.. started mediating.. its worth it and just know that it gets harder and harder and harder and then easier easier and then you think about it and go FREAKING gross with the spit bottles, the breath, ugh throw up! the heart burn, fear of a stroke, or cancer.. or looking like crap after surgery.. for me, cinnamon gum and lemon drops were king.. get the good lemon drops, the old fashioned ones
2 days in after 19 years, have quit on and off before. This time I determined to quit for good! Filling down time and when I am bored has already been struggle!
Made it a month! Still using Smokey Mountain pouches but nicotine free!!!
That. Is. A. WIN!!!
Keep it going!
Coming up on 6 months dip/nicotine free, no longer using daily substitutes. I do keep Grinds around for the occasional craving. So glad I quit, wife is now pregnant with our first child! Great year.
For everyone trying to quit do it for yourself, I rationalized not quitting for years. Now I cannot believe I ever but myself at risk with this disgusting habit.
Awesome ! keep after it ! I’m at 3 years a little later this month .
I don’t miss a bit of it and you won’t either
Almost a year, haven’t thought about using in months…the only question now is WHY DID I EVER START! haha
I’m quitting for the 2nd time. This one is a little rougher than the first time. I’m 6 hours in and I have the shaky hands. I’m going to do it. I hate relying on this stuff. I need to quit. I’m going to be the crazy one posting in here for the next 60 hours, so I apologize in advance.
Welcome and congrats on a great decision. Get into our Discord server – TONS of chatter 24/7 in there! https://www.killthecan.org/discord/
I’ve been through the quitting gamut lately. Alcohol and now this. I am tired of being hooked on things that harm me. It’s over.
Congrats on another great decision to take back your health!
One year and two months quit. The only thing I deal with now are still some cravings. I used tobacco for over 20 years. I smoked cigs, cigars, dipped and even used snus. I really liked using tobacco, my favorite was dip. Skoal wintergreen. All that being said, I quit because enough was enough and it was starting to affect my health and I could feel it. I don’t go back for 2 reasons. The first is I will never go through the quit process again, never! It sucked! Thus, if I go back I’m going to use tobacco until I’m dead, it will kill me. And I’m not willing to accept that. The second reason to stay quit is freedom from the can. Getting off the nicotine treadmill, where you have to use to stay mentally/emotionally stable, it’s awesome to be free of that. I no longer need nicotine. Quiting is worth it. You are worth it. You can do this. Stay quit. Kill the can!
Im 28 hours in after vaping/chewing for 9 years, really want this one to work, just sucks not doing something you enjoy even if its unhealthy.
Hi Chris. Congratulations on your first step to being NIC free! Day 25 for me. I highly recommend you join the Discord group/app. It’s great motivation and support from other quitters. I’ve tried countless failed attempts to quit until I found and joined KTC on Discord.
Hello quitters, just popping in to share a little insight from the economic perspective. After 3.5 years of being quit, i calculated my savings to be $10,000+.
For 30 years I freely exchanged my money with those tobacco companies for their nasty product, but it is over. I thank God I did not get sick and I am moving on. Keep up the good work troops, this battle you have to win.
Today is 1 year quit after 16 years of can+ a day habit. Quitting absolutely sucked. One of the worst experiences I’ve been thru those first few weeks. I’m sure glad I did it tho and encourage anyone who’s thinking about it to throw your can away and start your process today.
Congrats on a year of freedom! Way to go Dustin!
Congratulations on your first year, keep going, get to 1000 days.
Day 4 in the books. After 30 years, just didn’t think it was possible. Life insurance & LTC med exam next week so no way I am screwing this up. Cold Turkey and pure perseverance! Thanks to ALL who have posted, had no idea how helpful it would be.
7 years free today. After 25 years hooked… it seems unbelievable. Thank you to anyone who has ever posted. Special thanks to Chewie, JayP, DDD and all the others… seriously, never would have been able to quit with out all of you. For anyone just starting your quit, don’t ever go back to day one. You CAN do it. Peace.
Congrats on 7 YEARS of freedom Franco! Honored to be quit with you today!
Congratulations bud, I can’t believe it’s been that long. jayP and Jeffj also completed their 7 years, I am behind you guys with almost 4 years. We all get too busy to post here these days, but it’s good to hear when a pro pops in and encourages the new crew. Kill the Can!!!
august 2014 seemed so long ago since my quit… I have not even thought about Copenhagen at all. You did it too man, a double fight. Good job. Jayp I am sure is doing well.
anyways. Been awhile since I have been on here with work, kid graduation.. I will brag. She got her masters from Perdue university. Glad I quit so many years ago.. to all you rookies. Keep up the fight. Don’t give up… don’t let the nic bitch slow you down
Jeff so glad to hear from you. Awesome to hear about your daughter, sure is a great accomplishment. I heard briefly from JayP, but Shiva has been missing in action for a while, hope he is doing well. Your car turned out pretty nice. I hope you are enjoying it. Take care bud.
Yey!!!! 100 days over yesterday! Am really happy to announce that KTC really helped me a lot to get this shitty habit end. A lot of testimonials, experiences, advice and solutions are ready to read when a craving sets. I dont want to lie if i say am completely get this thing out of mind, Many a times feel like going back to dipping world. But its all mind game, SO far, am happy to come out of it for 100 days . Many thanks to Chewie. Cheers.
Congratulations on 100 days of freedom!
As you say, you’re not ‘cured’ but this is CERTAINLY a milestone to be celebrated – BRAVO!
I am on day 13 today and I am hating it. First three days were certainly the worst. I laid in bed for three straight so I wouldn’t over-react or lash out at anyone. For the past 10 days, I wake up in the morning and my mouth demands dip – first thing I think of when I wake up and last thing I think of before bed. I have been eating a ton of apples and drinking lots of water. I am going “cold turkey” as I’ve tried other ways before, but for me, enough is enough and I will continue to test my willpower. Stay strong everyone and thanks for this message board!
Yes… the two week mark can be difficult. https://www.killthecan.org/2-week-weakness/ Push on through and keep fighting… you’re about to turn a corner. Drink lots of water, get out and walk / run. ENAGE with your quit – you got this. https://www.killthecan.org/discord/
I have been clean for 7 days. Done this before for life insurance but doing it for real this time. First time missed a few night sleep that’s it. This time no sleep, headaches, dullness, wornout. I feel so bad I don’t even want a dip. But ready for this to go away. I was dipping all day long 7 days ago.
Congratulations on your first WEEK of freedom Patrick!
Day 5 here. I need encouragement…please help
Welcome! We can’t quit for you, but we certainly can answer questions and offer more support than you know what to do with. Get involved in our DISCORD server… congrats on a week of quit! https://www.killthecan.org/discord/
Hey Tee, hope you made it to the second week.
Hang in there, Tee….first week is the toughest but after that, it gets better every day. You got this, my friend, and keep your eye on the prize. I’ve been tobacco free for 4+ years and can’t be happier. Before you know it, you will be too!
90 days over today! Am wondering how could i do it initially. That thought of ” You can just have one” comes all over mind once a while, especially in evenings.. Is it normal? How did successful quitters got over that?
Congrats on 90 days!
Yes, these thoughts are 100% normal. But here’s the thing… there is NO SUCH THING as ONE DIP to an addict. Keep pushing forward.
So I’m a year in. I’m dealing with temptations, not cravings, but those thoughts that say “you can just have one”. I’ve been using the Black Buffalo Zero (nic free) and it’s great. But I’ve been using about half a can a day. Especially as I’ve been confronted with these temptations. They aren’t cravings so much but a temptation to just have that one dip. Anyone else experienced this? And can I use Black Buffalo Zero long term? Because it seems like I sort of need it to avoid the can of real stuff at this point. The ritual of dipping hasn’t gone away. Even though the chemical dependency on nicotine has. That make sense?
I’m in exactly the same place. Feb 17,2021 was my last dip. I would love to have just a taste, but since it is my third run at quitting, I know it’s 1 then another and another and before I know it I’m back to a full habit. Let’s agree to hang strong! We’ve beaten the toughest part and it’s down hill from here. We can do this!!! Btw. I’m hooked on cloves now🤤.
MUCH better cloves than tobacco! Keep it going!
Thanks TvEduk8r. Glad to be quit with you today. Yes, let’s keep going indeed.
Do cloves have nicotine?
Honestly, I always thought the answer was NO.
After doing some research, turns out the answer is YES.
“The nicotine content of a popular clove cigarette (Djarum Special) filler averaged 7.4 mg; conventional cigarettes contained 13.0 mg. However, smoke yields from standardized machine-smoking analysis indicated it delivered more nicotine, carbon monoxide (CO), and tar than conventional cigarettes.”
What I don’t know is how the OG poster is using cloves. The spice clove, in and of itself, does NOT contain nicotine.
Doug, I think I know exactly what you mean. I dipped continuously for 33 years (since 8th grade), then quit and took up the “fake chew.” It made my quit fairly tolerable. After a year or so of the fake chew, I began to realize the negative health effects it was having on me, and that basically I was still “addicted” to “chewing.” What I mean is, I didn’t crave nicotine itself any longer, so it seemed, but I certainly could NOT go even a few hours without a pinch of the fake stuff. I had addressed the chemical fairly well it seemed, but I had not even started dealing with the very real (at least for me) oral fixation part of it. What happened next astonished me (still does).
I swore off the fake chew and basically entered into an entirely new period of quitting — I craved the fake stuff seemingly just like I used to crave the real stuff. I wished I had not used the fake stuff and had gone cold turkey in the first place because now it felt like I had to go through 2 quits… and at the time it seemed even harder than the first. I eventually couldn’t hack it and got right back into dipping several cans of Grizzly every week. That was about 4 years ago. If I had to do it all over again, I would have quit and never used any type of oral fixation device. Rip the band-aid off 1 time, so to speak.
Which is exactly where I am today. I quit cold turkey the morning of 29 Dec 2021, so I’m at 89 days. I chew half pieces of trident bubble gum at work but that’s it. I’m still craving nicotine but it is manageable and I just need to keep reminding myself of the “why.”
So, heads up… if and when you stop using the fake chew, if you’re like me, you might have some fairly intense withdrawals/anxiety to deal with. Prepare ahead of time for it, take it very seriously, so it doesn’t blind side you like it did me.
I didn’t start using the fake until well into my quit, probably the 6 month mark. I use the fake to keep from “relapsing” (getting a can of the real stuff). I’m around 14 months now. And I don’t have a chemical dependency on nicotine anymore. But I still get “cravings” or a strong desire to dip. That is why I still use the fake dip. I’m not sure I could stay off the real stuff long term without the fake dip. I fell in love with Black Buffalo Zero. Not sure how long I will use it. But given that it doesn’t have nicotine, I can’t imagine withdrawing from like the real stuff. They have nicotine laced verions, is that what you were using?
83 days over!! Yes, “The Funk” is on now. Cravings started. Holding to touch HOF in 17 days!!!!!…
1 year (365) today. Texas Independence Day. Freedom from the can is awesome! Everyone out there who is new or recently quit. It does get better. Took me about 9 months for most of the quit symptoms to go away. Fog, cravings and anxiety lingered. But now at 1 year I basically feel back to normal, only I’m living a new normal free of nicotine. Something which I haven’t experienced since I was a teenager, 20 plus years ago. Keep going. You got this. It’s well worth whatever pain your going through.
Congrats Doug!! You are inspiring to me . Am completing 70 days today. As i could see from your message, it may take some more time for me to get away from most of cravings, I guess. But am confident to celebrate like you on Dec 22, 2022..
This is amazing – congratulations on a DIP FREE YEAR Doug – honored to be quit with you!
2 months over as of today. Craving is lot reduced but not gone. Also, since last 3 days free from Alcohol too. Taken strong measure to keep both away from Nicotine and alcohol. Alcohol certainly triggers dip craving!!
Congrats on two months – that’s awesome! And you’re VERY right… alcohol will absolutely triggers those cravings early on.
My husband quit last night cold turkey out of nowhere! Awesome news but also we are low on alternatives (only have a few old coffee pouches). Any advice on how I can support him in these first few days?
That’s tremendous – he’s very luck to have you in his corner. I’d suggest he join our Discord server – the best place to get questions answered and support from fellow quitters. https://www.killthecan.org/discord/
You also many want to check out our Spousal Support page: https://www.killthecan.org/community/spousal-support/
Look into outlaw dips fake dip. Tobacco and nicotine free. Closest stuff to the real thing out there.
In 6 days I will be one year free of nicotine. All I can say is “thank you” to all of you who have helped
me get here. It has been rough at moments, but you all have helped
me make it past my weak times. I was addicted for 47 years and I’ve made
it out. If you are considering quitting, listen to the guys on this site. I’m going to make it because of them! Thanks! I rely on you all, and I’m grateful for all your help. It is possible to break the habit and stay off nicotine. Don’t give up! You can do it. I’m proof.
I have been trying to quit for a few years now and fail each time. Always an excuse, stressful life or no stress feeling good. Been carrying around a can of fake stuff but rarely think to use it. Went to this site today looking for inspiration. Your story is great, thanks for sharing. I turned to dip to quit smoking 35 years ago and wish i never did that. Chew is extremely addicting and messes with my life. Quit drinking 38 years ago, that was a piece of cake compared to this. I will keep reading this site for ideas and inspirations.
Hey Frank,
I won’t make this a long, drawn out response, but seeing your comment, reminded me a little of myself, 7, soon to be 8 years ago, when I quit.
Hardest thing I did was quit the almost 30 year habit. I think I first started dipping with Grandpa when I was only 10 years old! I’m sure he didn’t think it was highly addictive, but it is. All I can tell you is it will ultimately come down to you and only you when you quit. You will know when it’s time. You will be the one who keeps you honest. You, will do it for you and no one else.
Fake dip is a wonderful tool, I still use it on occasion (not very often) even today. If I feel like having a dip, it’s a fake, non-nicotine one. I do not tell myself no with those. What I say no to, is anything that contains nicotine. This July will be 8 years clean from that shit. It was honestly the best choice I ever made and cannot believe that didn’t do it earlier.
Good luck, I hope you use this site, it was a God send for my quit!
Celebrating 50 days of freedom today!! Many thanks to KTC and especially Chewie!
Determined to take it to 100 days!! Cheers
You can do this. I’m nearly 365 days and there are moments of weakness, but we can all tell you, it’s worth the struggle to be free of nicotine. You can do this!
Thanks Doug. Today 57 days over. Now getting craving a bit more. Yesterday had Dip dream too. Not easy as you said. But keeping my determination on.